Factory method pattern -- the pattern of creation pattern

1. general factory mode

The directory structure is roughly as follows:


1. Create a game interface:

public interface PlayGame {
    public void game(); 

2. The game is implemented by two devices

public class Computer implements PlayGame{

    public void game() {
        System.err.println("Play computer games!!");
public class Phone implements PlayGame {

    public void game() {
        System.err.println("Play mobile games");


3. Create a game factory

 * Play game factory
 * @author Drowned fish o0
public class PlayGameFactory {

    public PlayGame produce(String type){
        if ("phone".equals(type)) {  
            return new Phone();  
        } else if ("computer".equals(type)) {  
            return new Computer();  
        } else {  
            System.err.println("Please input game device!");  
            return null;  

4. Test:

public class PlayGameTest {
    public void gameTest() {
        PlayGameFactory factory = new PlayGameFactory();
        //PlayGame game = factory.produce("computer");
        PlayGame game = factory.produce("phone");


5. Output


2. Multiple factory method mode is the improvement of common factory method mode


Modify the above code as follows

 * Play game factory
 * @author Drowned fish o0
public class PlayGameFactory {
    public PlayGame producePhone() {
        return new Phone();

    public PlayGame produceComputer() {
        return new Computer();


public class PlayGameTest {
    public void gameTest() {
        PlayGameFactory factory = new PlayGameFactory();
        PlayGame game = factory.producePhone();


3. Static factory method mode


 * Play game factory
 * @author Drowned fish o0
public class PlayGameFactory {
    public static PlayGame producePhone() {
        return new Phone();

    public static PlayGame produceComputer() {
        return new Computer();


Summary: factory pattern is suitable for creating objects quickly


Welcome to reprint:

Chinese Name: Huifan

Blog name: drowned fish o0

Please indicate the source of Reprint: http://www.cnblogs.com/huifan/

Keywords: Java Mobile

Added by Monkey-Moejo on Sun, 03 May 2020 20:08:50 +0300