ffmreg thinkphp controller obtains audio and video details (acquisition time)

FFmpeg Download: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
Download and unzip the FFmpeg folder:
Open any disk you want to install, such as disk d. Create a new folder named "ffmpeg", and copy all the contents of the folder generated in the second step to the "ffmpeg" folder.
Setting environment variables
Right click "my computer - > Properties", then click "advanced system settings", pop up the "system properties" window, and finally click the "environment variables" button:
After clicking the "environment variable" button, pop up the "environment variable" window, find and select the "Path" variable, and click Edit:
Add "; d:\ffmpeg\bin" to the original variable value of "Path" variable (Note:; represents the interval and cannot be omitted; d:\ffmpeg\bin represents the bin folder under the installation Path of FFmpeg). Click "OK" all the way.

Open the command prompt window. Enter the command "FFmpeg – version". If the command prompt window returns the version information of FFmpeg, the installation is successful. You can run FFmpeg in any folder in the command prompt line.

 1 $file_name = 'Rear chord - After the rain (Ring tone).mp3';
 2 $arr = $this->getInfo($file_name);//Return audio information
 3 $time_long = gmdate('H:i:s', $arr['seconds']);
 5 /**
 6  * Get file information
 7  * @access public
 8  * @param  file      $file     File path
 9  * @return array
10  */
12 function getInfo($file)
13 {
14     $command = sprintf('D:/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -i "%s" 2>&1', $file);//Your installation path
16     ob_start();
17     passthru($command);
18     $info = ob_get_contents();
19     ob_end_clean();
21     $data = array();
22     if (preg_match("/Duration: (.*?), start: (.*?), bitrate: (\d*) kb\/s/", $info, $match)) {
23         $data['duration'] = $match[1]; //Play time
24         $arr_duration = explode(':', $match[1]);
25         $data['seconds'] = $arr_duration[0] * 3600 + $arr_duration[1] * 60 + $arr_duration[2]; //Convert playback time to seconds
26         $data['start'] = $match[2]; //start time
27         $data['bitrate'] = $match[3]; //Bit rate(kb)
28     }
29     if (preg_match("/Video: (.*?), (.*?), (.*?)[,\s]/", $info, $match)) {
30         $data['vcodec'] = $match[1]; //Video encoding format
31         $data['vformat'] = $match[2]; //Video format
32         $data['resolution'] = $match[3]; //Video resolution
33         $arr_resolution = explode('x', $match[3]);
34         $data['width'] = $arr_resolution[0];
35         $data['height'] = $arr_resolution[1];
36     }
37     if (preg_match("/Audio: (\w*), (\d*) Hz/", $info, $match)) {
38         $data['acodec'] = $match[1]; //Audio coding
39         $data['asamplerate'] = $match[2]; //Audio sampling frequency
40     }
41     if (isset($data['seconds']) && isset($data['start'])) {
42         $data['play_time'] = $data['seconds'] + $data['start']; //Actual playback time
43     }
44     $data['size'] = filesize($file); //file size
45     return $data;
46 }


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Keywords: PHP encoding

Added by BradZynda on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 21:03:40 +0200