Introduction to GDI +:
GDI (Graphics Device Interface), a set of API interfaces provided by Windows for image rendering.
GDI + is an optimized version of GDI, which is easier for developers to use.
usage method:
/*GDI+ Header file*/ #include <objidl.h> #include <gdiplus.h> /*The system is provided in the form of GdiPlus. dll, and the lib static file needs to be protected*/ using namespace GdiPlus; #pragma Comment(lib,"Gdiplus.lib") //perhaps /*The header file already contains two files and links the Gdiplus.lib static file*/ #include <atlimage.h> using namespace Gdiplus; /*You must initialize before using GDI*/ GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput; ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken; GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL); .......... .......... .......... //Close GDI after the program ends+ GdiplusShutdown(gdiplusToken);
Graphics class
Graphics class is the core class in GDI+ API. It provides many member functions for drawing lines, curves, images, images and strings.
Graphics class is generally used in conjunction with Pen, font, SoildBrush and other classes.
void Graphics(IN HDC hdc) It is constructed by a device context for drawing in the window void Graphics(IN Image* image) Through a Image Class object to draw an image
Drawing functions in Graphics class:
Member function | Function function |
DrawLine | Draw first function |
DrawLines | Draw polyline function |
DrawRectangle | Draw folded rectangle |
DrawRectangles | Draw multiple rectangles |
DrawEllipse | Draw an ellipse |
DrawArc | arc |
DrawString | Draw string |
DrawPolygon | Draw a closed polygonal area |
DrawPie | Draw a pie chart |
FillRectangle | Fill rectangular area |
FillEllipse | Fill ellipse |
FillPolygon | Fill polygon |
MeasureString | Measure string height and width |
DrawIamge | Draw pictures (PNG,BMPJPG) |
TranslateTransform | Translation transformation |
ResetTransfrom | Cancel transformation |
ScaleTransform | Scale transform |
RotateTransform | Rotation transformation |
For more information, please move to Microsoft GDI + documentation
Graphics class draw solid lines
//The brush determines the color and thickness, and two points determine a line //Draw line function Status DrawLine(IN const Pen* pen, //Brush object IN REAL x1, // Starting point X coordinate IN REAL y1, // Y coordinate of starting point IN REAL x2, // End X coordinate IN REAL y2) // End point Y coordinate //Draw polyline function //Multiple points confirm polyline Status DrawLines(IN const Pen* pen, //Brush object IN const Point* points, //Coordinate array IN INT count) //Length of coordinate array //pen object //pen class is the brush class of GDI + Pen(IN const Color& color, IN REAL width = 1.0f); /*Specify a brush by a color and width*/ Pen(IN const Brush* brush, IN REAL width = 1.0f); /*Know a brush by a brush and width*/ //Color color class Color(IN BYTE r,IN BYTE g,IN BYTE b; /*Specify a color by, R value, G value, B value*/ Color(IN BYTE a, IN BYTE r, IN BYTE g,IN BYTE b); /*Specify a color through a transparency, R value, G value, B value*/ //PointF class Pointf(REAL x,REAL y); /*Construct a coordinate point with x,y values*/ Pointf(const SizeF &size) /*Construct a coordinate point through the SizeF value*/ //Status class enum Status { OK, GenericError, InvalidParameter, OutOfMemory, ObjectBusy, InsufficientBuffer, NotImplemented, ...... ProfileNotFound };
The Graphics class draws dashed lines and arrow lines
- Draw a dotted line
Pen class provides SetDashStyle member method function to set brush style
Status SetDashStyle(IN DashStyle dasgStyle); enum DashStyle { DashStyleSolid, //Solid line DashStyleDash, //A straight line consisting of line segments DashStyleDot, //A straight line consisting of points DashStyleDashDot, //A straight line formed by dashes DashStyleDashDotDot, //The dash dot pattern forms a straight line DashStyleCustom //custom };
- Draw a line with an arrow
The SetStartCap and SetEndCap methods of the Pen class specify the representation of the end of the line; the line cap can be flat, square, rounded, triangular or user-defined
//Set line start point Status SetStartCap(IN LineCap startCap) //Set line end point Status SetEndCap(IN LineCap endCap); //Set line middle Status SetDashCap(IN DashCap dashCap); enum LineCap { LineCapFlat = 0, LineCapSquare = 1, LineCapRound = 2, LineCapTriangle = 3, LineCapNoAnchor = 0x10, //nothing LineCapSquareAnchor = 0x11, //square LineCapRounAnchor = 0x12 //fillet LineCapDiamondAnchor = 0x13, //Diamonds LineCapArrowAnchor = 0x14, //arrow LineCapCustom = 0xff, custom cap LineCapAnchorMask = 0xf0 }; enum DashCap { DashCapFlat = 0, //nothing DashCapRound = 2, //fillet DashCapTriangle = 3 //triangle };
The Graphics class draws a rectangle
- Draw rectangle
//The brush determines the thickness and color, and two points + length and width determine the rectangle Status DrawRectangle(IN const Pen *pen, //Brush object IN REAL x, //Starting point x coordinate IN REAL y, //Starting point y coordinate IN REAL width, //wide IN REAL height //high ); The brush determines the thickness and color,Rectangular coordinates determine the shape Status DrawRectangle(IN const Pen *pen, //Brush object IN const Rect & rect //Rectangular coordinates );
- Draw multiple rectangles
Status DrawRectangles(IN const Pen *pen, //Brush object IN const Rect & rects, //Rectangular coordinate array IN INT count // Number of rectangles);
- Rect class
class Rect { ..... INt X; //Starting point x coordinate INT Y; //Starting point y coordinate INT Width; //wide INT Height; //high }
Graphics class draws circles and arcs
- Draw a circle
//The brush determines the color and thickness, and the circumscribed circle coordinates determine the ellipse Status DrawEllipse( IN const Pen *pen, //Brush object IN REAL x, //Starting point x coordinate IN REAL y, //Starting point y coordinate IN REAL width, //wide IN REAL height //high ); //The brush determines the color and thickness, and the circumscribed circle coordinates determine the ellipse Status DrawEllipse( IN const Pen *pen, //Brush object IN Rect & rect //Rectangular coordinates );
- arc
//The brush determines the color and thickness, and the circumscribed rectangle determines the ellipse Status DrawArc( IN const Pen *pen, //Brush object IN REAL x, //Starting point x coordinate IN REAL y, //Starting point y coordinate IN REAL width, //wide IN REAL height, //high IN REAL startAngle, //Start angle IN REAL sweepAngle //arc angle ) //The brush determines the color and thickness, and the circumscribed rectangle and angle determine the arc Status DrawArc( IN const Pen *pen, //Brush object IN const Rect &rect, //Inscribed rectangle IN REAL startAngle, //Start angle IN REAL sweepAngle //arc angle )
Graphics class anti aliasing
Anti aliasing
The member functions of the Graphics class provide anti aliasing
Status SetSmoothingMode(
In smoothingmode / / smoothing mode
) -
SmoothingMode type
enum SmoothingMode { SmoothingModeInvalid = QualityModeInvalid, //Invalid mode SmoothingModeDefault = QualityModeDefault, //default SmoothingModeHighspeed = QualityModeLow, //High speed, low quality SmoothingModeHightQuality = QualityModeHight, //High quality, low speed SmoothingModeNone, //Not eliminate SmoothingModeAntiAlias, //Anti aliasing }
Graphics class drawing polygons
- draw a polygon
//The brush determines the color and thickness, and multiple points are connected to form a polygon Status DrawPolygon( IN const Pen *pen, //paint brush IN const PointF *points, //Array of points IN INT count //Number of points );
- Fill polygon
//The brush determines the fill color, and multiple points are connected to form a polygon Status FillPolygon( IN Brush *brush, //Brush IN const PointF *points, //Array of points IN INT count //Number of points )
Graphics class pie chart
- Draw pie chart
//The brush determines the color and thickness, the circumscribed rectangle determines the circle, and the start and angle determine the pie chart Status DrawPie( IN const Pen *pen, //Brush object IN const RectF &rect, //Circumscribed rectangle of circle IN REAL startAngle, //Start angle IN REAL sweepAngle //Rotation angle )
- Filling pie chart
//The brush determines the fill color, and multiple points are connected to form a polygon Status FillPie( IN const Brush *brush, //Brush IN const RectF & rect, //Circumscribed rectangle of circle IN REAL startAngle, //Starting angle IN REAL sweepAngle //Rotation angle )
Fill the drawing with a solid brush
- Brush class
The brush class is an abstract base class that defines brushes. Brush objects are used to fill graphics (rectangles, ellipses, pie charts, etc.)
SolidBrush class
The SolidBrush class defines a solid color Brush, which is inherited from the Brush class. It is used to fill the interior of a graphic shape and use a color to construct the Brush -
Fill rectangle
//Brush fill color, rectangle determines position Status FillRecangle { IN const Brush *brush, //Brush IN const RectF &rect, rectangle };
- Fill ellipse
//Brush fill color, circumscribe rectangle to determine the position of fill ellipse Status FillEllipse( IN const Brush *brush, //Brush IN const RectF &rect );
- Fill polygon
//The brush is filled with color, and multiple points are connected to form a polygon Status FillPolygon( IN const Brush *brush, //Brush IN const PointF *POINTS, //Array of points IN INT count //Number of points )
Fill with gradient brush
- LinearGradientBrush class
The LinearGradientBrush class defines a brush that draws a color gradient
- LinearGradientBrush construction
//Start, end, start color, end color LinearGradientBrush(Point &,Point &,Color &,Color&); LinearGradientBrush ( IN const Rect &rect, //The upper left corner of the rectangle determines the starting point and the lower right corner determines the end point IN const Color &color1,//Start color IN const Color &color2,//End color IN REAL angle, //angle IN BOOL isAngleScalable //Specifies whether the angle is telescopic );
The Graphics class draws text
- Draw text
//The brush determines the color, the Font determines the Font, and the rectangle determines the range Status DrawString( IN const WCHAR *string, //text IN INT length, //Text length IN const Font *font, //Font object IN const PointF &origin, //Text start point IN const Brush *brush //TBrush Object ) //The brush determines the color, the Font determines the Font, and the rectangle determines the range Status DrawString( IN const WCHAR *string, //text IN INT length, //Text length IN const Font *font, //Font object IN const PointF &origin, //Text start point IN const StringFormat *stringFormat,//Alignment IN const Brush *brush //TBrush Object )
- Font class
class Font : public GdiplusBase { public: friend class Graphics; Font( IN const WCHAR * familyName, //font name IN REAL emSize, //font size IN INT style = FontStyleRegular, IN Unit unit = UnitPoint, IN const FontCollection * fontCollection = NULL );
Graphics class measurement string
- Measurement string
//The brush determines the fill color and the rectangle determines the fill position Status MeasureString( IN const WCHAR *string, //Measured string IN INT lenght, //Length of string IN const Font *font, //typeface IN const PointF &origin,//Starting point coordinates OUT RectF *boundingBox //Measured boundary )
Graphics class drawing pictures
- Draw picture
Drawing image objects
Status DrawImage( IN Image *image, //Image object to draw IN const PointF &point //The upper left corner of the drawing ) ```cpp //Draw the image object x,y without drawing the starting point, width and height. Specify the height to draw (scalable image) Status Drawimage( IN Image *image, //Image object to draw IN REAL x, //The x coordinate of the starting point of the drawing IN REAL y, //Start y coordinate of drawing IN REAL width, //Drawn width IN REAL height //Drawn height )
Member function | Function function |
FromFile | Create an Image object from a file |
FromStream | Creating an image object from a stream |
GetHeight | Gets the height of the image |
Getwidth | Gets the width of the image |
Save | Save picture object to file |
Graphics class crop and zoom pictures
- Crop picture
//Draws a portion of the image object to the specified starting point area Status DrawImage( IN Image *image, //Image object to draw IN INT x, //The x coordinate drawn to the window IN INT y, //The y coordinate drawn to the window IN INT srcx, //Intercept from the starting x coordinate in the upper left corner of the original image IN INT srcy, //Start from the y coordinate at the upper left corner of the original image IN INT srcwidth, //Intercepted image width IN INT srcheight, //Intercepted image height IN Unit srcUnit, //Draw the image in pixels )
- Clipping and scaling
Status DrawImage( IN Image *image, //Image object to draw IN const Rect & destRect, //Draws to a rectangular area of the window IN INT srcx, //Intercept from the starting x coordinate in the upper left corner of the original image IN INT srcy, //Start from the y coordinate at the upper left corner of the original image IN INT srcwidth, //Intercepted image width IN INT srcheight, //Intercepted image height IN Unit srcUnit, //Draw the image in pixels )
The Graphics class sets the scaling interpolation algorithm
- Set interpolation mode
Set the interpolation mode of this image object. The interpolation mode determines the algorithm used for image scaling or rotation.
Status SetinterpolationMode( IN interpolationMode interpolationMode //Interpolation mode )
- Interpolation algorithm
//Among them, the effect of interpolationmodequalitybic is the best and the consumption of system resources is the largest enum InterpolationMode { InterpolationModeInvalid, //Invalid interpolation InterpolationModeDefault, //Specify default mode InterpolationModeLowQuality, //Specify low quality interpolation InterpolationModeHeightQuality, //Specify high quality interpolation InterpolationModeBilinear, //Specify bilinear interpolation InterpolationModeBilcubic, //Specify bicubic interpolation InterpolationModeNearestNeighthbor, //Specifies the nearest neighbor interpolation method InterpolationModeHightQualityBilinear, //Specifies high quality bilinear interpolation InterpolationModeHightQualityBilcubic, //Specifies high quality bicubic interpolation }
Graphics class rotates and distorts pictures
- Distorted picture
//The image object can rotate, emit, and distort the image by specifying the coordinates of the upper left, lower right, and lower left corners of the original image Status DrawImage( IN Image *image, //Image object to draw IN const Point, //destPoints, // Array of points IN count, //Number of point groups );
Translation transformation with Graphics
- Translation transformation
//Change the world transformation matrix using the product of itself and the translation matrix Status TranslateTransform( IN REAL dx, //Horizontal component of translation IN REAL dy, //Vertical component of translation IN MatrixOrder order = matrixOrderPrepend )
- Reset translation transform
Set the world conversion matrix to the identity matrix,The identity matrix represents a transformation that does nothing. Status ResetTransform();
Graphics for scaling transformation
- Scale transform
//Change the world transformation matrix using the product of itself and the translation matrix Status ScaleTransform( IN REAL sx, //Horizontal component of translation IN REAL sy, //Vertical component of translation IN MatrixOrder order = matrixOrderPrepend )
Graphics for rotation transformation
- Rotation transformation
//Change the world transformation matrix using the product of itself and the translation matrix Status RotateTransform( IN REAL angle, //Rotation angle IN MatrixOrder order = matrixOrderPrepend )
Double buffer drawing of GDI +
Double buffer technology
The double buffer principle can be understood vividly as: regard the computer screen as a blackboard. First, we establish a "virtual" blackboard in the memory environment, and then draw complex graphics on the blackboard. After all the graphics are drawn, we can "copy" the drawn graphics on the blackboard (in memory) to the computer screen at one time, which can greatly improve the drawing speed. -
Double buffer implementation steps
Use Bitmap to create a memory Bitmap. The size of the Bitmap is consistent with the window area for easy copying. It is equivalent to GDI's CreateCompatbleBitmap.
Create a memory Graphics object using Graphics::FormImage, which is equivalent to the CreateCompatibleDC of GDI.
Use the Graphics object member functions (DrawEllipse,DrawImage, etc.) to draw various Graphics on the memory bitmap
Use Drawimage to draw the memory bitmap onto the window at one time
GDI + capture desktop pictures
- Screen capture using GDI +
- Gets the device context of the desktop
HDC hsrDC = CreateDC(TEXT("DISPLAY"),NULL,NULL,NULL) or: HDC GetWindowDC(HWND hWnd) //Full screen when handle is not NULL
- Creates a memory device context environment compatible with the specified device
HDC = hMemDc = CreateCompatibleDC(hsrDC);
- Create a memory compatible bitmap with a screen size for the memory compatible DC.
//Get screen size int SX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int SY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hsrDC,SX,SY);
- Select memory bitmap into memory compatible DC
- Copy the contents of the DC of the window to the memory compatible DC, and the image will naturally be drawn to the memory compatible bitmap
- Convert HBITMAP to GDI + Bitmap and use
Bitmap bmp(hBitmap,NULL);
Code engineering: