Easyui Front End, JAVA Background Upload Attachments

The front end uses the easyui framework and the back end uses the JFinal framework of JAVA

Function description: Implement attachment upload function.The file upload path is:./upload (upload folder)/ID number/chronic disease code/upload attachment.

Detail requirements: multi-picture upload, after uploading, can be added and deleted twice in the foreground page

1. The front page shows: Fill in the ID number, select the chronic disease information, click the "Upload Attachment" button to select the file to upload

Front page code:

 1     <tr>
 2     <td class="pe-label"><span class="sp_waning">*</span>ID number:</td>
 3     <td class="pe-content">
 4         <input id="newchrApply_app05" name="newchrApply_app05" class="easyui-textbox">
 5     </td>
 6     <td class="pe-label">Apply for illness:</td>
 7     <td class="pe-content">
 8         <input id="newchrApply_app10" name="newchrApply_app10" class="easyui-combobox">
 9 </tr>
10 <tr>
11    <td class="pe-label">Attachment upload:</td>
12    <td class="pe-content" colspan="3">
13       <span class="ui_button_primary"><label for="newchrApply_file1">Upload Attachments</label></span>
14       <input id="newchrApply_file1" name="newchrApply_file1" type="file" style="position:absolute;clip:rect(0 0 0 0);" multiple="multiple">
15    </td>
16 </tr>
17 <tr>
18    <td class="pe-label">Upload attachment name:</td>
19    <td class="pe-content" colspan="3">
20       <ul id='content'></ul>
21    </td>
22 </tr>
Form Display


2. Display the uploaded file information and delete button in the "Upload Attachment Name".

 1 var chrApply_filesTemp = [];//Save Uploaded Attachments Collection
 2 //Show upload file name
 3 var test = document.getElementById('newchrApply_file1');
 4 test.addEventListener('change', function() {
 5    var t_files = this.files;
 6    var p_idnum = $.trim($('#NewchrApply_app05').val(); //ID number
 7    var p_icd01 = $('#newchrApply_app10').combobox('getValue');
 8    if(p_idnum == '' || p_icd01 == '') {
 9       $.messager.alert('Tips', 'Please enter your ID number or select a disease!', 'warning');
10       return;
11    }
12    var p_app01 = $.trim($('#newchrApply_app01').val());
13    if(p_app01 == '') {
14       var p_code = "SQ" + CreateCode(3);
15       $('#newchrApply_app01').val(p_code);
16    }
17    var str = '';
18    if(t_files.length > 0) {
19       var formData = new FormData();
20       for(var i = 0; i < t_files.length; i++) {
21          formData.append("file_cont" + i, t_files[i]);
22       }
23       formData.append("fileCount", t_files.length);
24       formData.append("app05", p_idnum);
25       formData.append("app10", p_icd01);
26       $.ajax({
27          url: '/ChrApply/UploadFiles',
28          type: 'POST',
29          data: formData,
30          processData: false,
31          contentType: false,
32          success: function(result) {
33             if(result.code > 0) {
34                var p_filesname = [];
35                if(chrApply_filesTemp.length > 0) {
36                   for(var i = 0; i < chrApply_filesTemp.length; i++) {
37                      if(p_filesname.indexOf(chrApply_filesTemp[i].name) == -1) {
38                         p_filesname.push(chrApply_filesTemp[i].name);
39                      }
40                   }
41                }
42                var chrApply_filesUp = t_files; //New Uploaded File Collection
43                if(chrApply_filesUp.length > 0) {
44                   for(var i = 0; i < chrApply_filesUp.length; i++) {
45                      if(p_filesname.indexOf(chrApply_filesUp[i].name) == -1) {
46                         chrApply_filesTemp.push({
47                            'name': chrApply_filesUp[i].name,
48                            'size': chrApply_filesUp[i].size
49                         });
50                      }
51                   }
52                }
53                for(var i = 0, len = chrApply_filesTemp.length; i < len; i++) {
54                   str += '<li id="li_' + i + '">Name:<span id="sp_name_' + i + '">' + chrApply_filesTemp[i].name + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Size:<span id="sp_size_' + i + '"> ' + parseInt(chrApply_filesTemp[i].size / 1024) + 'KB</span>' +
55                      ' <input id="delfj" type="button" value="delete" onclick="delAnnex(' + i + ')" ></li>';
56                }
57                document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = str;
58             } else {
59                $.messager.alert('Tips', result.msg, 'warning');
60             }
61          }
62       });
63    }
64 }, false);
Upload Attachments
 1 //delete
 2 function delAnnex(id) {
 3    var del_idnum = $.trim($('#newchrApply_app05').val()); //ID number
 4    var del_icd01 = $('#newchrApply_app10').combobox('getValue');
 5    var del_name = document.getElementById("sp_name_" + id).innerText;
 7    $.ajax({
 8       url: '/ChrApply/DeleteAnnex',
 9       type: 'POST',
10       data: {
11          'app05': del_idnum,//ID number
12          'app10': del_icd01,//Chronic Disease Coding
13          'ann01': del_name//Attachment Name
14       },
15       success: function(result) {
16          if(result.code > 0) {
17             // Delete elements from a collection
18             for(var i = 0; i < chrApply_filesTemp.length; i++) {
19                var flg = isEqual(chrApply_filesTemp[i].name.valueOf(), del_name.valueOf());
20                if(flg == true) {
21                   chrApply_filesTemp.splice(i, 1);
22                }
23             }
24             var first = document.getElementById("li_" + id);
25             first.remove();
26          } else {
27             $.messager.alert('Tips', result.msg, 'warning');
28          }
29       }
30    });
31 }
Delete Attachments

Keywords: Javascript Java

Added by guayaquil on Tue, 25 Feb 2020 18:21:13 +0200