Excerpt of wechat payment refund exception

Wechat payment refund API address: https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/api/app/app.php?chapter=9_4&index=6


  • Total fee: must be the payment amount of the order, unit: minute;
  • Refund fee: less than the order payment amount, unit: minute;
  • Multiple refunds can be initiated for the same order, and the out \;
  • Use a merchant refund No. for refund. If the refund fails for some reason, it will not affect the use of other merchant refund No. for refund next time.

Some error messages

  • The total amount in the refund is inconsistent with the total amount of wechat payment order
Refund request

  <total_fee>21500</total_fee> --This must be the total price at the time of payment, especially when refunding in batches

Refund response

<err_code_des><![CDATA[The same out_refund_no Refund amount should be consistent]]></err_code_des>
  • Refund fee is greater than total fee
<return_msg><![CDATA[invalid refund_fee]]></return_msg>  
  • The payment amount of the order has been fully refunded
<err_code_des><![CDATA[Order status error]]></err_code_des>
  • Lack of certificate
wx sendpost exception  
org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: api.mch.weixin.qq.com:443 failed to respond

Reference resources: http://blog.csdn.net/u011160656/article/details/41946873


Keywords: xml PHP less Apache

Added by Daguse on Mon, 06 Jan 2020 21:58:48 +0200