In fact, the configuration mode of spring boot interceptor is similar to that of spring MVC. Only a few small changes need to be noticed. Here are two kinds of commonly used interceptors:
I. Interceptor Based on URL:
public class LoginInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter{ /** * Call before request processing (before Controller method call) * Interceptor Based on URL * @param request * @param response * @param handler * @return * @throws Exception */ @Override public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception { String path = request.getServletPath(); if (path.matches(Const.NO_INTERCEPTOR_PATH)) { //No need to intercept directly return true; } else { // This describes the things you need to do to intercept, such as fetching cache, SESSION, permission judgment, etc System.out.println("===================================="); return true; } } }
Key code: path.matches ('intersector'path is the url based on regular matching.
/** * @author BianP * @explain Constant class */ public class Const { public static final String SUCCESS = "SUCCESS"; public static final String ERROR = "ERROR"; public static final String FIALL = "FIALL"; /**********************Objects and individuals****************************/ public static final String SESSION_USER = "loginedAgent"; // User object public static final String SESSION_LOGINID = "sessionLoginID"; // Login ID public static final String SESSION_USERID = "sessionUserID"; // Current user object ID number public static final String SESSION_USERNAME = "sessionUserName"; // Current user object ID number public static final Integer PAGE = 10; // Default page number public static final String SESSION_URL = "sessionUrl"; // Recorded url public static final String SESSION_SECURITY_CODE = "sessionVerifyCode"; // Login page verification code // Time cache time public static final int TIMEOUT = 1800;// second public static final String ON_LOGIN = "/logout.htm"; public static final String LOGIN_OUT = "/toLogout"; // Do not validate URL anon: do not validate / authc: controlled public static final String NO_INTERCEPTOR_PATH =".*/((.css)|(.js)|(images)|(login)|(anon)).*"; }
2. Annotation based interceptor
① create annotation:
/** * Use this annotation on the method of the Controller that requires login authentication */ @Target({ElementType.METHOD})// Available on method name @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)// Valid at run time public @interface LoginRequired { }
② create Interceptor:
public class AuthorityInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter{ @Override public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception { // If it is not mapped to a method directly through if (!(handler instanceof HandlerMethod)) { return true; } // ①: START method annotation level interceptor HandlerMethod handlerMethod = (HandlerMethod) handler; Method method = handlerMethod.getMethod(); // Determine whether the interface needs to be logged in LoginRequired methodAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(LoginRequired.class); // With @ LoginRequired annotation, authentication is required if (methodAnnotation != null) { // This describes the things you need to do to intercept, such as fetching cache, SESSION, permission judgment, etc System.out.println("===================================="); return true; } return true; } }
3. Add the interceptor to the configuration, which is equivalent to what the configuration file does in spring MVC:
/** * The same webmvc interception configuration as spring MVC * @author BIANP */ @Configuration public class WebMvcConfigurer extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport { @Override public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) { // Block all requests, and determine whether login is required by judging whether there is @ LoginRequired annotation registry.addInterceptor(LoginInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/**"); registry.addInterceptor(AuthorityInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/**"); super.addInterceptors(registry); } @Bean public LoginInterceptor LoginInterceptor() { return new LoginInterceptor(); } @Bean public AuthorityInterceptor AuthorityInterceptor() { return new AuthorityInterceptor(); } }
Be sure to add the @ Configuration annotation, which will be loaded at startup. There are also some tutorials using "WebMvcConfigurerAdapter", which is the same, but it will prompt that this method is out of date.
In fact, many things of spring MVC can be used in spring boot. Just change the mode of Configuration file to the corresponding @ Configuration class.