Flink Flow Computing Learning One

1. What is flink?

Flink is a distributed open source computing framework for data stream processing and batch data processing, which supports both stream and batch applications. Because the SLAs (Service Level Agreement) provided by streaming and batching are completely different, streaming generally requires support for low latency, Exactly-once guarantees, and batching requires support for high throughput and efficient processing, two implementations are usually given separately when implementing. Or each of these solutions can be implemented through a separate open source framework. Typical open source solutions for batch processing are MapReduce and Spark. Storm is the open source solution for stream processing. Spark's Streaming is also essentially microbatch processing.

2. Steps for use

Flnk can use local files, hadoop's hdfs, kafka, and so on as data sources. Here I will use HDFS in Hadoop as data sources.

1. Install hadoop

I'm experimenting with a linux virtual machine in vmware. Here's how it works.
First create the Hadoop folder in the virtual machine, and download and unzip the jar package for hadoop.

cd /home
mkdir hadoop
cd hadoop
wget http://archive.apache.org/dist/hadoop/common/hadoop-2.8.3/hadoop-2.8.3.tar.gz
tar -xvf hadoop-2.8.3.tar.gz

2. Profile

The path to the configuration file is: /home/hadoop/hadoop-2.8.3/etc/hadoop




When mapred-site.xml is unzipped, there will be more template s, so delete them


Now that the configuration is complete, format Hadoop's file system HDFS with the following commands

cd /home/hadoop/hadoop-2.8.3/bin
./hadoop namenode -format

Next, you can go to the sbin directory under hadoop, run the startup command, and run hadoop.

cd ../sbin

Having run successfully, you can access hadoop and HDFS through a few addresses. (MapReduce's Web page) (Web page for HDFS)

If it is not accessible, the port is not open.

At the same time, the network of the vmware virtual machine, it is best to choose the bridging mode, so that IP will not change frequently when the virtual machine is restarted.

3. Create test files

Calculations have data sources, so you need to go to HDFS to create a file and open permissions.

cd ../bin
hdfs dfs -touchz /wc.txt
echo "hello word flink oh oh" | ./hdfs dfs -appendToFile - /wc.txt 
./hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /

4. Implementation Code

This is written in scala language, about how IDEA integrates Scala with Baidu.

Import Dependency

        <plugins> <!-- This plugin is used to add Scala Code compilation to class file -->
                    <execution> <!-- Declare binding to maven Of compile stage -->

create a file

Implementation Code

package source

import java.net.URL

import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.StreamExecutionEnvironment

object FileSource {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    //Initialization Context
    val streamEnv: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment;
    //Set parallelism (tasks can be spread over several slot s)
    //Sometimes the code cannot be prompted and can be imported into a function, it will prompt automatically
    import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._
    //Reading data sources from hdfs
    val stream: DataStream[String] = streamEnv.readTextFile("hdfs://zjj1:9000/wc.txt")

    val result: DataStream[(String, Int)] = stream
      .flatMap(_.split(" "))//The data read by flatMap is split into an array by spaces
      .map((_, 1))//Each element in the array is split into a key-value pair whose key is its own value of 1
      .keyBy(0)//Grouping 0 by key is key 1 is value
      .sum(1)//Calculate the cumulative value with a subscript of 1

    result.print();//Print results

    //Execute task, stream calculation does not execute, no result

Contents in the file:
View the contents of the file through HDFS dfs-cat/wc.txt

Output results:

3. Conclusion

That's all for today's study. Go on!

Keywords: Java Database Cache

Added by ProblemHelpPlease on Sat, 27 Nov 2021 20:18:23 +0200