go language foundation


go mod init xx initialization file

Compile: go build XX Go generation exe file

go run xx.go execution file

file structure


- src file code

1. Variables


var age =12  //Declare variable

var age  int  //The specified variable type is not assigned. The default value is 0

age :=12  //If you do not write the type of variable, judge the defined type according to the following data type

// Multivariable declaration
var num1 ,num2 int

n1,n2 :=2,3

//Declare multiple variables at once
var (
		n1 = 12
		n2 = 2
		n3 = 12

fmt.Printf("%T",n1)  //Output variable type

Variable type:

Integer type:

byte =uint 8 range 0-256

Negative binary representation: complement representation: that is, inverse code + 1

-5 the computer indicates 0000 0101, inverse code 111 1010 - > complement code 1111 1011,

int8 RANGE 1000 0000 - 1 = inverse code 01111 1111 - > initial 1000 0000 - > i.e. - 128-127 range

Output variable type
package main
// Import multi package operation

func  main()  {
	var n1 int
	fmt.Printf("%T",n1)  //Output variable type
	fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(n1))  //Bytes occupied by output variable - > 8


Floating point number:

There may be loss of accuracy > float64 is recommended

float 64 is used by default

Character type

var a byte = 'a'

fmt.println(a) / / output 67 ASCII code value

The character corresponding to golong is encoded in UTF-8 (Unicode is the corresponding string, and UTF-8 is one of the encoding schemes of Unicode)

func  main()  {
	var n1 byte ='a'
	fmt.Println(n1)  //Output corresponding ASCII value
	fmt.Printf("%c",n1)   // Output a character

Escape character: \ beginning

Boolean type

bool type only allows true and false. The default declaration is false when it is not defined

var f bool

String type

String is immutable, which means that once the string is defined, the value of the characters in it cannot be changed

var s1 string ="abc"
s1="nnn"  //Can be modified
s1[0]="n"   //error

If there are special characters in the string, Use backquotes
var s2 string = `nihao "dea" `
Character splicing
var s3 string = "ABC" + "abc"

Line feed
var s4 string = "123" +
				"234"   //go or add line feed by default, so putting the + sign on the upper line at the end means that the statement is not executed 

Data type conversion

The expression T(v) T is a variable whose target type v needs to be converted

func  main()  {
	var n1 int =100
	var n2 float32 = float32(n1)  //Note: the type of n1 is still int, but the value of n1 is converted from 100 to float32
	fmt.Printf("n1:%T\n",n1)    // int
	fmt.Printf("n2:%T",n2)         // float32
	take int 64 Turn into int 8  It will cause data overflow
	var n3 int64 = 88888
	var n4 int8 = int8(n3)

Basic data type (integer, floating point, etc.) to string type

Mode 1:

func  main()  {
	var n1 int =100
	var s1 string = fmt.Sprintf("%d",n1)   //%d source data type
	fmt.Printf("s1 tytpe %T ,value %s",s1,s1)

Mode 2: strconv  in FormatXXX method

package main

import (

func  main()  {
	var n1 int =100
	var s1 string = strconv.FormatInt(int64(n1),10)   //The first parameter must be int 64. The second parameter specifies the value in hexadecimal form, 10 bit hexadecimal form
	fmt.Printf("s1 tytpe %T ,value %s",s1,s1)

String - > other types strcon When converting parsexxx string to other data types, you must ensure that it can be converted, otherwise the final result will be the default value of the corresponding data type

package main

import (

func main() {
	var n1 string = "123"
	var s1,_ = strconv.ParseInt(n1,10 ,8)  //Returns 2 values. The second value is_ ellipsis
	fmt.Printf("s1 tytpe %T ,value %v", s1, s1)


  • &+Variable gets the address in variable memory

  • Pointer variable:

    • Define a variable var pointer variable name pointer type

      • ​ var par * int =&age
      package main
      import (
      func main() {
         var n1 string = "123"
         var ptr *string =&n1
         fmt.Println(ptr)   //0xc000038240
         fmt.Println(&ptr)  //  0xc000006028
         fmt.Println(*ptr)   //123

Summarize the two most important symbols & (take the memory address) * (take the value corresponding to the memory address)

Pointer modification value
func main() {
   var n =10
   var ptr * int =&n
   *ptr =12
   fmt.Println(n)    //12


Variable : Numbers, characters, underscores. Strictly case sensitive, the first letter cannot be a number, cannot contain spaces, and cannot use keywords

- underline is ignored

import ("fmt"

Naming rules

  1. Package name: it is recommended that the name of the package be consistent with the directory

  2. The main package is the entry package of a program, so the package of the main function is defined as package main. If it is not defined as the main package, the executable file cannot be obtained

  3. If the initial letter is capitalized, it can be accessed by other packages (the package name is placed under GOROOT)

    Configure GOPATH

    Wrong shooting

go env -w GO111MODULE=off

Method 2

go env -w GO111MODULE=on

go mod init goFIles generate go Mod file

The package name is calculated after $GOPATH/src /


package main

import (
	_ "goFiles/src/test"

func main() {
	var n1 int8 = 10
	var n2 int8 = 12
	var sum int8 = n1+n2
	var  c  int8= n1*n2
	var m int8 = n2%n1   //Take mold and surplus


Get user input

package main

import (

func main() {
   var age int

   fmt.Println("Please enter age:")



Process control

Branching structure


if Conditional expression{
	Logic code
}else if Conditional expression{       // else must be in the} back room before 
	 Logic code
	Logic code


switch The expression has a return value{
	case key1,key1.1,key1.2 :   //case can be followed by multiple values separated by commas
	case key2:
		When the above conditions are not met,Just run


for i:=0 ; i <5; i++{
	Circulatory body
be careful for The initial expression of cannot be used var Define the form of the variable

Mode 2
for i<10{

for range structure
for key,val range dict{


simulation while
var x int = 0
	for x < 5 {

for range


x := [3]int{1, 2, 3}
	for i,j :=range x{

break can only end the nearest loop

End the cycle corresponding to the specified label
func main() {

	lable1:   //Mark the first for loop and label it
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
			if j == 1 {
				break lable1  //Jump out of the first cycle


goto jumps to the specified line of the program

goto label1


func function(Formal parameter)(Return value type list){
	return Return value


The initial capital letter is equivalent to Public  It can be used by this package file and other package files 
Initial lowercase equals private  Can only be used by this package
func main() {
   n1 := 1
   n2 := 2
   r1,r2 := calc(n1,n2)
   fmt.Println(calc(n1, n2))
func calc(num1 int, num2 int) (int,int) {  //If you return a parameter, you can omit ()
   return num1+num2 ,num1-num2


Parameter memory processing in python

Parameter passing in Python is "reference passing", which can be divided into two categories:

The "write operation" on the "variable object" directly acts on the original object itself.
A "write operation" on the "immutable object" will generate a new "object space" and fill this space with new values. (it has the effect of "value transfer" in other languages, but not "value transfer")
Variable objects: dictionaries, lists, collections, custom objects
Immutable objects: numbers, tuples, strings, function s, etc

def l(a, b):
    print("a_id:{},b_id:{}".format(id(a), id(b)))
    a = 10
    b[1] = 20

a = 0
b = [0, 0]
print("a_id:{},b_id:{}".format(id(a), id(b)))

l(a, b)
print(a, b)

a_id:140730996810544,	b_id:1879277392584
a_id:140730996810544,	b_id:1879277392584
a_id: 140730996810864
b_id 1879277392584
0 [0, 20]

Reference connection 1

Reference link 2

go language

The parameter passing parameter will be copied. When modifying the parameter, it will not affect the parameter. go is different from python, and the variable type will also be copied. Modifying the parameter will not affect the actual parameter

func main() {
    var a int=0
    var b int =1
    fmt.Println(&a,&b,&c)    //88  a0 [0,0,0]
    fmt.Println(a,b,c)         // Output 0,1 [0,0,0]
  func l(a int ,b int,c [3]int){
  	fmt.Println(&a,&b,&c)  //E0 E8 [0,0,0] has been copied
  	c[0]=12            //Modify the value of variable object in formal parameter


Modify argument value
func main() {
   n1 := 1
   n2 := 2
   swap(&n1, &n2)
   fmt.Println(n1,n2)  //Swap n1 and N2 - > 2, 1
//Parameter type is pointer
func swap(num1 *int, num2 *int) { //If you return a parameter, you can omit ()
   var t int
   //Mode 2
	*num1, *num2 = *num2, *num1


Function does not support overloading (Java with the same function name)

Variable parameter   ... To show

func main() {
	n1 := 1
	n2 := 2
	swap(n1, n2)
	fmt.Println(n1,n2)  //Swap n1 and N2 - > 2, 1
        // Parameter name type
func swap(t...int) { //If you return a parameter, you can omit ()
	fmt.Println(t)   // Output [1,2]
	for i:=range t{

In go, function is also a data type. If it can be assigned to a variable, the variable is a variable of function type Functions can be called through this variable (similar to aliases)

func main() {
	n1 := 1
	n2 := 2
	//A function is also a data type that can be assigned to a variable
	sw:=swap    //A variable is a function type variable
	//Equivalent to calling a function
	sw(n1, n2)
func swap(t...int) { //If you return a parameter, you can omit ()
	for i:=range t{


Functions are also data types, and functions can also be used as formal parameters

func main() {
func test(t ...int) { //If you return a parameter, you can omit ()


func test2(fun func(...int)) {
   fun(1) // Incoming function

It supports user-defined types, which is equivalent to taking aliases. Although it is an alias, go recognizes that myint and int are not the same data type during compilation, and supports function type aliases

Type alias data type

type myint int

func main() {
	type myint int
	var a int = 10
	var b myint
	b = myint(a)   //int -> myint

type is more than just used to define a series of aliases. You can also define methods for new types.
The above name type can define the method as follows:

type name string
func (n name) len() int {
	return len(n)
func main() {
	var myname name = "taozs" //It's actually a string type
	l := []byte(myname)  //String to byte array
	fmt.Println(len(l))  //Byte length
	fmt.Println(myname.len()) //Method of calling object

type definition function

func main() {
	var i int =0
	var j int =1



 type add1 func (a int,b int)   //Define two function variables of type int

 func add(a int,b int) {
 func add_d(fu add1,a int,b int) {  //Declare fu to receive function variables
 	fu(a,b)                    //Electrophoretic afferent function

Support function return value naming,

func test(t int) (sun int,sub int){ 

Introduction of package

Under the project root directory, use go mod init to generate the x.mod file with the file name of the project root directory


package main

import (
	"goFiles/src/test"  //Package path

func main() {
	fmt.Println(test.TestNum)  //Use test (package name) to locate the package in front TestNUm

package test  //The declaration of the package is the same as the folder name

var TestNum int = 10  //Initial capitalization ensures access outside the package

init function

The init function is called before the main function

Step 1: definition of global variables

Step 2: definition of init

Step 3: call the main function

When importing a package, first execute init in the import package file, and finally execute init in main

Anonymous function

If you want to use a function only once, you can use anonymous functions

Use it directly when defining

func main() {
	Mode 1
         // Anonymous function definition calling at the same time
   test:=func (a int,b int)(int){
      return a+b
      }(10,20)  //Incoming parameters
   fmt.Println(test)  //Output 30
   Mode 2
	//Equivalent to anonymous sub function
	sub := func(a int, b int) (int) {
		return a - b //Incoming parameters

	result := sub(30, 70)



A set consisting of a function and its associated introduction environment

Closure: the returned anonymous function + variables other than anonymous functions are closures

// Declare that the function returns a function
func getsum() func (a int,)(int){
   var sum int =0
   return func(a int) int {
      sum =sum+a
      return sum

func main() {

   f :=getsum()
   fmt.Println(f(1))   //Return 1
   fmt.Println(f(2))  //Return to 3. At this time, sum is 1 + 2 = 3 of the last time
   //The variable referenced in the anonymous function will always be saved in memory and used all the time

defer keyword

Resources need to be created in the function in order to release resources in time after the function is executed go language introduces defer keyword

When the defer keyword is encountered in go language, the statements in the defer keyword will be pushed into the stack, and the relevant values will be copied to the stack. After the function is executed, it will be taken out of the stack (first in and last out) for execution

func test(a int){
   defer fmt.Println("1")
   defer fmt.Println(2)    //Finally into the stack, so pop up the execution first

   fmt.Println(a)   //First execution

func main() {

Output 3 2 1

func test(a int){
   defer fmt.Println(a)  //Start executing a =3 and push the execution result into the stack

func main() {
Output 5 3


Connect to the database, and write the statement of closing the connection to defer

System function

Character function


func main() {
   var s string ="Hello"    //In go language, Chinese characters are UTF_8 character set, 3 bytes for one Chinese character
   fmt.Println(len(s))         //Output 6

String traversal

func main() {
   var s string = "Hello" //In go language, Chinese characters are UTF_8 character set, 3 bytes for one Chinese character

   for _, value := range s {  //Returns the index and the corresponding value
      fmt.Printf("Value is:%c\n", value)     
      //Mode 2
   //Slice with [] run (variable)
	r := []rune(s)
	for i:=0;i<len(r);i++{

String conversion strconv package

func main() {
   var s string = "1"
   //str to int
   num, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
   if err == nil {
      fmt.Println(num, err)
   } else {
      fmt.Println("111", err)
   //int to str
   str := strconv.Itoa(88)

Count the total number of one character to import - > strings package

func main() {
   var s string = "1231231233454"
   count := strings.Count(s, "1")

   //Case insensitive string comparison
   fmt.Println(strings.EqualFold("go", "GO")) //Return true

   //Returns the index value of the first occurrence of a character in a string
   fmt.Println(strings.Index("abcsac", "h")) //Return 0 does not exist, return - 1

   //String substitution
   //strings.Replace("original character", "original replacement character", "replace with", matching replacement times)
   str := strings.Replace("abcabcabc", "a", "A", 2) //Replace a with A. replace 2 times. When replacing all, n passes in - 1
   fmt.Println(str)                                 //AbcAbcabc

   //The cutting of string returns an array
   str1 := strings.Split("abcabc", "a")
   fmt.Println(str1)  //Output [BC]
   for _, value := range str1 {

   //String case switching
   fmt.Println(strings.ToUpper("go"))  //Lowercase to uppercase
   fmt.Println(strings.ToLower("GO"))  //Capital to lowercase

   //Remove the left and right spaces
   fmt.Println(strings.TrimSpace("   12 12   12    "))
   fmt.Println(strings.Trim("-go -","-"))  //Remove the left and right specified strings

   //Determines whether a string has been started
   fmt.Println(strings.HasPrefix("www.baidu.com","www"))  //Return bool type true
   //Determines whether a string has ended


Date function time package

package main

import (

func main() {
   now := time.Now()
   fmt.Printf("%v\n", now.Year())
   fmt.Printf("%v\n", int(now.Month())) //int English to number
   //Formatting of dates
   ///Using Sprintf, you can receive Prinf with a string and output the information directly
   str := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d %d-%d-%d\n", now.Year(), now.Month())
   //The value in format must be written in this way
   date1 := now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")


Built in function

new is used to allocate memory. The first parameter is type and returns a pointer of type

func main() {
   //New allocates memory, and the return value of the new function is the pointer num *int of the corresponding type
   num := new(int)
   //The corresponding memory address stored in the num pointer, & num takes the memory address of the pointer, * num goes to the corresponding value in the memory address corresponding to the pointer


Error handling mechanism defer+recover improves program robustness, similar to try catch

func main() {
   test()  //Prevent program interruption caused by program error in test
func test() {
   defer func(){
      err := recover()
      //If no error is caught, the return value is 0: nil
      if err != nil {
         fmt.Println("err:", err)
   num1 := 1
   num2 := 0
   result := num1 / num2 

Custom error


Multiple declaration methods
var scores [5]int
var n [3]int = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
var n1 = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
var n2 = [...]{1: 1, 2: 22, 3: 33, 0: 44}  //Subscript: value
func test() {
   var scores [5]int   //Declaration array
   scores[0] =15
   for i,v :=range scores{

Two dimensional array

var a[2][3]int   output[[0,0,0] [0,0,0]]
var b [2][3]int = [2][3]int{{1,2,3},{1,2,3}}
Two dimensional array traversal

func main() {
	var b [2][3]int = [2][3]int{{1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}}

	for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
		for j := 0; j < len(b[i]); j++ {
			fmt.Printf("b[%v][%v]=%v\t", i, j, b[i][j])

	for key, value := range b {
		for k, v := range value {
			fmt.Printf("b[%v][%v]=%v\t", key, k, v)


func main() {
   var b [3]int = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
   c := b[1:2]  //Slicing operation

Original 3,6,7,1,4,7

Slice 1:3, i.e. 6:9. The volume of slice is generally twice that of slice

The slice stores the memory address of the original data in memory

Therefore, modifying the sliced value will affect the value in the original data

 var b [3]int = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
   c := b[1:2]  //Slicing operation
fmt.Printf("%v\n", &b[1])
fmt.Printf("%v", &c[0])
The two values are consistent, This and python Not the same

func main() {
   var b []int = []int{1, 2, 3}
   var c []int = make([]int,10)  //Declare a slice with a slice length of 10
   //c=b / / this assignment is the same as the corresponding address in memory. Modifying the data in c will affect b

   copy(c,b)  //Copying b array into c will form two arrays. Modifying c will not affect b

   fmt.Printf("%v\t" ,&c[0])


map key value pair: a pile of matching information

func main() {
   //Only declare that the map memory has no allocated space. The space can only be allocated after initialization through the make function
   var a map[int]string
   //Method 1 create
   a = make(map[int]string,10)
   //Mode 2
   //Mode 3


   for key,values :=range a{



map operation




Delete (variable, key)


value,bool_flag: = variable [value]



value,bool_flg :=c[14]
func main() {

   c:=make(map[int]map[int]string) // [1: [1: Li]]

   for _,v:= range c{

      for k1, v1 := range v{

structural morphology

package main

import "fmt"
//Define structure
type animal struct{
   name string
   age int
func main() {
   //An example of friction mixed shear structure
   var cat animal

   //Initialize and assign
   var dog animal=animal{"dog",12}


Keywords: Programming

Added by hermes on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 18:57:10 +0200