Flutter third party plug-in


  1. Image Picker - picture selector
  2. Cached network image - displays images from the network and saves them in the cache
  3. Image Cropper - image crop
  4. Fluent advanced network image provider - advanced image cache loading and scaling control
  5. The ui made by photo - Fluent is convenient for customization and modification
  6. Multi Image Picker - Multi Image Picker
  7. Shutter Photo View - picture preview
  8. extended image - cache pictures, edit pictures, browse pictures, save, waterfall flow layout

QR code

  • QR Code Reader - QR scan file
  • Fast QR Reader View - quick scan
  • QR fluent - QR code generation and decoding
  • QR Code Scanner - QR Code Scanner
  • Barcode Scanner - QR code scanning


Dialogflow - chat list plugin


  • Sequence Animation - easily realize composite and interlaced animation
  • SpinKit - load animation indicator
  • VIllains - page transition animation
  • SlimyCard - a cool animation that attempts to separate into two cards
  • Fluent stacked animations - easily add interlaced animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row
  • Animated text Kit - Fluent text animation kit
  • like button - like animation

Network request

Dio - supports interceptor, global configuration, FormData, request cancellation, file download, timeout, etc


Calendar - Calendar


  • Shuttle picker - selector
  • DateTimeField - time selector

Little red dot

Badge - little red dot plug-in


  • chewie - Video Based_ The control UI is packaged on the basis of palyer
  • Video Player - Video Player
  • Shutter video compress - video compression, obtaining video thumbnails and video information
  • Video Trimmer - video clip

audio frequency

  • AudioPlayer - a fluent audio plug-in that plays remote or local audio files
  • AudioPlayers - supports simultaneous playback of multiple audio and displays volume controls
  • Audio recorder - recording and saving local
  • Fluent sound - play audio and recording functions
  • Fluent plugin record - imitation wechat recording plug-in


  • LocalNotification - this library makes it easy for you to create Notifications on Android and iOS
  • Fluent local notifications - a cross platform plug-in that displays local notifications
  • App Badger - Desktop corner sign notification


  • Shared preference - key value pair read / write plugin
  • secure storage - encrypted storage
  • Fluent data - a library that seamlessly manages persistent data in a fluent application
  • sqflite - sqlite plug-in
  • Localstorage - supports multi platform storage


  • Map View - Google Maps
  • Location - this plugin handles location on Android and iOS. It also provides a callback when the location changes
  • Amap - Gaode Map 3D shutter component
  • Amap location - Gaode map positioning shuttle component
  • amap map fluttify - Gaode map component


  • Charting - chart Library in material design style
  • Circular Chart - a library of animated Circular Chart controls that you can easily create with fluent

Third party login

  • Fluwx - wechat SDK, which supports payment, sharing, login, subscription and pulling up applets
  • QQ - qq login, share


  • Simple Permissions - permission checks and requests
  • Permission handler - the permission plugin for fluent. This plug-in provides a cross platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions


  • flutter alipay - Alipay payment
  • tobias - Alipay
  • Alipay - Alipay


  • Slidable - sideslip assembly
  • Vercode input - verification code input box component
  • DragableGridview - draggable sorting component
  • Fluent credit card - a dynamic component that quickly creates and fills in bank cards
  • azlistview - city list, contact list
  • Rate my app - rate my app
  • Shutter rating bar - star rating component

Link jump APP

  • JMLink - Aurora magic chain, supports one click start, scene restoration, codeless invitation and service report
  • openinstall - openinstall official, supports channel package export, one click pull-up and fast download
  • MobLink - MobTeach development, support scene restoration, data statistical analysis, real-time modification of button style, web multi-point jump app

instant messaging

  • tencent im plugin - Tencent cloud IM
  • RongCloud - Official SDK of rongyun
  • Huanxin - Official SDK of Huanxin

Rotation map

  • Swiper - rotation chart


  • Pangolin - integrates the advertising platform of byte beat - pangolin's Android and iOS SDK


  • MobPush - MobPush official
  • JPush - Official Aurora push
  • Getui - Official tweet

Rich Text Editor

  • Rich text editor implemented by zefyr - Fluent


  • sliding up panel - customizable up and down drawer
  • FluitterInnerDrawer - drawer assembly


  • Shutter dropdown menu - drop down menu
  • url launcher - opens a specific url, such as url, right click, phone, SMS
  • Passcode Lock Screen - imitation iPhone lock screen
  • Scratcher - scraper card assembly
  • FSuper - produced by Ali flying pig team can help developers build complex views quickly and comfortably. Support rich text, rounded corners, borders, pictures, small red dots, and set up to two sub components at the same time, and control their relative positions.
  • FFloat - FFloat is simple and easy to use, but it can meet all your imagination of the floating layer. Born with elegance, it supports precise position control. Rounded corners, borders, gradients, shadows, decorative triangles
  audio_recorder: any #Recording and playing
  flutter_sound: ^1.1.5#sound recording
  dropdown_menu: ^1.1.0#drop-down menu 
  simple_permissions:#Permission acquisition
  easy_alert:#Spring frame
  amap_location: any #Gaude map
  location: any #Get gogle location
  barcode_scan 0.0.8#QR code recognition qr_mobile_vision: ^0.1.0 #QR code recognition is not easy to use
  flutter_screenutil: ^0.3.0#Screen adaptation tools  
  flutter_spinkit: ^2.1.0#Load wait box
  lpinyin: ^1.0.6#Chinese character to Pinyin
  shimmer: ^0.0.4#Twilight effect control
  qr_flutter: ^1.1.3#QR code generation
  url_launcher: any#Launch the shuttle plug-in for the URL. SMS, phone and Internet support
  datetime_picker_formfield: ^0.1.3#Time selection control
  flutter_picker: '^1.0.0'#selector
  common_utils: '^1.0.1'#Tool time, date, log, etc
  flutter_html: '^0.8.2'#Static html tags are rendered as fluent widgets
  fluwx: '^0.3.0'#Wechat payment, sharing and login
  tobias: '^ 0.0.6'#Alipay
  cupertino_icons: '^0.1.2'#Small icon control
  http: '^0.11.3+16'#Network request
  html: '^0.13.3'#html parsing
  image_picker: '^0.4.5'#Picture selection (album or photo)
  flutter_webview_plugin: any#webview display
  fluttertoast: any#toast prompt box
  shared_preferences: '^0.4.2'#shared_preferences store
  transparent_image: '^0.1.0'#Transparent picture control
  flutter_swiper : '^1.0.2'#Rotation map
  charts_flutter: '^0.4.0'#Statistical chart
  path_provider: '^0.4.1'#Get system files
  cached_network_image: '0.4.1'#Load network pictures and cache them locally
  sqflite: '^0.11.0+1'#sqllite database operation
  pull_to_refresh: '^1.1.5'#Pull down refresh pull up load more
  video_player: '0.6.1'#Video playback
  collection: '1.14.11'#Collection operation tool class
  device_info: '0.2.1'#Get mobile information
  flutter_svg: '^0.3.2'#Show svg icon controls
  intl: any#International chemical tools
  connectivity: '0.3.1'#Link network
  flutter_staggered_grid_view:#Waterfall flow display control
  flutter_file_manager:#file management
  loader_search_bar:#Navigation bar search control
  flutter_image_compress : any#Picture compression
  ota_update : any#App download update
  flutter_slidable: #item sideslip control

flutter Plug in official website address: https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/


1. image_picker

One can select pictures from the gallery and take new photos with the camera flutter plug-in unit

2. flutter_image

use NetworkImageWithRetry replace Image.network You can get retry ability by loading network pictures.

3. barcode_scan

One that can scan QR codes and bar codes flutter plug-in unit.

4. intl

The plug-in provides internationalization and localization facilities, including message translation, plural and gender, and date/Number format and parsing and two-way text.

5. sqflite

sqlite Plug in, and support ios and andriod

6. connectivity

This plugin allows Flutter The application discovers the network connection and configures itself accordingly. It can distinguish between honeycomb and WiFi connect. This plug-in applies to iOS and Android. 

7. cupertino_icons

Cupertino Theme icon set

8. location

This plug-in can handle Android and iOS Location of the equipment. It also provides a callback when the location changes.

9. contact_picker

With this plug-in, Flutter The application can ask its users from him/Select a contact in her address book and return the information related to the contact to the application.

10. sensors

Through this plug-in, we can access accelerometers and gyroscopes.

11. convert

The plug-in contains an encoder and decoder for converting between different data representations. It is dart:convert The external objects of the core library and contain central objects that require more flexible version control API and API. 


dart VM Can read and write files.


You can use Alipay to pay.


Gaode map 3 d flutter Components.



Wechat plug-in

      url: https://github.com/OpenFlutter/fluwx

17.Character generation
Network request dio
 Persistent operation local storage shared_preferences
 Routing management fluro
 Routing management/Dependency injection get
 Page light prompt fluttertoast
 The network loads pictures and caches them locally cached_network_image
 Cache cleanup path_provider
 Screen adaptation flutter_screenutil
 Picture taking image_picker
RSA encryption encrypt
 Left slide delete left_scroll_actions
 Aurora push jpush_flutter
 Picture compression flutter_image_compress,flutter_luban
 Global state management provider
 Rotation map flutter_swiper
 prompt box flutter_easyloading
 Pull up refresh, pull down load pull_to_refresh ,flutter_easyrefresh
 Call the system default share share
 Use the default browser to open a web address and make a call url_launcher
 Rich text content recognition flutter_html
flutter of SQLite plug-in unit sqflite
 Map plugin(Support multiple maps) map_launcher
 Gaude map SDK plug-in unit amap_flutter_map
flutter Message push of notification bar flutter_local_notifications

Keywords: Java Android Flutter

Added by atstein on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 20:56:10 +0200