Dry goods | summary of windows security foundation and common commands



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Content overview

Common directories in windows

C:\Users\supermage\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup             //User boot program
C:\Windows                              //Installation directory of the system
C:\Windows\System32                     //System profile
C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM          //The SAM file in this directory stores the user's login account and password. To clear the account and password, you need to enter the PE system and delete this file. The corresponding system process is lsass exe
C:\PerfLogs                             //System log file

Common cmd commands

#system information 
 CHCP 65001                              Modify font code as UTF-8
    systeminfo                           View system information
    hostname                             View host name
    SET                                  View environment variables
    color                                change cmd colour
    cls                                  Clear screen
    runas /user:administrator cmd        Switch administrator
    ipconfig /all                        Display full network information
    ping -t  -l  65500  ip               Of death ping
    ipconfig    /release                 release ip
    ipconfig    /renew                   Regain ip
    ipconfig    /flushdns                Refresh DNS cache
    ipconfig   /displaydns               display DNS Resolver cache content
    route print                          Print routing information
    arp -a                               see arp cache
    net view                             View other computer names in the LAN
    netsh firewall show state            Firewall status
    netsh firewall show config           Firewall rules
    net config workstation                View current login user
    whoami                                See which user I am
    net user                              See who the users are
    net user supermage                    View user supermage Information about
    net localgroup                        View group
    net localgroup administrators         View group administrators Information about
    net user  hack   123  /add            Create a new user hackļ¼ŒThe password is 123
    net user  hack$  123  /add            Create a new hidden hack User, password 123
    net user  hack   /del                 delete user hack
    net localgroup  administrators  hack  /add   Ordinary users hack Raise authority to administrator
    net user  guest  /active:yes          activation guest user
    net user  guest  /active:no           close guest user
    net password   password                   Change the current login user password of the system
    net user guest password                   change guest User password
#Port process service
    tasklist                             View process
    tasklist  /svc                       View the process and display the process subject name
    netstat  -ano                        View system open ports
    netstat  -ano|findstr 80             View the corresponding of port 80 PID
    tasklist | findstr 80                View the process corresponding to port 80
    taskkill /f /t /im xx.exe            kill xx.exe process
    taskkill /F -pid 520                 kill pid Process for 520
    net start                            View which services are enabled
    net start telnet                     open telnet service
    net stop  telnet                     stop it telnet service
    start   www.baidu.com                Open URL
    net use                               View connections
    net share                             View locally opened shares
    net share ipc$                        open ipc$share
    net share ipc$ /del                   delete ipc$share
    net share c$ /del                     delete C Disk sharing
    net use \\\ipc$ /u:"" ""     And establish ipc Empty connection
    net use \\      /u:"" ""     And establish ipc Empty connection, OK ipc$Remove
    net use \\ /u:"administrator" "root"   with administrator Identity and establish ipc connect
    net use \\ /del              delete ipc connect
    net use \\\c$  /u:"administrator" "root"    establish C Disk sharing
    dir \\\c$                  View Disk file
    dir \\\c$\user             View Under disk file user catalogue
    dir \\\c$\user\test.exe    View Under disk file user Under directory test.exe file
    net use \\\c$  /del        Delete the C Disk sharing connection
    net use k: \\\c$  /u:"administrator" "root"    Target C Disk mapping to local K disc
    net use k: /del                                             Delete the mapping
#File operation
    echo  hello,word > 1.txt              Xiang 1.txt Write in hello,word
    echo  hello,word >>1.txt              Xiang 1.txt Add in hello,word
    del                                   Delete a file
    deltree                               Delete the folder and all subfolders and files below it
    ren 1.txt  2.txt                      Will 1.txt Rename to 2.txt
    type  1.txt                           View 1.txt Contents of the document
    md                                    Create a folder
    rd                                    Delete a folder
    move  1.txt  d:/                      Will 1.txt Move files to d Under disc
   123.txt  edit                          Open 123.txt file(Editable)
    dir c:\                               see C Files on disk
    dir c:\ /A                            see C All files on the disk, including hidden files
    dir c:\ /S                            see C Files under disk and its subfolders
    dir c:\ /B                            Show only C File name under disk
    shutdown -s -t 60 -c  "Your computer is hacked "  -s Shut down -r restart -a cancel
    reg save  hklm\sam  sam.hive
    reg save  hklm\system  system.hive
    These two files are windows The user account database, login name, password and other relevant information of all users will be saved in the file. These two commands are to obtain windows Administrator's hash value

The bitsadmin command uses

bitsadmin is a tool of Windows Background Intelligent transmission service. It is used to automatically update windows and download patches. Usage format

bitsadmin /transfer Task name remote file URL  Local path
 For example:
bitsadmin /transfer job1 http://files.cnblogs.com/files/gayhub/bcn.js d:\bcn.bat / / the task name can be used arbitrarily, but the path must exist, otherwise it cannot be downloaded
bitsadmin /list     // View current tasks
bitsadmin /rawreturn /transfer job1 http://files.cnblogs.com/files/gayhub/bcn.js d:\bcn.bat / / no progress is displayed. Download silently

After the download is completed, the following is displayed:

Set priority. By default, the download speed of bitsadmin is extremely slow. When downloading large files, you need to set the priority to speed up. By default, it is high to low: foreround, high, normal, or low. The following is an example of usage:

bitsadmin /setpriority job1 foreground

Multiple commands

bitsadmin /create job         #Create task
bitsadmin /addfile job http://files.cnblogs.com/files/gayhub/bcn.js d:\bcn.bat # add file to task
bitsadmin /resume job         #Activate task
bitsadmin /info job /verbose  #Displays summary information for the job. Use the / verbose parameter to provide details about the job
bitsadmin /complete job       #Complete this download task
bitsadmin  /Cancel job        #Cancel a task

Bitsadmin feature bitsadmin can download files when the network is unstable. Errors will be retried automatically. The reliability should be quite good. Bitsadmin can follow the URL to jump Bitsadmin is not used to Download HTML pages like CURL WGET.

certutil use

certutil can be used to manage certificates in windows. Using this program, various functions related to certificate storage can be installed, backed up, deleted, managed and executed in windows. One of its features is the ability to download certificates or other files from remote URLs. Syntax format

certutil -urlcache -split -f URL [Save path] //If no path is specified, it will be saved in the current directory
 such as
certutil -urlcache -split -f https://imgchr.com/i/1qLaNt

The command execution is completed as follows

Registry in windows

The registry is an important database in Microsoft Windows, which is used to store the configuration information of systems and applications. You can quickly enter the registry for editing by running regedit.

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT manages the file system. According to the extension of the application installed in windows, the root key indicates the name of its file type, the program to be called to open the file, and so on.
  • HEKY_CURRENT_USER manages the current user information of the system. In this root key, the currently logged in user information stored in the local computer is saved, including the user login user name and temporary password.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE manages the current system hardware configuration. The local computer hardware configuration data is saved in this root key, and the subkeywords under this root key are included in system Dat is used to provide HKEY_ LOCAL_ The information required by machine, or in a set of keys accessible from a remote computer.
  • HKEY_USERS manages the user information of the system. In this root key, the user ID and password list stored in the local computer password list are saved. At the same time, the preconfigured information of each user is stored in HKEY_USERS is in the root key. HKEY_USERS is one of the root keys for access in the remote computer.
  • HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG manages the system configuration of the current user. In this root key, the data defining the desktop configuration of the current user and the list of documents used by the user are saved.

Processes in windows

windows search includes system processes and program processes, which can be viewed through the task manager. The system process with the user name system

Common process meanings
conime.exe:    The system process related to the input method editor can ensure the normal adjustment and editing of the input method in the system

csrss.exe:     The process is a Microsoft client/The server-side runtime subsystem is used for management windows Drawing related tasks

ctfmon.exe:    The process is related to the input method. The normal operation of the process can ensure that the language bar can be displayed normally in the taskbar

explorer.exe: The process is windows Resource manager, can be said to be windows Graphical interface shell, the normal operation of the process can ensure that the desktop icon and taskbar are displayed on the desktop

lsass.exe:     This is for windows Security mechanism, local security and login policy of operating system

services.exe: This process is used to start and stop services in the system. If the user manually terminates the process, the system will restart the process

smss.exe:      This process is used to call the dialogue management subsystem, which is responsible for the dialogue between the user and the operating system

svchost.exe:   This is done from the dynamic link library(DLL)The common host process name of the service running in. If the user manually terminates the process, the system will restart the process

system:        The process is windows Page memory management process, which can ensure the normal startup of the system

system idle process: The function of this process is CPU When idle, issue a command to make CPU Suspend to effectively reduce CPU Core temperature

winlogon.exe: The process is Windows NT User login program is mainly used to manage user login and exit.

Added by biohazardep on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 16:28:58 +0200