Gradle's article is enough for 05 - Multi engineering builds

Multi engineering construction

Maven realizes the combination of multiple modules by using modules. In Gradle, it can be realized by aggregating multiple project s. This article mainly introduces the specific usage.

Multi engineering structure

Create a three-tier structure as follows

graph TD
    helloProject --> subProjectA
    helloProject --> subProjectB
    subProjectA --> subProjectAA

Each project has the following four tasks:

graph LR
   Compile: compile -- > test: Test
   Test: Test > packaging
   Packaging: packaging > installation: install

Preparation beforehand

Based on the previous examples, the related settings and build information is as follows:

  • settings.gradle
orrincn:hello orrin$ cat settings.gradle 
println "[Phase: initialization] : settings executed... "'helloPorject'
orrincn:hello orrin$
  • build.gradle
orrincn:hello orrin$ cat build.gradle 
println "[phase:configuration] build.gradle ..."

task compile {
  group 'compile'
  description 'compile task'
  println "[phase:configuration] compile"
  doFirst {
    println "[phase:execution] compile :doFirst()"

tasks.create(name: 'test',dependsOn: compile) {
  group 'test'
  description 'test task'
  println "[phase:configuration] test"
  doLast {
    println "[phase:execution] test:doLast()"

tasks.create("packaging") {
  group 'packaging'
  description 'packaging task'
  dependsOn test
  enabled   true
  println "[phase:configuration] packaging"
  doLast {
    println "[phase:execution] packaging:doLast()"

class Install extends DefaultTask{
  String installObjectName

  void checkObject() {
    println "[phase:execution] install:checkObject   (${installObjectName})"

  void installObject() {
    println "[phase:execution] install:installObject (${installObjectName})"

task install(type: Install) {
  group 'install'
  description 'install task'
  installObjectName 'test.jar'

  println "[phase:configuration] install"
  doFirst {
    println "[phase:execution] install:doFirst()"
  doLast {
    println "[phase:execution] install:doLast()"
install.dependsOn packaging
install.onlyIf { packaging.enabled }
orrincn:hello orrin$ 
  • Executive confirmation
orrincn:hello orrin$ gradle install
[Phase: initialization] : settings executed... 

> Configure project :
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Task :compile
[phase:execution] compile :doFirst()

> Task :test
[phase:execution] test:doLast()

> Task :packaging
[phase:execution] packaging:doLast()

> Task :install
[phase:execution] install:doFirst()
[phase:execution] install:installObject (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:checkObject   (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:doLast()

4 actionable tasks: 4 executed
orrincn:hello orrin$

Preparation for multi project construction

Create three directories of subProjectA subProjectA/subProjectAA subProjectB, and then copy build.gradle into them respectively to finish the demonstration preparation.

orrincn:hello orrin$ ls
build.gradle    settings.gradle
orrincn:hello orrin$ mkdir -p subProjectA subProjectA/subProjectAA subProjectB
orrincn:hello orrin$ cp build.gradle subProjectA
orrincn:hello orrin$ cp build.gradle subProjectA/subProjectAA/
orrincn:hello orrin$ cp build.gradle subProjectB
orrincn:hello orrin$

In this way, four tasks under each project have been prepared:

graph LR
   Compile: compile -- > test: Test
   Test: Test > packaging
   Packaging: packaging > installation: install
  • Constitution structure
orrincn:hello orrin$ tree .
├── build.gradle
├── settings.gradle
├── subProjectA
│   ├── build.gradle
│   └── subProjectAA
│       └── build.gradle
└── subProjectB
    └── build.gradle

3 directories, 5 files
orrincn:hello orrin$ 


The only setting that needs to be set is settings.xml under rootProject. The statement used is include. Add the following line of information:

include 'subProjectA', 'subProjectB','subProjectA:subProjectAA'

Of course, there are many ways to write. For example, when introducing a three-tier structure, you can use the following methods: subjecta: subjectaa. There is no additional development here. In this way, only one line has been added to complete the three-tier structure association:

graph TD
    helloProject --> subProjectA
    helloProject --> subProjectB
    subProjectA --> subProjectAA

Result confirmation

Using gradle projects, you can clearly see the project composition of the three layers:

orrincn:hello orrin$ gradle projects
[Phase: initialization] : settings executed... 

> Configure project :
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectA
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectB
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectA:subProjectAA
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Task :projects

Root project

Root project 'helloPorject'
+--- Project ':subProjectA'
|    \--- Project ':subProjectA:subProjectAA'
\--- Project ':subProjectB'

To see a list of the tasks of a project, run gradle <project-path>:tasks
For example, try running gradle :subProjectA:tasks

1 actionable task: 1 executed
orrincn:hello orrin$ ]

You can also view the details of a sub project

orrincn:hello orrin$ gradle subProjectA:projects
[Phase: initialization] : settings executed... 

> Configure project :
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectA
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectB
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectA:subProjectAA
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Task :subProjectA:projects

Project :subProjectA

Project ':subProjectA'
\--- Project ':subProjectA:subProjectAA'

To see a list of the tasks of a project, run gradle <project-path>:tasks
For example, try running gradle :subProjectA:subProjectAA:tasks

To see a list of all the projects in this build, run gradle :projects

1 actionable task: 1 executed
orrincn:hello orrin$ 

Execution Construction

  • Perform a rootProject build You can see that when you build the root directory, all the other parts will be built together
orrincn:hello orrin$ gradle install
[Phase: initialization] : settings executed... 

> Configure project :
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectA
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectB
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectA:subProjectAA
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Task :compile
[phase:execution] compile :doFirst()

> Task :test
[phase:execution] test:doLast()

> Task :packaging
[phase:execution] packaging:doLast()

> Task :install
[phase:execution] install:doFirst()
[phase:execution] install:installObject (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:checkObject   (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:doLast()

> Task :subProjectA:compile
[phase:execution] compile :doFirst()

> Task :subProjectA:test
[phase:execution] test:doLast()

> Task :subProjectA:packaging
[phase:execution] packaging:doLast()

> Task :subProjectA:install
[phase:execution] install:doFirst()
[phase:execution] install:installObject (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:checkObject   (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:doLast()

> Task :subProjectB:compile
[phase:execution] compile :doFirst()

> Task :subProjectB:test
[phase:execution] test:doLast()

> Task :subProjectB:packaging
[phase:execution] packaging:doLast()

> Task :subProjectB:install
[phase:execution] install:doFirst()
[phase:execution] install:installObject (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:checkObject   (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:doLast()

> Task :subProjectA:subProjectAA:compile
[phase:execution] compile :doFirst()

> Task :subProjectA:subProjectAA:test
[phase:execution] test:doLast()

> Task :subProjectA:subProjectAA:packaging
[phase:execution] packaging:doLast()

> Task :subProjectA:subProjectAA:install
[phase:execution] install:doFirst()
[phase:execution] install:installObject (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:checkObject   (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:doLast()

16 actionable tasks: 16 executed
orrincn:hello orrin$ 
  • Construction of execution sub project You can also use gradle to specify subprojects to build, such as performing the tasks of the subprojects in layer 3
orrincn:hello orrin$ gradle subProjectA:subProjectAA:install
[Phase: initialization] : settings executed... 

> Configure project :
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectA
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectB
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Configure project :subProjectA:subProjectAA
[phase:configuration] build.gradle ...
[phase:configuration] compile
[phase:configuration] test
[phase:configuration] packaging
[phase:configuration] install

> Task :subProjectA:subProjectAA:compile
[phase:execution] compile :doFirst()

> Task :subProjectA:subProjectAA:test
[phase:execution] test:doLast()

> Task :subProjectA:subProjectAA:packaging
[phase:execution] packaging:doLast()

> Task :subProjectA:subProjectAA:install
[phase:execution] install:doFirst()
[phase:execution] install:installObject (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:checkObject   (test.jar)
[phase:execution] install:doLast()

4 actionable tasks: 4 executed
orrincn:hello orrin$


In gradle, the structure association is realized by a simple include statement. Of course, compared with the introduction of parent-child relationship, the implementation of this method may have advantages and disadvantages in the aspects of integration relationship and influence range of modification. This paper is mainly used to introduce the composition of multi-layer modules under gradle. Although the N-layer can be used for composition, whether to use it carefully is recommended Users can experience it in the project.

Keywords: Programming Gradle Maven xml

Added by jdnet on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 06:39:36 +0300