Dynamic cursors can traverse dynamic tables,
TYPE cursor TYPE IS REF CURSOR; -- define a dynamic cursor Cursor type of game name;
If the data of the query table is different and dynamic, dynamic cursors can be used.
It should be noted that the definition of dynamic cursors,
In normal stored procedures: the first line after is is is needed.
Dynamic cursors are used in the form of: open cursor for string, traversal.
create or replace procedure P_TEST_SQL is TYPE ref_cursor_type IS REF CURSOR; --Define a dynamic cursor tablename varchar2(200) default 'ess_client'; v_sql varchar2(1000); mobile varchar2(15); usrs ref_cursor_type; begin --Use connectors to make a complete line SQL v_sql := 'select usrmsisdn from '||tablename||' where rownum < 11'; --Open cursor open usrs for v_sql ; loop fetch usrs into mobile; exit when usrs%notfound; insert into tmp(usrmsisdn) values(mobile); end loop; close usrs; commit; end P_TEST_SQL;
Here is an example
create or replace procedure DDGZ1--Order tracking ( P_flag varchar,--Order type P_operate varchar,--Operation type P_BH varchar --Incoming number ID ) is TYPE ref_cursor_type IS REF CURSOR; v_cur_CKD ref_cursor_type; begin open v_cur_CKD for 'select v_ERP,v_DRP,v_jxsmc,v_jxs,v_DWMC,v_czr,v_jlsj from tmp_DDGZ1'; fetch v_cur_CKD into v_ERP,v_DRP,v_jxsmc,v_jxs,v_DWMC,v_czr,v_jzsj; while v_cur_CKD%found loop insert into DRPDDGZJL2 (JLID,DRP,ERP,JXS,JXSMC,JLSJ,GZJL,CZR,BHID) values(SYS_GUID(),v_drp,v_erp,v_jxs,v_jxsmc,v_jzsj,v_DWMC||'Consigned finished goods warehouse receives orders and organizes shipment',v_CZR,'Outbound order'||P_BH); fetch v_cur_CKD into v_ERP,v_DRP,v_jxsmc,v_jxs,v_DWMC,v_czr,v_jzsj; end loop; close v_cur_CKD; end;
Turn from https://www.cnblogs.com/alsf/p/6285558.html#undefined