Formula Editor - Tip Dropdown Box Function - Dynamic Acquisition of Cursor Position


Should develop the demand, need to write a formula editor plug-in, below to tell you about the implementation process. (wiping sweat, forcing calmness, cough, voice opening ~)


There's really only a little bit of it.~

<!DOCTYPE html>  
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Formula Editor Test</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/global.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>  
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/editTips.js"></script> 

    <textarea id="test" ></textarea>



Let's give it together. Sooner or later, we'll give it:

/* Editor drop-down box related styles */
ul,li,textarea,input{text-decoration:none;list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;box-sizing: border-box;}
    padding:5px 0;
    border-radius: 0!important;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
    max-height: auto;
.editTips li{
    margin:1px 0;
    padding:6px 11px;
    border-bottom:solid 1px #e5e5e5;
.editTips li:last-child{
.editTips{ background:#fee188!important; }
    text-decoration: none;
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    display: block;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    width: 500px;
    height: 300px;
    margin-top: 100px;
    margin-left: 100px;



Plug-in template - this is the input box

(function ($) {
        "editTips": function (options) {
            var opts = $.extend({}, defaults, options); //Use jQuery.extend Override plug-in default parameters
            return    this.each(function () { //There this Namely jQuery object

          //Default parameters
          var defaults = {


Insert drop-down box

Here this is the input box, in html, no need to go to js insert, of course, this is not a problem, here we will input box and drop-down box are customized, insert the ul editTips class can be removed, in order to see the effect temporarily added.

I personally want the width of the drop-down box to be customizable:'width': opts. dropdown Width, where we define the first parameter: the width of the drop-down box.


 1                     var _this = this;                      
 2                       _this.entertext = $(this);
 3                       _this.dropdown = $('<ul class="editTips" style="display:none;"></ul>');
 5                       $("body").after(_this.dropdown);                      
 6                     _this.dropdown.css({
 7                         'width':opts.dropdownWidth,
 8                         'position':'absolute',
 9                     });

Monitoring text box

ps: Since it's a formula editor, it means that the retrieval event will not always be triggered, but only when the specified character is input, such as:! @ # and so on. Here we take $as an example, from which we can think, we are sure.

A parameter is needed to dynamically change the trigger condition of retrieval events. First, keep it in mind.

Retrieval process: Input box input value - Input specific characters trigger retrieval, such as $- Callback function, we here match keywords for callbacktips - Return partial matching results containing keywords, in the form of array - traversal array added to the drop-down box ul display - Select the current item.

Because it also involves restricting requests and switching the current item by direction keys, the whole code is given as follows:

// Listening Input Box
    var nowTime =  window.sessionStorage.getItem('nowTime');
    // Current Item Index
    var n = _this.dropdown.find(".active").index();
    // li Number
    var n_max = _this.dropdown.find("li").length;
    // Be careful event stay firefox Incompatible in method event The following statement implements compatibility
    EVT = event || window.event;
    if( EVT.keyCode == 38 ){
        // Directional Key Control li option
        if( n == 0){
        return false;
     // prohibit enter Key line change
    if( EVT.keyCode == 13 ){
        return false;
    if( EVT.keyCode == 40 ){
        // Directional Key Control li option
        if( n+1 == n_max ){
        return false;
    // Restrict requests and do not trigger retrieval events to send requests when the input interval is less than one second
    if( nowTime){
        var oldTime =;
        var nowTime = window.sessionStorage.getItem('nowTime');
        var m =  parseInt((oldTime - nowTime)/1000);
        if( m >= 1){                                
            // Text content
            var val = _this.entertext.val();
            // Cut text with spaces to return an array
            var arr_test = val.split(" ");
            // Get the last element of the array
            var temp = arr_test[arr_test.length-1];
            // Cut the last single character element to return the array
            var temp_type = temp.split("");
            // Get the first character of the number
            var temp_cha = temp_type[0];
            // Last element length
            var temp_len = temp.length;

            var temp_dot = temp_type.lastIndexOf(".");
            // Define callback function callbacktips
            var  callbacktips = function(arr_json){                            
                 // Initialization UL 
                for( i=0;i<arr_json.length;i++ ){
                // custom style
            // The last element is null 
            if( temp_len == 0 ){
            // Meeting trigger conditions for specific characters 
            if( temp_cha == opts.triggerCharacter ){                            
                    opts.keyPressAction(temp, function(arr_json){
                        // Callback function
    // Initialize the first time
ps: Here comes our second parameter, which is also a crucial parameter, triggering the retrieval event character: opts.triggerCharacter.

Mouse switch current item

After the drop-down menu is displayed (we don't care where the drop-down menu is displayed first), experientially, I hope that I can use either the mouse to select or the direction key to select. The direction key to switch the current item is integrated into the code above, where the mouse to switch the current item:

// Switch the current item

Prevent default events for keyboard keystrokes - enter key to select the current item

If we don't do this, when we switch the current item with the direction key, you will see that the cursor is moving up and down. How can we tolerate this? What should I do? Shield it ~, here we can integrate the enter key to select the current item, see the code:

// Prevent default events for directional keyboard during input
    EVT = event || window.event;
    if( EVT.keyCode == 38 ){
    if( EVT.keyCode == 40 ){
    // enter Key selection corresponds to li
    if( EVT.keyCode == 13 ){
        var txt = _this.dropdown.find(".active").html();
        var test_txt = _this.entertext.val();
        var arr_change = test_txt.split(" ");
        // Cut text with spaces to return an array
        var arr_test = test_txt.split(" ");
        // Get the last element of the array
        var temp = arr_test[arr_test.length-1];
        var temp_type = temp.split("");
        var temp_dot = temp_type.lastIndexOf(".");
        var n ;
        n = temp_type.join('');
        _this.entertext.val(arr_change.join(" "));

Click on the current item to reorganize val

Otherwise, let's look at the code directly. You may be hungry. Look at the code:

// Click Replacement Reorganization val
    var txt = $(this).html();
    var test_txt = _this.entertext.val();
    var arr_change = test_txt.split(" ");
    // Cut text with spaces to return an array
    var arr_test = test_txt.split(" ");
    // Get the last element of the array
    var temp = arr_test[arr_test.length-1];y
    var temp_type = temp.split("");
    var temp_dot = temp_type.lastIndexOf(".");
    var n ;
    n = temp_type.join('');
    _this.entertext.val(arr_change.join(" "));

Default parameters

When we get here, we should be able to run away without dynamically displaying the drop-down box. Here we set the default values for the parameters:

//Default parameters
var defaults = {
    triggerCharacter : '$',

Here we set the specific character to $, the default width of the drop-down box is 150 px, of course, there are some supporting role parameters, not to mention, it is interesting to see the officials can also add some parameters themselves.

After testing, it is found that it can be used normally. Next, it is the problem that the drop-down box shows the location. This imagination does not seem to be a problem that can be solved in seconds. Ask Baidu ~Don't ask me what I can't find, because I don't know ~)

At this time, I have to comfort myself: as a rookie is still good, after all, there are countless predecessors glittering on the way forward.~

Search ~

Applause. Attach a link to the original text on the left of the cursor pixel to thank you:

What's left is integration. Of course, it's not surprising that there are a few minor problems in the integration process (all sit down, basic operations):

1. After testing, it is found that the drop-down box position appears dynamically, but the position is not right, and the ideal position of the offset heart is 800 li. No way, go quietly to read the code of predecessors, read the code, found that the position of the drop-down box above is absolutely positioned coordinates, what does that mean?

What about it? (I admit it was only later discovered that ~no test did not know), which means that the display position of the drop-down box is not relative to the input box, but relative to the whole body, so we should insert the drop-down box into the body:


2. Re-test: It is found that the position is generally correct, but there is still a deviation. Re-test ~the original display position of the drop-down box is also affected by the input box margin-left and margin-top. The test results show that the following code:

// call kingwolfofsky, Getting cursor coordinates
function show(elem) {  
    var p = kingwolfofsky.getInputPositon(elem);  
    var s = _this.dropdown.get(0); 
    var ttop = parseInt(_this.entertext.css("marginTop"));
    var tleft = parseInt(_this.entertext.css("marginLeft")) 
    console.log(ttop); = p.bottom-ttop+10+'px'; = p.left-tleft + 'px';                    

Now we need a complete test to call:

    triggerCharacter : '$',
        var arr_json;
        if( temp == "$" ){
            arr_json = ["$a","$ab","$b","$bb"]
        if(temp && temp.indexOf("$a")== 0){
            arr_json = ["$a","$ab"];
        else if(temp && temp.indexOf("$b")== 0){
            arr_json = ["$b","$bb"];

Of course, we just simulate the return array here. If the formula library is not very large, it can be completed in the front end, such as building a json file and so on. ~The test results are as follows:

All js code

The effect is ok, so what happens next? Look at the official's anger, I know it's time to come out with all the code:

*****Formula Editor*****
* Call the editTips() method
* editTips({
*        triggerCharacter:  The trigger matching character defaults to "$"
*        textareaWidth:        Input box width default auto
*        textareaHeight:    Input box Height default auto
*        dropdownWidth:        The default width of the drop-down prompt box is 150px
*        keyPressAction:function(temp,callbacktips){  
*        // The parameter temp returns arr_json array and callback function callbacktips(arr_json)
*            var arr_json;
*            callbacktips(arr_json);
*        }            
*   });

(function ($) {
        "editTips": function (options) {
            var opts = $.extend({}, defaults, options); //Use jQuery.extend Override plug-in default parameters
            return    this.each(function () { //There this Namely jQuery object
                    // Get the coordinates of the input cursor in the page to return left and top,bottom  
                    var kingwolfofsky = {  
                        getInputPositon: function (elem) {  
                            if (document.selection) {   //IE Support  
                                var Sel = document.selection.createRange();  
                                return {  
                                    left: Sel.boundingLeft,  
                                    top: Sel.boundingTop,  
                                    bottom: Sel.boundingTop + Sel.boundingHeight  
                            } else {  
                                var that = this;  
                                var cloneDiv = '{$clone_div}', cloneLeft = '{$cloneLeft}', cloneFocus = '{$cloneFocus}', cloneRight = '{$cloneRight}';  
                                var none = '<span style="white-space:pre-wrap;"> </span>';  
                                var div = elem[cloneDiv] || document.createElement('div'), focus = elem[cloneFocus] || document.createElement('span');  
                                var text = elem[cloneLeft] || document.createElement('span');  
                                var offset = that._offset(elem), index = this._getFocus(elem), focusOffset = { left: 0, top: 0 };  
                                if (!elem[cloneDiv]) {  
                                    elem[cloneDiv] = div, elem[cloneFocus] = focus;  
                                    elem[cloneLeft] = text;  
                                    focus.innerHTML = '|';  
                           = 'display:inline-block;width:0px;overflow:hidden;z-index:-100;word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break-all;';  
                                    div.className = this._cloneStyle(elem);  
                           = 'visibility:hidden;display:inline-block;position:absolute;z-index:-100;word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break-all;overflow:hidden;';  
                       = this._offset(elem).left + "px";  
                       = this._offset(elem).top + "px";  
                                var strTmp = elem.value.substring(0, index).replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/\n/g, '<br/>').replace(/\s/g, none);  
                                text.innerHTML = strTmp;  
                       = 'inline-block';  
                                try { focusOffset = this._offset(focus); } catch (e) { };  
                       = 'none';  
                                return {  
                                    left: focusOffset.left,  
                                    bottom: focusOffset.bottom  
                            // Clone element styles and return classes  
                        _cloneStyle: function (elem, cache) {  
                            if (!cache && elem['${cloneName}']) return elem['${cloneName}'];  
                            var className, name, rstyle = /^(number|string)$/;  
                            var rname = /^(content|outline|outlineWidth)$/; //Opera: content; IE8:outline && outlineWidth  
                            var cssText = [], sStyle =;  
                            for (name in sStyle) {  
                                if (!rname.test(name)) {  
                                    val = this._getStyle(elem, name);  
                                    if (val !== '' && rstyle.test(typeof val)) { // Firefox 4  
                                        name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase();  
                            cssText = cssText.join('');  
                            elem['${cloneName}'] = className = 'clone' + (new Date).getTime();  
                            this._addHeadStyle('.' + className + '{' + cssText + '}');  
                            return className;  
                        // Insert Styles into Page Headers  
                        _addHeadStyle: function (content) {  
                            var style = this._style[document];  
                            if (!style) {  
                                style = this._style[document] = document.createElement('style');  
                            style.styleSheet && (style.styleSheet.cssText += content) || style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(content));  
                        _style: {},  
                        // Get the final style  
                        _getStyle: 'getComputedStyle' in window ? function (elem, name) {  
                            return getComputedStyle(elem, null)[name];  
                        } : function (elem, name) {  
                            return elem.currentStyle[name];  
                            // Gets the position of the cursor in the text box  
                        _getFocus: function (elem) {  
                            var index = 0;  
                            if (document.selection) {// IE Support  
                                var Sel = document.selection.createRange();  
                                if (elem.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA') {//textarea  
                                    var Sel2 = Sel.duplicate();  
                                    var index = -1;  
                                    while (Sel2.inRange(Sel)) {  
                                else if (elem.nodeName === 'INPUT') {// input  
                                    Sel.moveStart('character', -elem.value.length);  
                                    index = Sel.text.length;  
                            else if (elem.selectionStart || elem.selectionStart == '0') { // Firefox support  
                                index = elem.selectionStart;  
                            return (index);  
                        // Get the location of elements in the page  
                        _offset: function (elem) {  
                            var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(), doc = elem.ownerDocument, body = doc.body, docElem = doc.documentElement;  
                            var clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;  
                            var top = + (self.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop) - clientTop, left = box.left + (self.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft) - clientLeft;  
                            return {  
                                left: left,  
                                top: top,  
                                right: left + box.width,  
                                bottom: top + box.height  
                    // Textbox listens for events 
                    var _this = this;                      
                      _this.entertext = $(this);
                      _this.dropdown = $('<ul class="editTips" style="display:none;"></ul>');
                      // The position of the pop-up drop-down box obtained is the absolutely positioned coordinate, so the pop-up layer has to be placed on it. body in
                          'position': 'relative',

                    // Listening Input Box
                        var nowTime =  window.sessionStorage.getItem('nowTime');
                        // Current Item Index
                        var n = _this.dropdown.find(".active").index();
                        // li Number
                        var n_max = _this.dropdown.find("li").length;
                        // Be careful event stay firefox Incompatible in method event The following statement implements compatibility
                        EVT = event || window.event;
                        if( EVT.keyCode == 38 ){
                            // Directional Key Control li option
                            if( n == 0){
                            return false;
                         // prohibit enter Key line change
                        if( EVT.keyCode == 13 ){
                            return false;
                        if( EVT.keyCode == 40 ){
                            // Directional Key Control li option
                            if( n+1 == n_max ){
                            return false;
                        // Restrict requests and do not trigger retrieval events to send requests when the input interval is less than one second
                        if( nowTime){
                            var oldTime =;
                            var nowTime = window.sessionStorage.getItem('nowTime');
                            var m =  parseInt((oldTime - nowTime)/1000);
                            if( m >= 1){                                
                                // Text content
                                var val = _this.entertext.val();
                                // Cut text with spaces to return an array
                                var arr_test = val.split(" ");
                                // Get the last element of the array
                                var temp = arr_test[arr_test.length-1];
                                // Cut the last single character element to return the array
                                var temp_type = temp.split("");
                                // Get the first character of the number
                                var temp_cha = temp_type[0];
                                // Last element length
                                var temp_len = temp.length;

                                var temp_dot = temp_type.lastIndexOf(".");
                                // Define callback function callbacktips
                                var  callbacktips = function(arr_json){                            
                                     // Initialization UL 
                                    for( i=0;i<arr_json.length;i++ ){
                                    // custom style
                                // The last element is null 
                                if( temp_len == 0 ){
                                // Meeting trigger conditions for specific characters 
                                if( temp_cha == opts.triggerCharacter ){                            
                                        opts.keyPressAction(temp, function(arr_json){
                                            // Callback function
                        // Initialize the first time

                    // Switch the current item
                    // Prevent default events for directional keyboard during input
                        EVT = event || window.event;
                        if( EVT.keyCode == 38 ){
                        if( EVT.keyCode == 40 ){
                        // enter Key selection corresponds to li
                        if( EVT.keyCode == 13 ){
                            var txt = _this.dropdown.find(".active").html();
                            var test_txt = _this.entertext.val();
                            var arr_change = test_txt.split(" ");
                            // Cut text with spaces to return an array
                            var arr_test = test_txt.split(" ");
                            // Get the last element of the array
                            var temp = arr_test[arr_test.length-1];
                            var temp_type = temp.split("");
                            var temp_dot = temp_type.lastIndexOf(".");
                            var n ;
                            n = temp_type.join('');
                            _this.entertext.val(arr_change.join(" "));
                    // Click Replacement Reorganization val
                        var txt = $(this).html();
                        var test_txt = _this.entertext.val();
                        var arr_change = test_txt.split(" ");
                        // Cut text with spaces to return an array
                        var arr_test = test_txt.split(" ");
                        // Get the last element of the array
                        var temp = arr_test[arr_test.length-1];
                        var temp_type = temp.split("");
                        var temp_dot = temp_type.lastIndexOf(".");
                        var n ;
                        n = temp_type.join('');
                        _this.entertext.val(arr_change.join(" "));
                    // Call the coordinate acquisition method show(elem)
                    // call kingwolfofsky, Getting cursor coordinates
                    function show(elem) {  
                        var p = kingwolfofsky.getInputPositon(elem);  
                        var s = _this.dropdown.get(0); 
                        var ttop = parseInt(_this.entertext.css("marginTop"));
                        var tleft = parseInt(_this.entertext.css("marginLeft")) 
               = p.bottom-ttop+10+'px';  
               = p.left-tleft + 'px';                    
            //Default parameters
var defaults = {
    triggerCharacter : '$',

Call plug-in

Yeah, it's still the above call. No problem.~

            triggerCharacter : '$',
                var arr_json;
                if( temp == "$" ){
                    arr_json = ["$a","$ab","$b","$bb"]
                if(temp && temp.indexOf("$a")== 0){
                    arr_json = ["$a","$ab"];
                else if(temp && temp.indexOf("$b")== 0){
                    arr_json = ["$b","$bb"];

Finally, copy and paste the above html, css, js, call, it's yours.~

This is the end of the sharing. Welcome to our family. If you have any questions, you can send them a private message or leave a message. (Smile secretly: although I don't necessarily look at it, I don't necessarily return it, I don't necessarily solve it.)

Keywords: Javascript JQuery Firefox less

Added by PHPLRNR on Fri, 17 May 2019 09:51:49 +0300