Full set of shell web monitoring scripts

shell web monitoring script, the whole set is in it, decision rules changed several times, multiple combinations can see the old version, follow-up lazy to write new.

Old version links: https://blog.51cto.com/junhai/2407485

This time there are three scripts, write down the process of implementation.

The effect of calculating failure time is as follows: https://blog.51cto.com/junhai/2430313

Using Wechat Robot: https://blog.51cto.com/junhai/2424374

Because the useless database can only use 3 txt like this, in fact, I will not... --! Multiple sed can be written in one sentence, and they are too lazy to take the time to optimize.

url.txt > url. del (store unreachable address, second script analysis after) > url. add (third script analysis whether the address is restored)

The monitoring effect is as follows:

For external use, alarms are sent by mail, because too many web s monitored by the government cloud need to send mail. Mailboxes are often considered to be for sending spam, and are blocked many times.

One alarm and one recovery, which prevents multiple alarms, only two emails will be sent out in one failure, and the third script control will be used for WEB monitoring of government cloud platform.

Three unreachable stop alarms, one recovery alarm, alarm @ related system personnel, using the second script control, for Changwei internal system monitoring alarm. Mail is optional, internal use of enterprise Wechat is faster.


. /root/weixin.sh
        date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"

name=`cat url2.txt|grep $url|wc -l`
if [ $name -eq 1 ];then
	cat url2.txt|grep -w $url
        echo "$url"

[ ! -f /root/url.txt ] && echo "url.txt file does not exist" && exit 1
sed -i '/^$/d' url.txt   
while read url
	[ -z $url  ] && echo "url.txt Existence of spaces Check file format" && exit 1
        for ((i=1;i<7;i++))
			rule=`curl -i -s -k -L -m 10 $url|grep -w "HTTP/1.1 200"|wc -l` 
			if [ $rule -eq 1 ];then
				echo "$(cur_time) The first $i Secondary inspection $url Successful Web Access" >> check.log 
            elif [ $i = 5 ];then 
				echo $url >> url.del 
				info=`echo -e "$(cur_time) \n$(systemname) Web page can not be accessed, please check!"`
				echo -e "$(cur_time) \n\n$(systemname) Web page can not be accessed, please check!"|mail -s "[Important Alert] Web page unavailable" 450433231@qq.com 
				echo "$(cur_time) $(systemname) Webpage $(expr $i \* 3)Seconds can not be accessed, please check!" >> checkfail.log 
				sh /root/checkdel.sh #The second script
				echo "$(cur_time) The first $i Secondary inspection $url Web page access failure" >> checkfail.log 
				sleep 3 
done < /root/url.txt
sh /root/checkadd.sh #The third script. I like to have the third script separately set at intervals of 1 minute.
. /root/weixin.sh

        date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
} #Display time

sed -i '/^$/d' url.del 
sed -i '/^$/d' url.delout 

cat url.del|sort|uniq -c >> url.delout 

while read line
	i=`echo $line|awk '{print$1}'`
	newurl=`echo $line|awk '{print$2}'`
	if [ -z $newurl ];then
	elif [ $i -eq 1 ];then  
		echo $newurl >> url.add  
		sed -i "s|$newurl||" url.txt 
		sed -i "s|$newurl||" url.del 
		sed -i '/^$/d' url.txt
		sed -i '/^$/d' url.del
		#info=`echo-e'$(cur_time)\n $i alarm site $newurl not restored, suspend sending alarms' ___________.`
		#echo'$(cur_time) $i warning website $newurl not restored suspend sending alarm'| mail-s' [suspend alarm]"450433231@qq.com
		#echo "$(cur_time) website $newurl not restored suspended alarm" > checkfail.log
		sed -i "s|$newurl||" url.delout
		sed -i '/^$/d' url.delout
		echo > url.del
done< url.delout
echo > url.delout

. /root/weixin.sh
. /root/downtime.sh 

        date "+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"

name=`cat url2.txt|grep $url|wc -l`
if [ $name -eq 1 ];then
	cat url2.txt|grep $url|awk '{print$1,$2}'
        echo "$url"

sed -i '/^$/d' url.add 

while read url
		[ -z $url  ] && echo "url.del Existence of spaces Check file format" && exit 1
		rule=`curl -i -s -k -L -m 10 $url|grep -w "HTTP/1.1 200"|wc -l` 
		if [ $rule -eq 1 ];then
            u=$(grep -w "$url" url.txt|wc -l)
			if [ $u -eq 1 ];then 
				echo "$url Already exist" >> checkfail.log
				echo "$url" >> url.txt
			sed -i "s|$url||" url.add 
			sed -i '/^$/d' url.add 
			echo "$(cur_time) $url Monitoring has been restored" >> checkfail.log
			info=`echo -e "$(cur_time) \n$(systemname) The website has been restored \n$(fail_time)"`
			echo -e "$(cur_time) $(systemname) The website has been restored \n$(fail_time)"|mail -s "[Website Restoration]" 450433231@qq.com
			echo "$(cur_time) inspect $url Web page access failure" >> /dev/null     #checkfail.log

done< url.add

Later, I wrote a silly interactive script, which will be used to add and delete the sh script adds to the monitoring website to add the monitoring website in batches.

case $1 in
        add )
                 [ -z $2 ] && echo "Please be there. add Later input to increase the monitoring site address Usage: add baidu.com" && exit 1
                u=$(grep -w "$2" url.txt|wc -l)
                if [ $u -eq 1 ];then
                        echo "$2 Website already exists" 
                        echo $2 >> url.txt
                        echo "$2 Website has been added to the monitoring list"
        del )
                [ -z $2 ] && echo "Please be there. del Later enter the site address to remove the monitoring Usage: del baidu.com" && exit 1
                u=$(grep -w "$2" url.txt|wc -l)
                if [ $u -eq 1 ];then
                        sed -i "s|$2||" url.txt
                        sed -i '/^$/d' url.txt
                        echo "$2 Website deleted" 
                        echo "$2 Website not found"
        update )
                vi url2.txt
        dis     )
                cat url.txt|sort|uniq -c
        back )
                cp url.txt url.bk
                echo "Monitoring List Backup File url.bk"
        disuniq )
                cp url.txt url.bk
                cat url.txt|sort|uniq -c|awk '{print$2}' > url.new
                cat url.new > url.txt
                rm -rf url.new
                sed -i '/^$/d' url.txt
                echo "Monitoring List Re-Completion Backup file url.bk"
        * )
                echo "-----------`date`-----------------"
                echo "sh $0 add       Increase monitoring websites"
                echo "sh $0 del       Delete monitoring websites"
                echo "sh $0 update    Modify the contact information of the website"
                echo "sh $0 dis       Display monitoring list"
                echo "sh $0 back      Backup monitoring list"
                echo "sh $0 disuniq   Monitoring list de-duplication"

                echo "----------------------------------"

Incidentally, the usual crontab call frequency is used to read the old version of the blog.

*/5 * * * * sh /root/check.sh
*/1 * * * * sh /root/checkadd.sh
0 0 * * * echo > url.del

Keywords: Linux curl shell Database crontab

Added by theonlydrayk on Sat, 14 Sep 2019 12:17:09 +0300