go language system - from file operation to unit test


File operation

File is a kind of data source (where data is saved), such as word document, txt document, excel file, which are often used. The main function of file is to save data. It can save a picture, video and sound

Input and output streams

Files are operated as streams in a program

Flow: the path the data goes through between the data source (file) and the program (memory)

Input stream: path of data from data source (file) to program (memory)

Output stream: path of data from program (memory) to data source (file)

os.File encapsulates all file related operations. File is a structure

The os.File structure is often used to manipulate files later

Open and close files

Functions and methods used

Case demonstration

import (

func main()  {
   //Open file
   //Concept description: the name of file
   //1. file is called file object
   //2. file is called file pointer
   //3. file is called file handle
   file, err := os.Open("e:/test.txt")
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Println("Open file err = ", err)
   //Output the file, see what the file is, and see that the file is a pointer * Filr
   fmt.Printf("file = %v", file)   //file = &{0xc000070780}
   err = file.Close()
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Println("Close file err = ", err)

Read file operation application case

  1. Read the contents of the file and display it on the terminal (with buffer). Use os.Open, file.Close, bufio.NewReader(), reader.ReadString function and method
import (

func main()  {
	//Open file
	//Concept description: the name of file
	//1. file is called file object
	//2. file is called file pointer
	//3. file is called file handle
	file, err := os.Open("E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-02/utils/utils.go")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Open file err = ", err)
	//When the function exits, close the file in time
	defer file.Close() //Close the file handle in time, or there will be a memory leak
	//Create a * Reader with buffer
	   const (
	      defaultBufSize = 4096  //The default buffer is 4096
	reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
	//Loop through the contents of a file
	for {
		str, err := reader.ReadString('\n')  //Read a new line and it's over
		if err == io.EOF {      //io.EOF indicates the end of the file
		//Output content
	fmt.Println("End of file read...")
  1. Read the contents of the file and display it on the terminal (use ioutil to read the whole file into memory at one time), which is suitable for the case of small file. Related methods and functions ioutil.ReadFile
import (

func main()  {
	//Use ioutil.ReadFile to read the file in place at one time
	file := "E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-02/utils/utils.go"
	content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("read file err = %v", err)
	//Display the read content to the terminal
	//fmt.Printf("%v", content) //[]byte
	fmt.Printf("%v", string(content)) // []byte
	//There is no Open file shown here, so there is no need to show the Close file
	//Because the Open and Close of the file are encapsulated inside the ReadFile function

Write file operation application case

os.OpenFile function

  1. Create a new file, write the content: 5 sentences "Hello,zisefeizhu"
import (

func main()  {
	filePath := "E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-05/abc.txt"
	file, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_CREATE | os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("open file err = %v \n", err)
	//Close file handle in time
	defer file.Close()
	//Prepare to write 5 sentences: "hello,zisefeizhu"
	str := "hello,zisefeizhu\n" // \n for newline
	//When writing, use * Writer with cache
	writer := bufio.NewWriter(file)
	for i := 0; i< 5; i++ {
	//Because write is cached, when the WriterString method is called
	//In fact, the content is written to the cache first, so you need to call the Flush method to buffer the data
	//Really write to the file, otherwise there will be no data in the file!!!
  1. Open an existing file and overwrite the original content with 10 new sentences "Hello, purple flying pig"
import (

func main()  {
   //2) Open an existing file and overwrite the original content with 10 new sentences "Hello, purple flying pig"
   //1. Open the existing file E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-05/abc.txt
   filePath := "E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-05/abc.txt"
   file, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("open file err = %v \n", err)
   //Close file handle in time
   defer file.Close()
   //Prepare to write 10 sentences: "hello,zisefeizhu"
   str := "Hello, purple flying pig!\n" // \n for newline
   //When writing, use * Writer with cache
   writer := bufio.NewWriter(file)
   for i := 0; i< 10; i++ {
   //Because write is cached, when the WriterString method is called
   //In fact, the content is written to the cache first, so you need to call the Flush method to buffer the data
   //Really write to the file, otherwise there will be no data in the file!!!

  1. Open an existing file and append "Hello, jingxing" to the original content
import (

func main()  {
   //1. Open the existing file E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-05/abc.txt
   filePath := "E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-05/abc.txt"
   file, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND, 0666)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("open file err = %v \n", err)
   //Close file handle in time
   defer file.Close()
   //Additional content
   str := "Hello, jingxing\n" // \n for newline
   //When writing, use * Writer with cache
   writer := bufio.NewWriter(file)
   for i := 0; i< 10; i++ {
   //Because write is cached, when the WriterString method is called
   //In fact, the content is written to the cache first, so you need to call the Flush method to buffer the data
   //Really write to the file, otherwise there will be no data in the file!!!
  1. Open an existing file, read out and display the original content on the terminal, and add 5 sentences "Hello, Shenzhen"
import (

func main()  {
	//1. Open the existing file E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-05/abc.txt
	filePath := "E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-05/abc.txt"
	file, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR | os.O_APPEND, 0666)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("open file err = %v \n", err)
	//Close file handle in time
	defer file.Close()
	//First read the contents of the original file and display it on the terminal
	reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
	for {
		str, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
		if err == io.EOF {   //If read to the end of the file
		//Display to terminal
	//Additional content
	str := "Hello, Shenzhen\n" // \n for newline
	//When writing, use * Writer with cache
	writer := bufio.NewWriter(file)
	for i := 0; i< 5; i++ {
	//Because write is cached, when the WriterString method is called
	//In fact, the content is written to the cache first, so you need to call the Flush method to buffer the data
	//Really write to the file, otherwise there will be no data in the file!!!

5) Write a program to write the contents of one file to another. Note: these two files already exist

Note: use ioutil.readfile/ioutil.writefile to complete the task of writing files

import (
func main()  {
   //Import the contents of the e:/abc.txt file to e:/abc.txt
   //1. First read the contents of e:/abc.txt into memory
   //2. Write the read content to d:/abc.txt
   file1Path := "E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-05/abc.txt"
   file2Path := "D:/abc.txt"
   data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file1Path)
   if err != nil {
      //Error reading file
      fmt.Printf("read file err = %v\n", err)
   err = ioutil.WriteFile(file2Path, data, 0666)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("write file error = %v \n", err)

Judge whether the file exists

The method for Go to determine whether a file or folder exists is to use the os.Stat() function to determine the returned error value:

  1. If the error returned is nil, the file or folder exists

  2. If the returned error type is judged to be true by using os.IsNotExist(), the file or folder does not exist

  3. If the error returned is of another type, it is not sure if it exists

Application example of file programming

Copy file

Note: copy a picture / movie / mp3 to another file e:/abc.jpg

func Copy(dst Writer,src Reader)(written int64, err error)

Note: the Copy function is provided by the io package

import (
//Write a function to receive two file paths srcFileName dstFileName
func CopyFile(srcFileName string, dstFileName string) (written int64, err error) {
   srcFile, err := os.Open(srcFileName)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("open file err = %v\n", err)
   defer  srcFile.Close()
   //Get Reader through srcfile
   reader := bufio.NewReader(srcFile)
   //Open dstFileName
   dstFile,err := os.OpenFile(dstFileName, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE, 0666)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("open file err = %v\n", err)
   //Get Writer through dstFile
   writer := bufio.NewWriter(dstFile)
   defer  dstFile.Close()
   return io.Copy(writer, reader)
func main()  {
   //Copy the d:/abc.jpg file to e:/abc.jpg
   //Call CopyFile to complete file copy
   srcFile := "d:/abc.jpeg"
   dstFile := "e:/abc.jpg"
   _, err := CopyFile(srcFile, dstFile)
   if err == nil {
      fmt.Printf("copy complete\n")
   } else {
      fmt.Printf("Copy error err = %v\n", err)

Count the number of English, numbers, spaces and other characters

import (
//Define a structure for saving statistics results
type CharCount struct {
   ChCount int //Record the number of English
   NumCount int //Number of recorded numbers
   SpaceCount int //Record the number of spaces
   OtherCount int //Record the number of other characters

func main()  {
   //Idea: open a file and create a Reader
   //For each line read, count the number of English, numbers, spaces and other characters in the line
   //Then save the results to a structure
   fileName := "E:/gostudent/src/2020-04-05/abc.txt"
   file,err := os.Open(fileName)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("open file err = %v \n", err)
   defer  file.Close()
   //Define CharCount instances
   var count CharCount
   //Create a Reader
   reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
   //Start looping through the contents of filename
   for {
      str, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
      if err == io.EOF { //Exit at the end of the file
      //To be compatible with Chinese characters, you can convert str to [] run
      strChange := []rune(str)
      //Traverse str for statistics
      for _,v := range strChange {
         switch  {
         case v >= 'a' && v <= 'z' :
            fallthrough //Pierce through
         case v >= 'A' && v <= 'Z' :
         case v == ' ' || v == '\t' :
         case v >= '0' && v <= '9' :
   //Output statistical results to see if they are correct
   fmt.Printf("The number of characters is = %v The number of numbers is = %v The number of spaces is = %v Number of other characters = %v",
      count.ChCount, count.NumCount, count.SpaceCount, count.OtherCount)

Command line arguments

What should I do if I want to be able to get various parameters of command line input?

os.Args is a slice of string that stores all command line parameters

Illustrate with examples

import (

func main()  {
	fmt.Println("The parameters on the command line are:", len(os.Args))
	//By traversing the os.Args slice, you can get all the command-line input parameter values
	for i, v := range os.Args {
		fmt.Printf("args[%v] = %v \n", i ,v)
//E:\gostudent\src\2020-04-05>go run main.go 999
//The parameters on the command line are: 2
//args[0] = C:\Users\lxxxxn\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build133979866\b001\exe\main.
//args[1] = 999

The flag package is used to parse command line parameters

Note: the previous method is more native, which is not particularly convenient for parsing parameters, especially the command line with the specified parameter form

For example: CMD > main. Exe - F C: / AAA. Txtx - P 200 - U root. The go designer provides a flag package, which can easily parse command line parameters, and the order of parameters can be arbitrary

import (

func main()  {
	//Define several variables to receive parameter values from the command line
	var user string
	var pwd string
	var host string
	var port int
	//&User is the parameter value after - u entered in the receiving user command line
	//"u" is - u specifies the parameter
	//"" default
	//"User name, empty by default" description
	flag.StringVar(&user, "u","","User name, empty by default")
	flag.StringVar(&pwd,"pwd","","Password, blank by default")
	flag.StringVar(&host,"h","localhost","Hostname, default is localhost")
	flag.IntVar(&port,"port",3306,"Port number, 3306 by default")
	//There is a very important operation transformation that must be called
	//Output result
	fmt.Printf("user = %v pwd = %v host = %v port = %v",
		user, pwd, host, port)
//E:\gostudent\src\2020-04-05>go run main.go -u root -pwd zisefeizhu -h -port 3306
//user = root pwd = zisefeizhu host = port = 3306


Basic introduction to Jason

Json(JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data exchange format. Easy to read and write. It is also easy for machine analysis and generation. key - val

Json is a data format that was popularized in 2001 and has become the mainstream data format

JSON is easy to be parsed and generated by machine, and it can effectively improve the efficiency of network transmission. Generally, when the program is transmitting on the network, it will first sequence the data (structure, map, etc.) into JSON string, and when the receiver gets the JSON string, it will be deserialized back to the original data type (structure, map, etc.). This has become the standard of every language

Application scenario

Json data format description

In JS, everything is an object. Therefore, any data type can be represented by JSON, such as string, number, object, array, map, structure, etc

JSON key value pair is a way to save data

The key names in the key / value pair combination are written before and wrapped in double quotation marks "", separated by colons: and then followed by the value:

such as

{"name":"tom","age":18,"address": ["Beijing", "Shanghai"]}

[{"name":"zisefeizhu","age":18,"address": ["Beijing", "Shanghai"]},
{"name":"jingxing","age":18,"address": ["Beijing", "Shanghai"]}]

Online analysis of Jsnon data

https://www.json.cn/ The website can verify whether the data in json format is correct. Especially useful when writing more complex json format data

Serialization of Json

json serialization refers to the operation of serializing data types with key value structure (such as structure, map, slice) into json strings

Application case

Demonstrate the serialization of structs, map s, and slices. The serialization of other data types is similar

import (
//Define a structure
type Monster struct {
   Name string
   Age int
   Bithday string
   Sal float64
   Skill string

func testStruct()  {
   monster := Monster{
      Name : "King of cattle",
      Age : 500,
      Bithday : "2001-11-11",
      Sal : 8000.0,
      Skill : "Ngau Tau boxing",
   //Serialize monster
   data, err := json.Marshal(&monster)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("Serial number error err = %v \n", err)
   //Output serialized results
   fmt.Printf("monster After serialization = %v \n", string(data))
//Serialize map
func testMap()  {
   //Define a map
   var a map[string]interface{}
   //To use map, you need to make first
   a = make(map[string]interface{})
   a["name"] = "Red child"
   a["age"] = 30
   a["address"] = "Hongya cave"
   //Serialize the map a
   data, err := json.Marshal(a)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("Serial number error err = %v \n", err)
   //Output serialized results
   fmt.Printf("monster After serialization = %v \n", string(data))
//Demonstrate serialization of slices, which are [] map[string]interface {}
func testSlice()  {
   var slice []map[string]interface{}
   var m1 map[string]interface{}
   //Before using map, you need to make
   m1 = make(map[string]interface{})
   m1["name"] = "jack"
   m1["age"] = "7"
   m1["address"] = "Beijing"
   slice = append(slice, m1)

   var m2 map[string]interface{}
   //Before using map, you need to make
   m2 = make(map[string]interface{})
   m2["name"] = "tom"
   m2["age"] = "20"
   m2["address"] = [2]string{"Mexico","Hawaii"}
   slice = append(slice, m2)
   //Serialize slice
   data, err := json.Marshal(slice)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("Serial number error err = %v \n", err)
   //Output serialized results
   fmt.Printf("monster After serialization = %v \n", string(data))
//It is not significant for basic data type serialization
func testFloat64()  {
   var num1 float64 = 2345.67
   //Serializing num1
   data, err := json.Marshal(num1)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("Serial number error err = %v \n", err)
   //Output serialized results
   fmt.Printf("monster After serialization = %v \n", string(data))
func main()  {
   //Demonstrate serialization of structure, map and slice
// After monster serialization = {"Name": "the demon", "Age":500,"Bithday":"2001-11-11","Sal":8000,"Skill": "niutouquan"} 
//After monster serialization = {"address": "Hongya cave", "age":30,"name": "red boy"} 
//After monster serialization = [{"address": "Beijing", "age":"7","name":"jack"},{"address": ["Mexico", "Hawaii"], "age":"20","name":"tom"}] 
//After monster serialization = 2345.67 

Matters needing attention

For the serialization of structs, if you want the name of the serialized key to be reformatted, you can make a tag for struct

import (
//Define a structure
type Monster struct {
   Name string  `json:"monster_name"` //Reflection mechanism / /: do not separate the two sides
   Age int `json:"monster_age"`
   Bithday string
   Sal float64
   Skill string

func testStruct()  {
   monster := Monster{
      Name : "King of cattle",
      Age : 500,
      Bithday : "2001-11-11",
      Sal : 8000.0,
      Skill : "Ngau Tau boxing",
   //Serialize monster
   data, err := json.Marshal(&monster)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("Serial number error err = %v \n", err)
   //Output serialized results
   fmt.Printf("monster After serialization = %v \n", string(data))
func main()  {
   //Demonstrate serialization of structs, map s, slices
// After monster serialization = {"monster_name": "the devil of the ox", "monster_age":500,"Bithday":"2001-11-11","Sal":8000,"Skill": "niutouquan"} 

Deserialization of Json

json deserialization refers to the operation of deserializing json strings into corresponding data types (such as structure, map, slice)

Application case

Show us how to de sequence json strings into structs, map s, and slices

import (
//Define a structure
type Monster struct {
   Name string
   Age int
   Birthday string
   Sal float64
   Skill string
//Demonstrate deserializing json string into struct
func unmarshalStruct()  {
   //In project development, str is obtained by network transmission or by reading files
   str := "{\"Name\":\"King of cattle\",\"Age\":500,\"Birthday\":\"2001-11-11\",\"Sal\":8000,\"Skill\":\"Ngau Tau boxing\"}"
   //Define a Monster instance
   var monster Monster
   err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &monster)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("unmarshal err = %v\n", err)
   fmt.Printf("After deserialization monster = %v monster.Name = %v \n", monster, monster.Name)
//Demonstrate deserializing json strings into map s
func unmarshalMap()  {
   str := "{\"address\":\"Hongya cave\",\"age\":30,\"name\":\"Red child\"}"
   //Define a map
   var a map[string]interface{}
   //De serialization
   //Note: to deserialize a map, make is not required because the make operation is encapsulated in the Unmarshal function
   err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &a)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("unmarshal err = %v\n", err)
   fmt.Printf("After deserialization a = %v\n",a)
//Demonstrate deserializing json strings into slice 1
func unmarshalSlice()  {
   str := "[{\"address\":\"Beijing\",\"age\":\"7\",\"name\":\"jack\"},"+
   //Define a slice
   var slice []map[string]interface{}
   //Deserialization, no make is required, because the make operation is encapsulated in the Unmarshal function
   err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &slice)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Printf("unmarshal err = %v\n", err)
   fmt.Printf("After deserialization slice = %v\n", slice)

func main()  {
//After deserialization, monster = {Bull Demon 500 2001-11-11 8000 bull fist} monster.Name = Bull Demon 
//After deserialization, a = map[address: Hongyadong age:30 name: honger]
//Slice after deserialization = [map [address: Beijing age:7 name:jack] map[address: [Mexico Hawaii] age:20 name:tom]]

Matters needing attention

1) when deserializing a json string, make sure that the data type after deserialization is the same as that before the original serialization

2) if the json string is obtained through the program, you do not need to escape the

unit testing

First look at a need

In our work, we will encounter a situation where we need to confirm whether the result of a function or a module is correct

Such as:

func addUpper(n int) int {
   res := 0
   for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
      res += i
   return res

Traditional approach

In the main function, call the addUpper function to see whether the actual output result is consistent with the expected result. If it is consistent, it means that the function is correct. Otherwise, the function has an error, and then modify the error

//A tested function
func addUpper(n int) int {
   res := 0
   for i := 1; i <= n - 1; i++ {
      res += i
   return res
func main()  {
   //The traditional test method is to use the main function to see if the result is correct
   res := addUpper(10)
   if res != 55 {
      fmt.Printf("addUpper Error return value = %v expected value = %v\n ", res, 55)
   } else {
      fmt.Printf("addUpper Correct return value = %v expected value = %v\n", res, 55)
//addUpper error return value = 45 expected value = 55

Analysis of the shortcomings of traditional methods

  1. It's not convenient. You need to call it in the main function, so you need to modify the main function. If the project is running now, you may stop the project

  2. It's not conducive to management, because when we test multiple functions or modules, we need to write them in the main function, which is not conducive to our management and clear thinking

  3. Lead out unit test. ->Testing framework can solve problems

unit testing

Basic introduction

There is a lightweight test framework testing and its own go test command in Go language to implement unit test and performance test. The testing framework is similar to the test framework in other languages. You can write test cases for corresponding functions based on this framework, or write corresponding stress tests based on this framework. Through unit test, the following problems can be solved:

  1. Make sure that each function is runnable and that the results are correct

  2. Make sure that the written code performs well

  3. Unit test can discover the logic errors of program design or implementation in time, make the problems exposed as early as possible, and facilitate the problem location and solution. The focus of performance test is to discover some problems in program design, so that the program can remain stable under the condition of high concurrency

quick get start

Use the unit test of Go to test the addUpper and sub functions

Special note: when testing, you may need to exit 360 temporarily (because 360 may think the generated test case program is a Trojan horse)

Show me how to unit test

Schematic diagram of unit test operation

Unit test quick start summary

  1. The test case file name must end with 'ou test.go'. For example, cal_test.go, CAL is not fixed

  2. The Test case function must start with Test. Generally speaking, it is the function name of Test + to be tested, such as TestAddUpper

  3. Parameter type of TestAddUpper(t *testing.T) must be * testing.T

  4. In a test case file, there can be multiple test cases Korean, such as TestAddUpper, TestSub

  5. Run test case instructions

(1) CMD > go test

(2) CMD > go test - V

  1. When an error occurs, you can use t.Fatalf to format the output error message and exit the program

  2. t. The logf method can output corresponding logs

  3. The test case function, which is not in the main function, can also be executed, which is the convenience of the test case

  4. PASS indicates that the test case runs successfully, and fail indicates that the test case fails

  5. Test a single file, be sure to bring the source file to be tested

​ go test -v cal_test.go cal.go

  1. Test a single method

​ go test -v -test.run TestAddUpper

Comprehensive case

Requirements for integrated case of unit test:

  1. Write a Monster structure, field Name, Age, Skill

  2. Bind the method Store to the Monster. You can serialize a Monster variable (object) and save it to a file

  3. To bind the Monster method ReStore, you can read a serialized Monster from a file and deserialize it to a Monster object. Check that the deserialization is correct

  4. Program the test case file store_test.go, write the test case functions TestStore and TestRestore to test

Code area


package monster

import (

type Monster struct {
   Name string
   Age int
   Skill string
//Bind the method Store to the Monster. You can serialize a Monster variable (object) and save it to a file
func (this *Monster) Store() bool {
   //Serialization first
   data, err := json.Marshal(this)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Println("marshal err =", err)
      return false
   //Save to file
   filePath := "e:/monster.ser"
   err = ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, data, 0666)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Println("write file err =",err)
      return false
   return true
//To bind the Monster method ReStore, you can read a serialized Monster from a file,
//And deserialize to the Monster object. Check that the name is correct
func (this *Monster) ReStore() bool {
   //1. First, read the serialized string from the file
   filePath := "e:/monster.ser"
   data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Println("ReadFile err =", err)
      return false
   //2. Use read data []byte to deserialize
   err = json.Unmarshal(data, this)
   if err != nil {
      fmt.Println("UnMarshal err = ", err)
      return false
   return true


package monster

import "testing"
//Test case, test Store method
func TestStore(t *testing.T)  {
   //Create a Monster instance first
   monster := &Monster{
      Name: "Red child",
      Age: 10,
      Skill: "Spitting fire",
   res := monster.Store()
   if !res {
      t.Fatalf("monster.Store() Error, want to be = %v Example is = %v",true,res)
   t.Logf("monster.Store() Test successful!")
func TestReStore(t *testing.T)  {
   //There are a lot of test data, and only after many tests can functions and modules be determined
   //Create a Monster instance first, without setting the value of the field
   var monster = &Monster{}
   res := monster.ReStore()
   if !res {
      t.Fatalf("monster.ReStore() Error, want to be = %v Example is = %v",true,res)
   //Further judgment
   if monster.Name != "Red child" {
      t.Fatalf("monster.ReStore() Error, want to be = %v Example is = %v","Red child",monster.Name)
   t.Logf("monster.ReStore() Test successful!")

Keywords: Go JSON encoding network Programming

Added by ctjansen on Wed, 08 Apr 2020 08:00:29 +0300