Front end interview questions in late summer and early autumn of 2021

A front-end Xiaobai's first interview journey in late summer and early autumn

A lucky cat's broken thoughts after eating

The following are the questions in the interview process. They are classic and popular. I hope they can provide you with some review direction. Gold, silver and four are just ready now.

CSS article

It is necessary to ask about flex in css, including the principle of flex. The horizontal and vertical centering is also relatively high frequency. If their posts need to make beautiful and highly compatible pages, css should be more than that.

Scenarios using flex

Flex: what does 1 mean and how flex is calculated

order attribute of flex

How to deal with 1 pixel with sass

The child box is horizontally and vertically centered on the parent box

Realize three column layout

css box model, how css sets the box

How to solve the folding of margin

How to form BFC and BFC usage scenarios

How does CSS modularization work

Parameters of css3 animation

What about mobile compatibility

Single line text ellipsis and multi line text ellipsis

How to deal with a gen Gen Caton sliding the screen on ios


We must ask about es6, especially promise, cross domain and closure.

Array method reduce second parameter

The difference between ordinary functions and arrow functions. Can the arrow function use new and can the arrow function use argument to obtain parameters

How to remove duplicate arrays

Are es6 commonly used? What are they commonly used

New array method

Difference between forEach and Map

promise how much do you know

Differences between numeric types and references

The difference between var, let and const

set and map of es6

What is the difference between a map key and an ordinary key

promise callback is related to the execution order of setTimeout

Difference between set and weakSet

Has symbol been used

Usage scenario of extension operator

What does typeof [] return, and what does typeof NaN return

How to judge whether a variable is an array

'1' what does instanceof string return

What scenarios use closures, the concept of closures

How does the underlying browser implement closures

The difference between get and post

Cross domain approach

How does cors set up cross domain

cors principle, are all requests sent once in cors

jsonp principle

Class instantiation process, new operator process

How to implement a class and inheritance

What is the $of jquery

Event flow of DOM events

addEventLisner third parameter

Frame chapter

The principle of framework must be deeply studied. You can't read the source code, and you must know the principle. I'm talking about react, so I'm asking about react.

Common hooks

What is useEffect for

useState some operation always gets the last value. How to deal with it

How to use useReducer, what it is, and the difference between useReducer and redux

setState synchronization? Asynchronous?, What does setState do asynchronously

Why use hooks? The function of React hooks

What should we pay attention to when using hooks

Can hooks be used to judge conditions? Why

Where can hooks be used? Can they be used in HOC

A component is very deep, data transfer method

Component communication mode

redux data flow, principle

How does redux cause component updates

How to bind the state data of the class component, and the implementation of the internal principle

Class component and function component, and the advantages of function component compared with class component

class component performance optimization, function component performance optimization

What is the difference between the life cycle of function component and class component

batchUpdate mechanism

What does react fiber know

How does JSX become react Of createElement
Can the ErrorBoundry monitor the errors of all components

Suspension principle

react18 new features

The life cycle of react

What should I pay attention to when using react

Component communication in vue

v-modal syntax

$on $emit principle

Life cycle of vue

The difference between vue and react

How to do SEO for single page application and how to optimize seo search engine

Performance optimization

Front end performance optimization generally includes code level, webpack level, http level, loading, packet, etc. browser cache and http cache are almost necessary.

Front end performance optimization

html, js, css, pictures, different caching strategies

How to set strong cache

How do browsers implement caching

Garbage collection mechanism

http forced caching and negotiation caching

The status code returned by the forced cache and the attribute value of the forced cache control

How does the negotiation cache know that the cache has expired

How is Etag generated

Anti shake and throttling concepts, use scenarios

React performance optimization

How much do you know about browser caching

Some files do not need to be cached, such as html. How to set

Performance optimization in the project and how to optimize in webpack


Webpack needs to know how to load the plugin and loader and how to implement them internally. It is definitely a plus if you have implemented the loader and plugin yourself or solved any problems with webpack.

The difference between loader and plugins

Common plugins / loaders

How is the webpack plugin executed internally

Why does webpack exist and its role

Have you implemented the loader and plugin yourself? How is it implemented internally

webpack4 and webpack5

Other articles

The difference between svg and canvas

The difference between commonJS and import

What is the difference between IE box model and standard box model

The difference between modularization and componentization

Development history of modularity

js event loop

What other hash modes besides content hash

babel mechanism

CDN process

Stack memory and heap memory

How to build scaffold

How much do you know about modularity and how to apply it

Code article

Now it's advanced. You don't need to write code on paper. Generally, you can have an online interview. You can type the code online, and it can still run (covering your face and crying).

The algorithm directly brushes the force buckle, and the double pointer is very cow. Some friends "beat all over the world" with the double pointer.

Other handwritten code questions are generally related to the implementation of some methods or promise.

There are also questions about the printing order or what to print for a piece of code. this points to, promise and setTimeout, and closures.

Recursive implementation of Fibonacci sequence

() [] {} / (({[]})) / ({]) how to judge whether they are all paired

Handwritten promise All, implement promise All from parallel to serial

Prototype chain correlation

function fun() {};
var f = new fun();

f.__proto__ // === ? 1 fun.prototype
f.__proto__.__proto__ // === ? 2 Obejct.prototype 
f.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ // === ? 3 null
f.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ // === ?  4 will report an error because the previous one is already null
fun.__proto__ // === ? 5 Funtion.prototype
fun.__proto__.__proto__ // === ? 6 Obejct.prototype 
f.prototype // ?  7 the undefined instance does not have a prototype
fun.prototype // ? 8  { constructor: f }


const [n, setN] = useState(1)

useEffect(() => {
  console.log('a', n)
  return () => {
    console.log('b', n)
}, [n]);

Result: print after initialization 'a',1 again setN(2)Print after 'b', 1 Reprint 'a',2

Variable promotion

var a = 123;
function aa() {
  if (false) {
  	var a = 'hello word';

Result: what is printed out is undefined,Because although if false It doesn't execute, but js When pre parsing, the a The variable is increased

this point

var a =  1;

function Fn1() {
  var a = 2;
  alert(this.a + a);

function Fn2() {
  var a = 10;


var Fn3 = function() {
  this.a = 3;

Fn3.prototype = {
  a: 4

var fn3 = new Fn3();;

before alert Out of 3, again alert Out 5
 implement Fn2()When, this point window,this.a Yes 1
 implement, this point fn3,this.a It's 3. Why not 4? Because first find it in the instance, and then find the prototype if it can't be found


function a() {
  let b = 5;

  return function() {


var c = a();

Results 5 5 6 7
 Because the latter forms a closure


function aa() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

aa().then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
}).then(res => {

Results: 2 1 456  
because promise Once the state changes, it won't change again, so reject(3)Will not execute
 because promise The code inside is synchronous, and the callback is asynchronous
 If removed resolve(1)
Then the result: 2 3 456
 Because whatever it is then still catch As long as it's not inside new Error All returned are resolved state

Array flattening

// How to write using reduce

const arr = [1, 15, 'string', true, [3, 5, [17, 6, 88, [4, 28]]], {name: 'Xiao Ming is a troublemaker'}]

function flat(arr) {
  if (!Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;

  return arr.reduce((result, item) => {
    return result.concat(Array.isArray(item) ? flat(item) : item);
  }, [])



// How does the new api level
// Array.flat()
// arr.flat(Infinity)

this related

function A() {}
function B(a) { this.a = a }
function C(a) { if (a) { this.a = a }}

A.prototype.a = 1;
B.prototype.a = 1;
C.prototype.a = 1;

console.log(new A().a)
console.log(new B().a)
console.log(new C(2).a)

// The result is 1 undefined 2

Handwritten object assign

Handwritten promise all

Handwriting anti shake

dom events

There are three div a - > b - > c, click c, how does the console print

Results: capture a capture b bubble c capture c bubble b bubble a

Click c, and the abc event will be triggered at the same time. The capture phase will be carried out first, and then the bubble phase will be carried out. c is the target element, and the printing order is the registration order

Project chapter

The project must be prepared to sort out the difficulties and highlights of the project and how to solve the problems encountered, that is, to investigate the difficulty and complexity of your project and your ability to solve problems.

The interviewer usually introduces these questions and then talks to you in detail.

What did you actively promote in the project, and what benefits or improvements did you achieve

Highlight / difficulty of the project

How does your system implement error monitoring

Encapsulate the most complex components

What does your scaffold contain

What should I do if I want to modify the table style in antd in a module

How did you implement the components you made

Let you be a monitoring platform, how to do it

How to make a security mechanism for front-end and back-end requests

Have you used any hook libraries

Have you written hooks? What function

How is your scaffold made

Has webpack been configured by itself

Open questions

What are your usual learning styles

You've been learning something new lately

Usual way of learning

Will the problems encountered in ordinary times be recorded

Future planning

How to learn

Requirements for front-end team

HR chapter

HR generally knows about the candidate's expression ability, sincerity, etc. of course, the most important thing is the salary.

What project did you do? Tell me about it

What are the online bug s in your project

Future planning

Your strengths / weaknesses

What are the requirements or expectations for the company or front-end team


Keywords: Javascript Front-end Interview

Added by rich_d on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 22:09:49 +0200