Front-end Summary, Tool Chapter and Management (I) Common Modularization Scheme

Front end summary series

I. Modularization Specification
    1.1 AMD Specification (Asynchronous Module Definition)
    1.2 CMD Specification (Common Module Definition)
    1.3 Common JS specification (NodeJS modularization scheme)
    1.4 ES6 module (need to use babel transcoding)

2. Packaging Modules with Webpack
    2.1 Installation of Webpack
    2.2 What are all exported modules?
    2.3 Packaging JS Modules
    2.4 Easier Packing
    2.5 Packaging CSS Modules

I. Modularization Specification

1.1 AMD Specification (Asynchronous Module Definition)

The implementation of AMD specification includes RequireJS The following is a complete example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- Introduce require.js -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="
  <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>

// Definition module
define('myName',[],function () {
  return 'My name is white.'

// Definition module
define('yourName',[],function () {
  return 'Your name is lily.'

// Call module
require(['myName','yourName'],function (myName,yourName) {

1.2 CMD Specification (Common Module Definition)

The implementation of AMD specification includes SeaJS Here is an example.

define(function(require, exports, module) {
  var $ = require('jquery');  // Import module
  var Spinning = require('./spinning');
  exports.doSomething = ...
  module.exports = ...  // Export module

1.3 Common JS specification (NodeJS modularization scheme)

The Common JS specification is mainly used for NodeJS, and here is an example.

require('./test');  // Import modules in the current directory
require('jquery');  // Import modules in module directory
module.exports = {}  // Export module

1.4 ES6 module (need to use babel transcoding)

The ES6 module needs to use babel transcoding. Here is an example.

import './test';  // Import modules in the current directory
import 'jquery';  // Import modules in module directory
export function test() {}  // Export module

2. Packaging Modules with Webpack

JS files can be modularized directly using Common JS grammar or ES6 (which requires babel transcoding). CSS, pictures and other resources need to be modularized with corresponding Loader s.

2.1 Installation of Webpack

  • - D is equivalent to - save-dev, - S is equivalent to - save. The former is stored in dependencies of npm configuration file (package.json), while the latter is stored in devDependencies.
npm init -y  // Generate npm configuration file
npm install webpack -D  // Installing Webpack

2.2 What are all exported modules?

The output can be a string, an object, or a function. It can also be other JS data types. But each file can only export one module.

var str = 'Your name is lily.'
module.exports = str  // Export module

var yourName = require('./yourName')  // Import module
console.log(yourName)  // Test exported modules

//Let's modify the data types of module.exports in yourName.js, and then enter the node main.js instruction for testing.

yourName.js(Each file can only export one module. Please test it one by one.
module.exports = 'hello'  // Export string |'hello'
module.exports = {a:1,b:2}  // Export object |{a: 1, b: 2}
module.exports = function () {  // Derived function | [Function]

main.js(The corresponding invocation method is as follows.
var yourName = require('./yourName')
console.log(yourName)  //  'hello'
console.log(yourName.a)  //  1
console.log(yourName())  //  'hello'

2.3 Packaging JS Modules

Create the following files in the same directory. There is no content in all.js, which is used to place packaged modules. Both myName.js and yourName.js export content, and main.js imports both files. The main.js and imported modules are packaged into all.js by webpack main.js all.js instructions.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- Be-all JS All packaged to all.js -->
  <script type="text/javascript" src="all.js"></script>

var str = 'My name is white.'  // Define variables
module.exports = str  // output module

var str = 'Your name is lily.'
module.exports = str

var myName = require('./myName')  // Import module (current directory to use. /)
var yourName = require('./yourName')
console.log(myName)  // Test the imported module
console.log(yourName)  // 

webpack main.js all.js  // Packaging instructions (files on the left are packaged on the right)

2.4 Easier Packing

The above way, every time you have to input the source files, and packaged files, it is really very troublesome. You can configure the following files to enter webpack instructions to package files.

var webpack = require('webpack')

module.exports = {
  entry: './main.js',
  output: {
    path: __dirname,
    filename: 'all.js'

2.5 Packaging CSS Modules

Packaging CSS modules requires configuring Loader.

// Install CSS Loader
npm install css-loader style-loader

// Configure CSS Loader

module: {
  loaders: [
    {css: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'}

webpack.config.js(Webpack Configuration file)
var webpack = require('webpack')

module.exports = {
  entry: './main.js',
  output: {
    path: __dirname,
    filename: 'all.js'
  module: {
    loaders: [
      {test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'}


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The next summary is asynchronous.

Keywords: Javascript Webpack npm JQuery

Added by tsabar on Tue, 16 Jul 2019 00:31:12 +0300