Fischer bit power allocation algorithm and its MATLAB implementation

Principle introduction

The optimization criterion of Fischer algorithm is to minimize the bit error rate of the system under the constraints of the determined total system rate and transmission power. Fischer algorithm gives the closed form solution of bit allocation, which first puts the noise power value on each subchannel log ⁡ 2 N i {{\log }_{2}}{{N}_{i}} log2 ^ is stored, and then only an addition and division with divisor as integer are needed. Therefore, its complexity is further reduced compared with Chow algorithm. Fischer algorithm is one of the most efficient algorithms at present. Fischer's expression plays a guiding role in both practical application and theoretical analysis

Bit allocation

(1) Firstly, the noise variance on each subchannel must be known N i     ∀ i = 1 , ⋯   , N {{N}_{i}}\ \ \ \forall i=1,\cdots ,N Ni ∀ i=1,..., N can also be considered as the reciprocal of the square of the channel gain. Set the target bit rate, that is, the total number of bits to be allocated R T {{R}_{T}} RT​ . set up N ′ {N}' N 'is the number of subchannels used, set N ′ {N}' Initial value of N ' N ′ = N {N}'\text{=}N N′=N . The set of active subchannels is recorded as I I 1. Set I I Initial value of I I = { 1 , 2 , ⋯   , N } I\text{=}\left\{ 1,2,\cdots ,N \right\} I={1,2,⋯,N}
(2) Calculate the of each subchannel L D N i = log ⁡ 2 N i     i = 1 , ⋯   , N LD{{N}_{i}}={{\log }_{2}}{{N}_{i}}\ \ \ i=1,\cdots ,N LDNi = log2 ﹐ Ni ﹐ i=1,..., N and store these values
(3) Calculate I I Number of bits that can be allocated to each subchannel in I
b ( i ) = ( R T + ∑ l ∈ I L D N i ) / R ′ − L D N i b(i)=\left( {{R}_{T}}+\sum\limits_{l\in I}{L}D{{N}_{i}} \right)/{R}'-LD{{N}_{i}} b(i)=(RT​+l∈I∑​LDNi​)/R′−LDNi​
if b ( i ) ≤ 0 b(i)\le 0 b(i) ≤ 0 and i ∈ I i\in I I ∈ I, then N ′ = N ′ − 1 {N}'\text{=}{N}'-1 N ′ = n ′− 1 i i i subchannel slave I I I. Then go to step (2) and continue until b ( i ) > 0 b(i)>0 B (I) > 0 and i ∈ I i\in I i∈I
(4) b ^ ( i ) = r o u n d ( b ( i ) ) , d i f f ( i ) = b ( i ) − b ^ ( i ) \hat{b}(i)=round(b(i)),diff(i)=b(i)-\hat{b}(i) b^(i)=round(b(i)),diff(i)=b(i)−b^(i)
(5) Calculate R = s u m ( { b ^ ( i ) } ) R\text{=}sum\left( \left\{ \hat{b}\left( i \right) \right\} \right) R=sum({b^(i)})
(6) If R = R T R\text{=}{{R}_{T}} R=RT, power distribution
(7) If R > R T R>{{R}_{T}} R> RT, find the smallest d i f f ( i ) diff\left( i \right) diff(i), correspondingly b ^ ( i ) = b ^ ( i ) - 1 \hat{b}(i)\text{=}\hat{b}(i)\text{-}1 b^(i)=b^(i)-1, R = R − 1 R=R-1 R=R−1 , d i f f ( i ) = d i f f ( i ) + 1 diff\left( i \right)=diff\left( i \right)+1 diff(i)=diff(i)+1, repeat this step until R = R T R\text{=}{{R}_{T}} R=RT, go to (6)
(8) If R < R T R<{{R}_{T}} R < RT, find the largest d i f f ( i ) diff\left( i \right) diff(i), correspondingly b ^ ( i ) = b ^ ( i ) + 1 \hat{b}(i)\text{=}\hat{b}(i)\text{+}1 b^(i)=b^(i)+1 , R = R + 1 R=R\text{+}1 R=R+1 , d i f f ( i ) = d i f f ( i ) - 1 diff\left( i \right)=diff\left( i \right)\text{-}1 diff(i)=diff(i)-1, repeat this step until R = R T R\text{=}{{R}_{T}} R=RT, go to (6)

Power distribution

Power distribution. The transmission power allocated on each active subchannel is calculated according to the following formula.
P i = P T ⋅ N i ⋅ 2 b ( i ) ∑ l ∈ I N i ⋅ 2 b ( i ) {{P}_{i}}=\frac{{{P}_{T}}\cdot {{N}_{i}}\cdot {{2}^{b(i)}}}{\sum\limits_{l\in I}{{{N}_{i}}}\cdot {{2}^{b(i)}}} Pi​=l∈I∑​Ni​⋅2b(i)PT​⋅Ni​⋅2b(i)​

Simulation parameter setting

Parameter nameParameter value
Average signal-to-noise ratio10
Number of subcarriers32
Average transmit power1
Upper limit of total number of bits128

The simulation results are as follows:

It can be seen from the figure that after the allocation by Fischer algorithm, since the algorithm minimizes the bit error rate of the system, more power will be allocated in the channel with poor channel condition, so as to meet the minimum bit error rate, and the result is also consistent with the requirements of the algorithm.
The code is as follows: main function

close all;
SNR_av=10;   %Average signal-to-noise ratio
Num_subc=32;   %Number of carriers
P_av=1;    %Average power
Pt=P_av*Num_subc;   %Transmit power
Rt=128;       %each OFDM The number of bits contained in the symbol
noise=P_av./10.^(SNR_av./10);   %noise power 
gain_subc=random('rayleigh',1,1,Num_subc);  %Rayleigh fading of subcarriers
[bit_alloc,power_alloc]=Fischer(Num_subc,Rt,Pt,gain_subc); %Fisher resource allocation 
power_alloc=Pt.*(power_alloc./sum(power_alloc));    %Power distribution
legend('Channel gain'); 
hold on; 
title('Fischer Bit allocation and power allocation'); 
ylabel('Bit allocation result'); 
xlabel('Subcarrier serial number'); 
ylabel('Power allocation results'); 
xlabel('Subcarrier serial number'); 


function [bit_alloc,power_alloc]=Fischer(Num_subc,Rt,Pt,gain_subc) 
%------------------bit allocation ----------- 
N_H=1./gain_subc.^2; %The reciprocal of the square of the channel gain is used as the noise variance of the known subcarriers
LD=log2(N_H);            %Calculate and store without next calculation
index_use0=1:Num_subc;     %Number of active subcarriers
num_use=Num_subc;          %Number of subcarriers used
bit_temp0=(Rt+sum(LD))./Num_subc-LD; %Calculate the number of bits that can be allocated to each subcarrier
bit_temp=zeros(1,Num_subc);  %Number of temporary bits
while flag 
    id_remove=find(bit_temp0(index_use0)<=0); %Number of useless carriers found
    index_remove=index_use0(id_remove); %Move it out of the active subcarrier set
    if(length(index_remove)==0)   %If all are active, it will jump out directly
    index_use0=setdiff(index_use0,index_remove); %Count the activated subcarriers, that is, the subcarriers to be removed above
    num_use=length(index_use0);   %Number of available subcarriers
    bit_temp0(index_use0)=(Rt+sum(LD(index_use0)))./num_use-LD(index_use0); %Calculate the number of bits that can be allocated to each subcarrier
index_use=index_use0;   %Available subcarriers
%-----------------bit round--------------------------- 
bit_round(index_use)=round(bit_temp(index_use)); %Rounding
bit_diff(index_use)=bit_temp(index_use)-bit_round(index_use); %Difference between the two
bit_total=sum(bit_round(index_use));  %Calculate the number of bits contained
%------------------bit alteration-------------------- 
while(bit_total>Rt)                            %If bit_total>Rt,Find the smallest bit_diff(i)
    id_alter=find(bit_round(index_use)>0);     %Accordingly bit_round Minus 1, bit_total=bit_total-1
    index_alter=index_use(id_alter);           %bit_diff(i)Add 1 until bit_total=Rt
while(bit_total<Rt)                                 %If bit_total<Rt,Find the largest bit_diff(i)
    id_alter=find(bit_round(index_use)>0);          %Accordingly bit_round Plus 1, bit_total=bit_total+1
    index_alter=index_use(id_alter);                %bit_diff(i)Minus 1 until bit_total=Rt
%----------------bit allocation------------------ 
%------------------power allocation----------------------- 
%---------------power allocation----------------------- 

Added by mcloan on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 16:25:13 +0200