Elastsearch basic query
Elasticsearch is a very powerful full-text search engine. The purpose of using elasticsearch is to quickly query the desired data.
Basic query: query with elastic search built-in query criteria
Composite query: a composite query that combines multiple basic queries
Filter: when querying, filter out the desired data through the filter condition without affecting the scoring
term, terms query
Return version number
match query
Ascending Descending
prefix match query
Range range query
wildcard query
Fuzzy fuzzy query
More? Like? This & more? Like? This? Field query
#View test data
GET /library/books/_mget
#Viewing the mapping information of the library
GET /library/_mapping
#Viewing the mapping information of Shakespear
GET /shakespeare/_mapping
#Simple query
#Search specifying index name and type name de
GET /library/books/_search?q=title:elasticsearch
#Search without type name for specified index name
GET /library/_search?q=title:mongodb
#Search without index or type name
GET /_search?q=title:elasticsearch
#term query
GET /library/books/_search
"term": {
"preview": ["ealsticsearch","book"],
"minmum_match": 1
#Control the number of queries returned
#from and size
#Equivalent to limit in mysql
#From: from which result to return
#size: defines the maximum number of returned results
GET /library/books/_search?q=title:elasticsearch
GET /library/books/_search
"term": {
#Return version number
GET /library/books/_search
"query": {
"term": {
#match query
#match query can accept text, number, date and other data types
#The difference between match and term is: when a match query is performed, elastic search will provide an appropriate analyzer according to the given fields, while term query will not have the process of analyzer analysis
GET /library/books/_search
"match": {
GET /library/books/_search
#Query by match all
#chaxun queries all documents under the specified index
GET /library/books/_search
"match_all": {}
#Query by match
#Phrase query, slop defines how many unknown words are separated between keywords
GET /library/books/_search
"query":"Elasticsearch ,distributed",
#Multi match query
#Multiple fields can be specified
#For example, search for documents with Elasticsearch keywords in the title and preview fields
GET /library/books/_search
#Specify the fields to return
#Note that only fields with store as yes can be returned
GET /library/books/_search
#Control the loaded fields through partial fields
GET /library/books/_search
"partial_fields": {
"include": ["preview"],
"match_all": {}
#You can also add wildcards*
GET /library/books/_search
"partial_fields": {
"match_all": {}
#paixu sorting
#sort the results
#desc descending
#asc ascending
GET /library/books/_search
"match_all": {}
GET /library/books/_search
"match_all": {}
"price": {
"order": "asc"
#Control range
#Range queries: range queries
#Yes from,to, include_lower,include_upper,boost Isoparametric #Include? Lower: whether to include the left boundary of the range. The default value is true
#Include? Upper: whether to include the right boundary of the range. The default value is true
GET /library/books/_search
"range": {
"publish_data": {
"from": "2017-1-1",
"to": "2017-12-29"
GET /library/books/_search
"query": {
"range": {
"price": {
"from": 10,
"to": 300,
#wildcardchaxun query: yunxunishing allows you to use the tongpeifu wildcard * he and? To query
# *ABCD on behalf of one or more characters
# ? jindaibiaoyigezifu represents only one character
#Note: this query affects performance
GET /library/books/_search
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"preview": "rab*"
GET /library/books/_search
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"preview": "luc?ne"
#Fuzzy query
#value: keyword of query
#boost: set the value of the query. The default value is 1.0