8, Vue routing
Understanding: a route is a set of key - value s. Multiple routes need to be managed by a router.
Front end Routing: key is the path and value is the component.
8.1 relevant understanding
- vue-router
vue is a plug-in library specially used to implement SPA applications.
- SPA application
- single page web application (SPA).
- The whole application has only one complete page.
- Clicking the navigation link in the page will not refresh the page, but only make a partial update of the page.
- The data needs to be obtained through ajax requests.
- What is routing
- A route is a set of mapping relationships (key - value)
- key is the path, and value may be function or component
- Back end routing
- Understanding: value is a function used to process requests submitted by clients.
- Working process: when the server receives a request, it finds a matching function according to the request path to process the request and return the response data.
- Front end routing
- Understanding: value is a component used to display page content.
- Working process: when the path of the browser changes, the corresponding component will be displayed.
8.2 basic routing
- Installing Vue router
PS D:\workspace\vscode\vue_test> npm i vue-router + vue-router@3.5.3 added 1 package from 1 contributor in 6.881s PS D:\workspace\vscode\vue_test>
- Create Vue router
// router/index.js // This file is dedicated to creating routers for the entire application import VueRouter from "vue-router" import About from '../pages/About' import Home from '../pages/Home' // Create a router export default new VueRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/about', component: About }, { path: '/home', component: Home } ] })
- Introducing Vue router
// main.js import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' // Introducing VueRouter import VueRouter from 'vue-router' // Introduction router import router from './router' Vue.config.productionTip = false // Using vueroter Vue.use(VueRouter) new Vue ({ el: '#app', render: h => h(App), // Use router router })
- Use router
<template> <div class="col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-8"> <div class="page-header"><h2>Vue Router Demo</h2></div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'Banner' } </script>
<template> <h2>I am About Content of</h2> </template> <script> export default { name: 'About' } </script>
<template> <h2>I am Home Content of</h2> </template> <script> export default { name: 'Home' } </script>
<template> <div> <div class="row"> <Banner/> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-2 col-xs-offset-2"> <div class="list-group"> <!-- original html We use a Tab to realize page Jump --> <!-- <a class="list-group-item active" href="./about.html">About</a> <a class="list-group-item" href="./home.html">Home</a> --> <!-- 1. Vue With the help of router-link Label to switch routes --> <router-link class="list-group-item" active-class="active" to="/about">About</router-link> <router-link class="list-group-item" active-class="active" to="/home">Home</router-link> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-6"> <div class="panel"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- 2. Specifies the render location of the component --> <router-view></router-view> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Banner from './components/Banner.vue' export default { name:'App', components: {Banner} } </script>
- Several points for attention
- Routing components are usually stored in the pages folder, and general components are usually stored in the components folder.
- By switching, "hidden" routing components are destroyed by default and can be mounted when necessary.
- Each component has its own $route attribute, which stores its own routing information.
- There is only one router in the whole application, which can be obtained through the $router attribute of the component.
8.3 nested (multi-level) routing
- Modify routing rules
import VueRouter from "vue-router" import About from '../pages/About' import Home from '../pages/Home' import News from '../pages/News' import Message from '../pages/Message' export default new VueRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/about', component: About }, { path: '/home', component: Home, // Configure sub routes without '/' children:[ { path: 'news', component: News }, { path: 'message', component: Message } ] } ] })
- Use nested routing
<template> <ul> <li>news001</li> <li>news002</li> <li>news003</li> </ul> </template> <script> export default { name: 'News' } </script> <style> </style>
<template> <div> <ul> <li> <a href="/message1">message001</a> </li> <li> <a href="/message2">message002</a> </li> <li> <a href="/message/3">message003</a> </li> </ul> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'Message' } </script> <style> </style>
<template> <div> <h2>Home Component content</h2> <div> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li> <!-- To bring a parent route --> <router-link class="list-group-item" active-class="active" to="/home/news">News</router-link> </li> <li> <router-link class="list-group-item" active-class="active" to="/home/message">Message</router-link> </li> </ul> <router-view></router-view> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'Home' } </script>
8.4 routing parameters
8.4.1 query parameters
- Transfer parameters
<!-- Jump and carry query Parameters, to String writing --> <router-link :to="/home/message/detail?id=666&title=Hello">Jump</router-link> <!-- Jump and carry query Parameters, to Object writing of --> <router-link :to="{ path:'/home/message/detail', query:{ id:666, title:'Hello' } }" >Jump</router-link>
- Receiving parameters:
$route.query.id $route.query.title
8.4.2 route naming
Function: it can simplify the jump of routing.
- Name the route:
{ path:'/demo', component:Demo, children:[ { path:'test', component:Test, children:[ { name:'hello' //Name the route path:'welcome', component:Hello, } ] } ] }
- Simplified jump:
<!--Before simplification, you need to write a complete path --> <router-link to="/demo/test/welcome">Jump</router-link> <!--After simplification, jump directly through the name --> <router-link :to="{name:'hello'}">Jump</router-link> <!--Simplified writing fit transfer parameters --> <router-link :to="{ name:'hello', query:{ id:666, title:'Hello' } }" >Jump</router-link>
8.4.3 params parameters
- Configure the route and declare to receive params parameters
{ path:'/home', component:Home, children:[ { path:'news', component:News }, { component:Message, children:[ { name:'xiangqing', path:'detail/:id/:title', //Receive params parameters using placeholder declarations component:Detail } ] } ] }
- Transfer parameters
<!-- Jump and carry params Parameters, to String writing --> <router-link :to="/home/message/detail/666/Hello">Jump</router-link> <!-- Jump and carry params Parameters, to Object writing of --> <router-link :to="{ name:'xiangqing', params:{ id:666, title:'Hello' } }" >Jump</router-link>
Special note: when the route carries params parameters, if the object writing method of to is used, the path configuration item cannot be used, but the name configuration must be used!
- Receiving parameters:
$route.params.id $route.params.title
8.4.4 props configuration
Function: make it easier for routing components to receive parameters
- to configure
{ name:'xiangqing', path:'detail/:id', component:Detail, //The first way to write it: props value is an object, and all key value combinations in the object will eventually be passed to the Detail component through props // props:{a:900} //The second way to write it: if the props value is Boolean and the Boolean value is true, all the 'params' parameters received by the route will be passed to the Detail component through props // props:true //The third way to write: props value is a function. Each set of key values in the object returned by this function will be passed to the Detail component through props (query parameter can be passed here) props(route){ return { id:route.query.id, title:route.query.title } } }
- use
<template> <ul> <li>Message number:{{id}}</li> <li>Message Title:{{title}}</li> </ul> </template> <script> export default { name:'Detail', props:['id','title'] } </script>
8.5 programming route navigation
- replace attribute of < router link >
- Function: control the mode of operating browser history during route jump
- There are two ways to write browser history: push and replace. Push is to add history and replace is to replace the current record. The default value for route jump is push
- How to start the replace mode: < router link replace... > News < / router link >
- Programmed route navigation
Function: route jump is realized without the help of < router link >, making route jump more flexible
Specific code:
//Two API s of $router this.$router.push({ name:'xiangqing', params:{ id:xxx, title:xxx } }) this.$router.replace({ name:'xiangqing', params:{ id:xxx, title:xxx } }) this.$router.forward() //forward this.$router.back() //back off this.$router.go() //You can move forward or backward
8.6 cache routing component
Function: keep the routing components not displayed mounted and not destroyed.
Specific code:
<!-- Display area to be cached keep-alive Packages are available if only one component needs to be cached 'include' Indicate (component name) --> <keep-alive include="News"> <!-- <keep-alive :include="['News', 'Message']"> --> <router-view></router-view> </keep-alive>
8.7 two new life cycle hooks
Function: the two hooks unique to the routing component are used to capture the activation status of the routing component.
- Triggered when the activated routing component is activated.
- Triggered when the deactivated routing component is deactivated.
8.8 route guard
Function: to control the routing permission
- Global guard
//Global front guard: executed during initialization and before each route switching router.beforeEach((to,from,next)=>{ console.log('beforeEach',to,from) if(to.meta.isAuth){ //Judge whether the current route needs permission control if(localStorage.getItem('school') === 'atguigu'){ //Specific rules for permission control next() //Release }else{ alert('No permission to view') // next({name:'guanyu'}) } }else{ next() //Release } }) //Global post guard: executed during initialization and after each route switch router.afterEach((to,from)=>{ console.log('afterEach',to,from) if(to.meta.title){ document.title = to.meta.title //Modify the title of the page }else{ document.title = 'vue_test' } })
- Exclusive guard
beforeEnter(to,from,next){ console.log('beforeEnter',to,from) if(to.meta.isAuth){ //Judge whether the current route needs permission control if(localStorage.getItem('school') === 'atguigu'){ next() }else{ alert('No permission to view') // next({name:'guanyu'}) } }else{ next() } }
- Guard in assembly
//Entry guard: called when entering the component through routing rules beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) { }, //Leave guard: it is called when leaving the component through routing rules beforeRouteLeave (to, from, next) { }
8.9 two working modes of router
- What is a hash value for a url? --# And what follows is the hash value.
- The hash value will not be included in the HTTP request, that is, the hash value will not be brought to the server.
- hash mode:
3.1 the address always carries a # number, which is not beautiful.
3.2 if the address is shared through a third-party mobile app in the future, if the app verification is strict, the address will be marked as illegal.
3.3 good compatibility. - history mode:
4.1 the address is clean and beautiful.
4.2 compatibility is slightly worse than hash mode.
4.3 when the application is deployed online, it needs the support of back-end personnel to solve the problem of refreshing the page server 404.