Front end html analysis -- Analysis of dom operation table

Today, let's share the article "front-end html analysis - Analysis of dom operation table". The article introduces it in detail according to the example code. It may have a certain reference space and use value for everyone's programming road. Friends in need will learn from Yunnan Qianlong Mark next.

1, To create a table using HTML Tags:

The copy code is as follows:


<caption>Personnel table</caption>



<th>full name</th>







<td>Zhang San</td>





<td>Li Si</td>







<tdcolspan="3">total: N</td>




thead, tfoot and caption tags can only have one tbody, tr, td and th tag in a table. There can be N tags in a table

2, Creating tables using DOM

Tag is one of the most complex structures in HTML. We can create it through DOM, or operate it through HTML DOM. (HTML DOM provides a more convenient and fast way to operate HTML)

The copy code is as follows:




//Add attributes to the table

table.width=300;//You can also use this method: table setAttribute('width',300)

table.border=1;</p> <p>//Create the title of the table


table.appendChild(caption);</p> <p>//Add content to the title of the table

//caption.innerHTML = "personnel table"// Non W3c standard method

varcaptionText=document.createTextNode("Personnel table");

caption.appendChild(captionText);</p> <p>

//The first row of the created table is a header row


table.appendChild(thead);</p> <p>vartr=document.createElement("tr");

/* */

thead.appendChild(tr);</p> <p>//column






th2.innerHTML="data";</p> <p>document.body.appendChild(table);



3, Use DOM to obtain table data (it will be annoying to operate tables with DOM)

The copy code is as follows:





4, Use HTML DOM to obtain table data (convenient, simple and clear).

Because the tables are complicated and have many levels, it will be very difficult to use the DOM learned before just to obtain an element, so using HTML DOM will be much clearer.

The copy code is as follows:


//Use HTML DOM to get table elements

vartable=document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0];//Get table reference

//Press HTMLDOM to get the < caption > of the table

alert(table.caption.innerHTML);//Get the content of caption

//table.caption.innerHTML = "student form"// You can also set values


The copy code is as follows:


//Use HTML DOM to get table elements

vartable=document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0];//Get table reference

//Press HTMLDOM to get the header and footer < thead >, < tFoot >

alert(table.tHead);//Get header

alert(table.tFoot);//Get the footer < / P > < p > / / get the table body < tbody > by HTMLDOM

alert(table.tBodies);//Get the set of table body


In a table<thead>and<tfoot>Is the only one. There can only be one. and<tbody>It is not unique. There can be more than one, which leads to the final return<thead>and<tfoot>Is an element reference, and<tbody>Returns a collection of elements.

The copy code is as follows:


//Use HTML DOM to get table elements

vartable=document.getElementsByTagName(‘table’)[0];// Get table reference

//Press HTML DOM to get the number of rows in the table

alert(table.rows.length);// Get the collection of rows, quantity

//Press HTML DOM to get the number of rows in the table body

alert(table.tBodies[0].rows.length);// Gets the collection of the number of rows of the principal, and the number of rows


The copy code is as follows:


//Use HTML DOM to get table elements

vartable=document.getElementsByTagName(‘table’)[0];// Get table reference

//Press HTMLDOM to get the number of cells (tr) in the first row of the table body

alert(table.tBodies[0].rows[0].cells.length);// Gets the number of cells in the first row


The copy code is as follows:


//Use HTML DOM to get table elements

vartable=document.getElementsByTagName(‘table’)[0];// Get table reference

//Press HTMLDOM to get the contents of the first cell in the first row of the table body (td)

alert(table.tBodies[0].rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML);// Gets the contents of the first cell in the first row


The copy code is as follows:



//Use HTML DOM to get table elements

vartable=document.getElementsByTagName(‘table’)[0];// Get the table reference < / P > < p > / / delete the title, header, footer, row and cell by HTMLDOM

//table.deleteCaption();// Delete title

//table.deleteTHead();// delete

//table.tBodies[0].deleteRow(0);// Delete a row

//table.tBodies[0].rows[0].deleteCell(0);// Delete a cell

//table.tBodies[0].rows[0].deleteCell(1);// Deleting the contents of a cell is equivalent to deleting a cell, and the following hope will be added


5, Creating tables with HTML DOM

The copy code is as follows:


//Create a table by HTML DOM



table.width=300;</p> <p>table.createCaption().innerHTML='Personnel table';</p> <p>//table.createTHead();


varthead=table.createTHead();//This method returns a reference

vartr=thead.insertRow(0);//This method returns a reference < / P > < p > vartd = tr.insertcell (0);

//td.appendChild(document.createTextNode('data ')// As a way to add data, you can also use the following methods



//td2.appendChild(document.createTextNode('data2 '));

td2.innerHTML="Data 2";</p> <p>document.body.appendChild(table);

}; There is no specific method for < Table >, < tbody >, < th > when creating a table. You need to use document to create it. You can also simulate existing methods and write specific functions, such as insertTH(). The above is all the content introduced by Yunnan Qianlong Mark. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave a message at the script home. If you think this article is helpful to you, welcome to reprint it. Please indicate the source, thank you!

Keywords: Front-end html css

Added by nigeledge on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 05:03:14 +0200