ES6 new features summary


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Summary of new features of ES6.

1.let and const

let represents a declared variable and const represents a declared constant.

  • Constants cannot be changed once they are defined. Object, because the address pointed to by the object has not changed.
  • const must be assigned when declaring.
  • Both are block level scopes

Block level scope:

        The statements in any pair of curly braces () and {} belong to a block. All variables defined in this block are invisible outside the code block. We call it block level scope.

Function scope:

        Parameters and variables defined in a function are invisible outside the function.

Constants cannot be changed

const a=1;
a=0;//report errors

2. Template string``

You can use quotation marks ` ` to splice strings$ {} assign a value to a variable.

let a=6666;
console.log(`nihao${a}`); //nihao6666

3. Deconstruction

You can use {} to deconstruct arrays and objects.

//Create array
const foodList = ['Broccoli','Cauliflower','Pepper','meat'];
//Array structure
const [food1,food2,food3,food4]=foodList;

console.log(food1); //Broccoli
console.log(food2); //Cauliflower
console.log(food3); //Pepper
console.log(food4); //meat
//create object
const person={
    name: 'Xiao Ming',
    skill: 'dye one 's hair',
    color: 'white',
//Object parsing
const { name, skill, color } = person;

console.log(name); //Xiao Ming
console.log(skill); //dye one 's hair
console.log(color); //white

4. Default values of function parameters

Function arguments can have default values

function printText(text = 'default') {
    console.log(text); //default

5.Spread/Rest operator

The Spread/Rest operator refers to.

  • When used in iterators, it is a Spread operator: iterators are a mechanism for traversing elements in one or more containers in a certain order
function foo(x,y,z){

let arr = [1,2,3];
foo(...arr); //1 2 3
  • When used to pass arguments to a function, it is a Rest operator.
function foo(...arrs){

foo(1,2,3,4,5,6);// [1,2,3,4,5,6]

6. Arrow function

  • The function keyword is not required to create a function
  • Omit the return keyword
  • This always points to the value of this under the scope where the function is declared
var fun = function(){


var fn = () => {


7.for of

  • for of traverses the values in key value pairs
  • for in traverses the keys in a key value pair


Class syntax is supported in ES6. However, the class of ES6 is not a new object inheritance model. It is only the expression of prototype chain syntax.

class Students{
        console.log("I'm a student.");

    static read(){
        console.log("Reading Now.");

console.log(typeof Student); //function
let stu = new Student();; // "study!"; // "Reading Now."

9. Import and export

  • Import improve
  • export default


Promise is used to handle asynchronous requests more gracefully

new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 1000)
    // reject("failed, wuwu")
}).then(data => {
)}.catch(err => {


Better resolution of callbacks than promise

async function(){
    await fn()


New basic type

13.Set set

Store unique values of any type, that is, the elements saved in the collection are not repeated. Class array structure.

arr = [1, 2, 3, 1];
let arrNew = new Set(arr);
let ar = Array.from(arrNew);
console.log(ar) // [1, 2, 3]

Class array is not an array. It should be converted to array. From (arrannew), so that arrannew is an array.

Keywords: Python Javascript Machine Learning

Added by ir4z0r on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 08:32:10 +0200