Enterprise operation and maintenance - Codis deployment


1, Introduction

2, Install and deploy go and codis

1. Download

2. Deploy go

3. codis environment installation and deployment

4. codis start

(1) Start CODIS dashboard

(2) Start CODIS proxy

(3) Start CODIS server

(4) Start CODIS Fe

3, Add group through fe

4, Initialize slot through fe

5, Cluster configuration

1. Add two Redis instances

2. Add two instances in the browser

1, Introduction

Codis is a distributed Redis solution. For upper tier applications, there is no significant difference between connecting to Codis Proxy and connecting to native Redis Server( List of unsupported commands ), the upper layer application can be used like Redis using a single machine. The bottom layer of Codis will handle the forwarding of requests, non-stop data migration and other work. Everything behind is transparent to the front client. You can simply think that the back connected is a server with unlimited memory

Redis service features:
Auto balance
It's very easy to use
Graphical panels and management tools
It supports most Redis commands and is fully compatible with twoproxy
Support Redis Native Client
Safe and transparent data migration, which can easily add and delete nodes as needed
Provide command line interface
RESTful APIs service.

2, Install and deploy go and codis

1. Download

go Download path: https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
codis Installation website: https://codeload.github.com/CodisLabs/codis/zip/release3.2	
Copy to server1
scp root@ /root
scp root@ /root

2. Deploy go

Note: when deploying codis, you must turn off redis. Be sure to turn off redis. Be sure to turn off redis. Otherwise, the port will be occupied.

/etc/init.d/redis_6379 stop

Unzip the compressed package to the user level program installation directory / usr/local. Modify the environment variable and take effect. Finally, go version checks whether the go environment is complete.

 cd /usr/local/
 tar zxf /root/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
 ls     ##The go directory appears
 cd     #To / root directory

vim .bash_profile

source .bash_profile 
go version
go version go1.8.3 linux/amd64 #success

3. codis environment installation and deployment

Install codis in the go directory, create a new directory, unzip and rename it, and then make.

       mkdir -p  /usr/local/go/src/github.com/CodisLabs
  685  cd /usr/local/go/src/github.com/CodisLabs
  686  mv /root/codis-release3.2.zip .
  687  unzip codis-release3.2.zip 
  688  ls
  689  mv codis-release3.2 codis #rename
  690  ls
  691  cd codis
  692  ls
  693  yum install autoconf  #Resolve dependencies
  694  yum install git  #Resolve dependencies
  695  make

4. codis start

(1) Start CODIS dashboard

Use CODIS dashboard admin The SH script starts the dashboard and checks the dashboard log to see if there are any exceptions.

cd /usr/local/go/src/github.com/CodisLabs/codis
./admin/codis-dashboard-admin.sh start     #Launch dashboard
vim log/codis-dashboard.log.2022-01-20     #view log

(2) Start CODIS proxy

Use CODIS proxy admin The SH script starts CODIS proxy and checks the proxy log to confirm whether there is any exception during startup.

 ./admin/codis-proxy-admin.sh start
cat log/codis-proxy.log.2022-01-20 

(3) Start CODIS server

Use CODIS server admin The SH script starts the CODIS server and checks the redis log to see if there are any exceptions.

./admin/codis-server-admin.sh start
tial -n 100 /tmp/redis_6379.log

(4) Start CODIS Fe

Use CODIS fe admin The SH script starts CODIS fe and checks the fe log to see if there is any exception during startup.

./admin/codis-fe-admin.sh start
tial -n 100 log/codis-fe.log.2022-01-20


3, Add group through fe

Visit the cluster management page in the browser and select the newly built cluster CODIS demo. You can see the started Proxy in the Proxy column. The Group column is empty because the started Codis Server is not added to the cluster. Add NEW GROUP, enter 1, and then click NEW GROUP to add Codis Server. In the Add Server line, enter the Codis Server address, Add to the NEW GROUP and click Add Server.


4, Initialize slot through fe

The slot status of the new cluster is offline and needs to be initialized, that is, 1024 slots are allocated to each group. The fastest way to initialize is through the rebalance all slots button provided by fe. Click to complete the cluster construction.

5, Cluster configuration

1. Add two Redis instances

Add 6380 and 6381 Redis instances respectively.

cp config/redis.conf config/redis6380.conf
cp config/redis.conf config/redis6381.conf
vim config/redis6380.conf
  84 port 6380
 150 pidfile /tmp/redis_6380.pid
 163 logfile "/tmp/redis_6380.log"
./bin/codis-server ./config/redis6380.conf	##Start the new Redis instance
vim config/redis6381.conf
  84 port 6381
 150 pidfile /tmp/redis_6381.pid
 163 logfile "/tmp/redis_6381.log"
./bin/codis-server ./config/redis6381.conf	##Start the new Redis instance


2. Add two instances in the browser

The default state just added is NO:ONE. Click the small wrench.

[note] after cluster management is enabled, only 6379 can be read and written, and the other two only have read permission


Keywords: Java Redis Cache

Added by ataylor20 on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 15:51:56 +0200