GO Language Function Programming-Closure

GO Language Function Programming-Closure


The main support of go language for function programming is mainly embodied in closure functions.

  • Functions are first-class citizens: parameters, variables, and return values can all be functions
  • Higher order function
  • Function Closure
    Orthodox functional programming requires:
  • Invariability: There can be no states, only constants and functions
  • A function has only one parameter
    go is a common language, it's not so strict.

GO function closure

Function body has local variables and free variables. Free variables connect a line. Free variables can be a structure. The structure connects a tree. Find connections and connect them to each other, and finally connect all the things we need to connect to. When it's all connected, it's called a closure. So when the function returns, it returns a closure function.

Sample code:

package main
import "fmt"
//Define a Closure Function to Accumulate Functions
func adder() func (num int) int {
	sum := 0  //sum is a free variable.
	return func(num int) int{
		sum += num //num is a local variable
		return sum
	} //Returns a closure function
func main(){
	a := adder();
	for i:=0;i<10;i++ {
		anum := a(i)
		fmt.Printf("0+...+%d = %d\n",i,anum)

Functional programming without free variables (orthodox functional programming)

package main
import "fmt"
type iAdder func(v int) (int,iAdder)
func Adder(base int) iAdder { //Function programming without free variables
	return func(v int) (int,iAdder){
		return base+v,Adder(base+v)
func main(){
	a  := Adder(0)
	var sum int
	for i := 1 ; i<10 ;i++ {
		sum , a = a(i)
		fmt.Printf("0+...+%d = %d\n",i,sum)

Functional Programming for Fibonacci Sequences

The first two numbers of 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 are fixed at 1. The law of the latter is the sum of the first two numbers of the current number.

package main
import "fmt"
//Using Closure Function to Realize Fibonacci Sequence
func fibonacci() func() int{
	a,b := 0,1
	return func()int{ //The latter number replaces the former one
		a,b = b,a+b
		return a
//The current number of Fibonacci series is the sum of the first two numbers.
func main(){
	f := fibonacci()
	for i := 1 ; i < 11 ; i++  {

F is like the generator of fibonacci number. We can encapsulate F as a file reader and read it all the time. If f implements the reader interface, we can use bufio to read the file. Here is the optimized code:

package main
import (
//Custom function type
type  Fnc func() int
//Implementing reader interface function types can also be the recipient of methods
func (f Fnc)Read(p []byte)(n int,err error){
	num := f()
	if num <  10000 {
		s := fmt.Sprintf("%d\n",num)
		//TODO: What if num is big? p can't hold any more, only read part of it.
		return strings.NewReader(s).Read(p)
	return 0,io.EOF
//Using Closure Function to Realize Fibonacci Sequence
func fibonacci() Fnc{
	a,b := 0,1
	return func()int{ //The latter number replaces the former one
		a,b = b,a+b
		return a
//The current number of Fibonacci series is the sum of the first two numbers.
func main(){
	f := fibonacci()
func PrintContent(reader io.Reader){
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
	for scanner.Scan() {

Keywords: Programming Go

Added by dmonares on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 12:16:20 +0300