I. definition
- Class is a general term for a series of things with the same characteristics and behaviors. It is an abstract concept, not a real thing.
- Object is the real thing created by class.
- In development, there are classes before objects. eg: student class, student a object
#Define washing machine category """ class Class name(): //Code """ class Washer(): def wash(self): # self Refers to the object that calls the function. print('Can wash clothes') #create object #Object name=Class name () heier=Washer() print(heier) heier.wash()
2, Magic method
In python, the function of u xx U () is called magic method, which refers to the function with special functions.
P.s: two underscores on both sides
Initializing objects
class Washer(): def __init__(self,high,width): self.high=high self.width=width def wath(self): print(f'Width of washing machine{self.width},') print(f'Height of washing machine{self.high}') heier1 = Washer(10,20) heier1.wath()""" //The width of the washing machine is 20, //Washing machine height 10 """
When you use print to output an object, the memory address of the object is printed by default.
If the class defines the \\\\\\\\\\.
class Washer(): def __init__(self): self.high=500 def __str__(self): return 'A description of a class or state of an object' heier1 = Washer() print(heier1) """ //A description of a class or state of an object """
Called when the object is deleted
class Washer(): def __init__(self): self.high=500 def __del__(self): print('Object deletion') heier1 = Washer() """ //Object deletion """
3, Case realization
1. Roasted sweet potato
class SweetPotato(): def __init__(self): self.time = 0 self.static = 'Raw' self.condiments = [] def cook(self, time): while True: self.time += 1 if self.time>time: break if 0 <= self.time < 3: self.static = 'Raw' elif 3 <= self.time < 5: self.static = 'Halfcooked' elif 5 <= self.time < 8: self.static = 'Ripe' elif 8 <= self.time: self.static = 'Paste up' print(self) def __str__(self): return f'The sweet potato baked.{self.time}Minute,Status as{self.static}' def __del__(self): print('Deleted and deleted.') digua1 = SweetPotato() digua1.cook(10)
2. Moving furniture
class Furniture(): def __init__(self, name, area): self.name = name self.area = area class Home(): def __init__(self, address, area): self.address = address self.area = area self.free_area = area self.furniture = [] def __str__(self): return f'Location of the house{self.address},The housing area is{self.area},The remaining area of the house is{self.free_area},furniture{self.furniture}' def add_furniture(self, item): if item.area <= self.free_area: self.furniture.append(item.name) self.free_area -= item.area else: print('Furniture too large') bed = Furniture('Double bed',6) safa = Furniture('Sofa',6) jia=Home('Beijing',1000) print(jia) jia.add_furniture(bed) print(jia) jia.add_furniture(safa) print(jia) """ //The location of the house is Beijing. The area of the house is 1000. The remaining area of the house is 1000. The furniture [] //The location of the house is Beijing. The area of the house is 1000. The remaining area of the house is 994. The furniture ['double bed'] //The location of the house is Beijing. The area of the house is 1000. The remaining area of the house is 988. The furniture ['double bed', 'sofa'] """