Golang's ORM framework Gorm starts quickly

Gorm quick start

Gorm is the ORM framework of Go language, which is characterized by:

  • Full feature ORM (almost all features)
  • Model Association (one to one, one to many, one to many (reverse), many to many, polymorphic Association)
  • Hook (Before/After Create/Save/Update/Delete/Find)
  • Preload
  • affair
  • Composite primary key
  • SQL constructor
  • auto migrate
  • journal
  • Writing extensible plug-ins based on GORM callback
  • Full characteristic test coverage
  • Developer friendly

Quick start:

  1. install

    go get -u github.com/jinzhu/gorm
  2. Connect to database:

       db, err := gorm.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local")
    	if err!= nil{
    	defer db.Close()
  3. Add, delete, modify and check

    The basic information is as follows:

// UserInfo user information
type UserInfo struct {
	ID uint
	Name string
	Gender string
	HA string


u1 := UserInfo{3, "Withered vine", "male", "Basketball"}



var u = new(UserInfo)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", u)


db.Model(&u).Update("hobby", "Two color ball")



All codes:

package main

import (
	_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/mysql"

// UserInfo user information
type UserInfo struct {
	ID uint
	Name string
	Gender string
	HA string

func main() {
   db, err := gorm.Open("mysql", "user:password@/dbname?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local")
	if err!= nil{
	defer db.Close()
	u1 := UserInfo{3, "Withered vine", "male", "Basketball"}
	u2 := UserInfo{4, "topgoer.com", "female", "Football"}
	// Create record
	// query
	var u = new(UserInfo)
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", u)
	var uu UserInfo
	db.Find(&uu, "hobby=?", "Football")
	fmt.Printf("%#v\n", uu)
	// to update
	db.Model(&u).Update("hobby", "Two color ball")

Model definition:

The model is generally the structure of Golang and the basic data type or pointer of Go.


type User struct {
  Name         string
  Age          sql.NullInt64
  Birthday     *time.Time
  Email        string  `gorm:"type:varchar(100);unique_index"`
  Role         string  `gorm:"size:255"` //Set the size of the field to 255 bytes
  MemberNumber *string `gorm:"unique;not null"` // Set the memberNumber field to be unique and not empty
  Num          int     `gorm:"AUTO_INCREMENT"` // Set Num field self increment
  Address      string  `gorm:"index:addr"` // Create an index named 'addr' for Address
  IgnoreMe     int     `gorm:"-"` //Ignore this field

Supported structure labels:

ColumnSpecifies the name of the column
TypeSpecifies the type of column
SizeSpecifies the size of the column. The default is 255
PRIMARY_KEYSpecify a column as the primary key
UNIQUESpecify a unique column
DEFAULTSpecifies the default value for a column
PRECISIONSpecifies the precision of the column's data
NOT NULLThe data of the specified column is not empty
AUTO_INCREMENTSpecifies whether the data of a column is self incremented
INDEXCreate an index with or without a name, and create a composite index with the same name
UNIQUE_INDEXSimilar to index, create a unique index
EMBEDDEDSet struct to embedded
EMBEDDED_PREFIXSets the prefix name of the embedded structure
-Ignore these fields


gorm.Model is a structure containing some basic fields, including ID, CreatedAt, UpdatedAt and DeletedAt.

You can use it to embed into the model, or you can use it to build your own model.

// gorm.Model definition
type Model struct {
  ID        uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
  CreatedAt time.Time
  UpdatedAt time.Time
  DeletedAt *time.Time

// Inject the fields' ID ',' createdat ',' updatedat 'and' deletedat 'into the' User 'model
type User struct {
  Name string

// Declare Gorm Model model
type User struct {
  ID   int
  Name string

gorm uses ID as the primary key name by default:

type User struct {
  ID   string // The field name 'ID' will be used as the default primary key name

// Set the field 'AnimalID' as the default primary key
type Animal struct {
  AnimalID int64 `gorm:"primary_key"`
  Name     string
  Age      int64

Specify table name:

// Create 'Delete' with 'User' structure_ Users ` table

var deleted_users []User
 SELECT * FROM deleted_users;

db.Table("deleted_users").Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").Delete()
 DELETE FROM deleted_users WHERE name = 'jinzhu';

Modify table name:

You can use any rule for table names by defining the DefaultTableNameHandler field.

gorm.DefaultTableNameHandler = func (db *gorm.DB, defaultTableName string) string  {
    return "prefix_" + defaultTableName;

Timestamp tracking:

For models with a CreatedAt field, it will be set to the current time when the record was first created.

For the model with UpdatedAt field, it will be set to the current time when the record is updated.

db.Create(&user) // Set 'CreatedAt' to the current time
// You can use the 'Update' method to change the default time
db.Model(&user).Update("CreatedAt", time.Now())

db.Save(&user) // Set 'UpdatedAt' to the current time
db.Model(&user).Update("name", "jinzhu") // Set 'UpdatedAt' to the current time

Automatic migration:

Judge whether the UserInfo information is changed. If it is changed, it will be migrated automatically, that is, a new column will be generated. If there is no such table, it will be created.


Keywords: Go

Added by wakenbake on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 15:15:02 +0200