Efficient component communication technology Vuex -- getting started

1, Basic concepts

Vuex function: frequent and large-scale data sharing (scenario: shopping cart)

Vuex advantages: 1 Data access in one step. 2. Clear data flow. 3. Responsive.

2, Use steps

1. Lower package  yarn add vuex
2. introduce main.js   import Vuex from 'vuex'
3. Install plug-ins  Vue.use( Vuex )
4. establish store Instance object  const store = new Vuex.Store( { } )
5. Mount to Vue Instance  new Vue( { store } ) 

3, Basic usage of state

Role: store global shared data


1. Define data:

const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    count: 0 // Shared data

2. Data used in components

Direct access 
 Auxiliary function access
  1. Import auxiliary functions on demand
     import { mapState } from 'vuex'
  2. stay computed The auxiliary function is called and the result is expanded.
     computed: {
Auxiliary function principle: mapState() What you get is an object, There is a function corresponding to the imported data in the object{ count: function() {} }

4, Basic usage of mutations

Function: modify the data in state. The data in state must be modified by the function of changes. Only in this way can it be monitored by DevTools


  1. Define function
const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    count: 0 // Shared data
  mutations: {
    add(state) {
      state.count ++
be careful:1.All mutations The first argument of the function is state
     2.The second parameter is the load payload, Parameters passed when calling the method
  1. Calling function in component
Direct call
auxiliary function 
   1. Import auxiliary functions on demand
      import { mapMutations } from 'vuex'
   2. stay methods The auxiliary function is called and the result is expanded.
      methods: {
   3. call methods Medium add method
  1. Submit payload (call function parameters)
   this.$store.commit('add', { num: 10 })
   this.add({ num: 10 })

5, Basic usage of actions

Function: all asynchronous operations in Vuex need actions

Note: because the changes must be synchronous functions, if asynchronous tasks are performed in the changes, DevTools will not be able to correctly monitor the data changes. The state cannot be directly modified in the actions, so it must be modified by the changes function


  1. Define function
const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    count: 0 // Shared data
  mutations: {
    add(state) {
      state.count ++
  actions: {
    asyncAdd(context) {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1000)

be careful : 1. All actions The first argument of the function is context, Just one store object, Can use commit call mutations function
       2. The second parameter is the load payload, Parameters passed when calling the method		
  1. Calling function in component
Direct call
auxiliary function 
   1. Import auxiliary functions on demand
      import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
   2. stay methods The auxiliary function is called and the result is expanded.
      methods: {
   3. call methods Medium asyncAdd method
  1. Submit payload (call function parameters)
  this.$store.dispatch('asyncAdd', { num: 10 })
  this.asyncAdd({ num: 10 })

6, Basic usage of getters

Function: Global Shared calculation attributes, which solves the problem of limitation of calculation attributes in components


  1. Define getters
const store = new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    count: 0 // Shared data
  getters: {
    total(state) {
      return state.count * 10

be careful : All getters The first argument of the function is state
  1. Using getters in components
Direct use
auxiliary function 			
  1. Import auxiliary functions on demand
     import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'				
  2. stay computed The auxiliary function is called and the result is expanded.
     computed: {
  3. Call calculated properties

7, Basic usage of modules

Function: when the project is large, there will be data of many modules. If they are all managed globally, it will cause great difficulties. They will be divided into multiple sub modules for management


  1. Define sub modules
    Write a js file and export an object in which the core members of Vuex are stored
  2. Import sub module
    import count from './count.js'
  3. Registration sub module
    const store = new Vuex.Store({
    modules: {
    //Module name: module object

8, Open namespace

Function: if there is no namespace, the data or changes in all sub modules are approximately equal to the global. If there is the same name, they will be triggered at the same time. There is no way to achieve good isolation


1. Set the named attribute in the sub module to true

2. After opening, the state / changes / actions / getters of the access sub module have changed

	auxiliary function  mapState
	...mapState('Name of the registration module', [Data to map])
	1. use commit method
		$store.commit('Module name/Method name')
	2. auxiliary function 
		...mapMutations('Module name', [Method to map])
	1. use dispatch method
		$store.dispatch('Module name/Method name')
	2. auxiliary function 
		...mapActions('Module name', [Method to map])
	auxiliary function  mapGetters
	...mapGetters('Module name', [Calculated attribute to map])			

Keywords: Javascript Front-end Vue.js

Added by sevenfive on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 04:26:24 +0200