[H5 game] PIXI character costume change

This paper summarizes the implementation of a character changing H5 2D game with pixijs

If you are interested in this game, come with me

If you don't know the usage of pixi, you can read this article

pixijs requirements level entry

Contents of this article

1. Game introduction

2. Code implementation

3. Code warehouse

Game introduction

If you experience the above address, you can know that the play is very simple

It's about adding characters, changing hair styles, changing clothes, adding accessories and changing the background

People can drag, zoom, rotate, and support multiple people

Although the game function looks simple, the logic of implementation is not simple at all

Let's first introduce the components of the whole role

1 role composition

A character has five components: hair, accessories, expression, coat and pants

These five parts can be changed separately, so you can customize and match a variety of characters

2 material introduction

Because the characters are divided into five parts, there are five kinds of materials, but the materials are of different sizes and positions. It is not necessary to adjust the position of each material separately to render to the appropriate position

It's troublesome to think about it. If more than 100 materials are adjusted one by one, it's going to explode

Our processing is to fix the size proportion of all materials, and the position difference is adjusted by the design

We can even fix the width and height of all materials according to the width and height of the characters, and then give it to the design to control the position of the materials in the picture

In this way, you don't need to set the position when rendering, and you can directly overlap the pictures

However, considering that the picture size will be increased, we will cut it appropriately, compromise between the picture size and the material position, minimize the picture size, and simplify the code for setting the material position

code implementation

This is mainly to explain the main logic of code implementation, and will not involve complicated details.

It is mainly divided into these parts to explain

1. Data introduction

2. Code architecture diagram

3. Character rendering

4. Enabling logic

5. Event listening


Data introduction

Look at the data structure of the material

    name: 'Basic coat', // Corresponding unique name
    dataType: DataType.JACKET, // Material type
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    belong: [ROLE_MAP.Man, ROLE_MAP.Women], // Character of the material
    thumbnail: "xxxx-min.png", // thumbnail
    textureUrl:"xxxx.png", // Actual drawing
    name: 'Speechless',
    dataType: DataType.FACE,
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    belong: [ROLE_MAP.Man, ROLE_MAP.Women],
    thumbnail: "xxxx-min.png", // thumbnail
    textureUrl:"xxxx.png", // Actual drawing

All material types will be managed using a map

enum Datatype{
  ROLE = 'role', // role
  FACE = 'face', // face
  HAIR = 'hair', // Hair
  JACKET = 'jacket', // jacket
  TROUSERS = 'trousers', // trousers
  ACCESSORIES = 'accessories', // ornaments
  SCENE = 'scene', // scene
  PROP = 'prop', // prop

There are two kinds of characters, men and women

const ROLE_MAP = {
  Man: 1,
  Women: 2,

This ROLE_MAP is to add [long] characters to each material. If different characters are selected, the appearance will be different

For example, only male characters have beard materials, and only female characters have skirts

The image is divided into thumbnail thumbnail and actual rendered texture URL

Considering the actual situation, the actual rendering includes a lot of blank and position processing, and the thumbnail will be divided into two types in order to clearly reflect the content


Code architecture diagram

Look at the main code architecture diagram of the whole code, which is divided into five parts


Functional entry

The function is to create PIXI root container and control CRUD of characters, props and background

The main control room of the whole function, the selection and creation of characters and props need to be notified to it

class App{
  constructor(defaultInfo) {
    this.app = new PIXI.Application({
      width: window.innerWidth,
      height: window.innerHeight - 195,
      antialias: true, // default: false anti aliasing
      autoDensity: true, // Whether the CSS size of the canvas view should be automatically adjusted to the screen size.
      resolution:2, // default: 1 resolution
  addPerson(){ ... }
  addProp(){ ... }


Responsible for the details of character rendering. Through the external input of material information, the creation and update of five parts of the character (hair, expression, accessories, coat and trousers) are completed

class Person {
  constructor(app,personInfo) {
    this.app = app;
    this.personInfo = personInfo;

  createHair() {...}
  createFace() {...}

  changeHair() {...}
  changeFace() {...}


Props and background, relatively simple, not much content

class Props {
  constructor(app, propsInfo) {
    this.propsInfo = propsInfo;
  create() { ... }
class Scene {
  constructor(app, sceneInfo) {
    this.sceneInfo = sceneInfo;
  create() { ... }
  change() { ... }


Empower (characters and props), inject them with ability, and complete the ability of [drag] [zoom] [render] [delete] [activate]

Person and Props inherit these capabilities by inheriting EditableObject

This piece of code will be more complex, which will be described in detail below


Character rendering

App controls the rendering of characters and props, and the details of rendering are realized inside characters and props

class App{
        new Person(personInfo)
        new Prop(propInfo)

The app does not manage materials internally. All materials are externally transmitted to the app, which then distributes them to the corresponding Person, Prop and Scene

A character contains five kinds of materials, so you need to create five Sprite instances and create a character container to add these five elements

class Person {
  constructor(app, personInfo) {
    this.app = app;
    // personInfo contains all the material information of the character
    this.personInfo = personInfo;
  createPerson() {
    const container = new PIXI.Container();
    this.obj = container;
    // ... omit creating expressions, tops, pants and other similar parts

When creating a character, all five parts of the character will be created at the same time (the code is the same, and the hair part will be created below)

class Person {
  createHair() {
    this.hair = this.createSprite(DataType.HAIR);
    // Add the created character container after creation
  getMaterialByType = (type) => {
    // The materialList contains the five material data of the character, and filters out the corresponding material types
    return this.personInfo.materialList.find((item) => item.type === type);
  createSprite(dateType) {
    const dress = this.getMaterialByType(dateType);

    const { x, y, name, width, height } = dress;
    // Get from cache
    const texture = app.loader.resources[name].texture;
    const sprite = PIXI.Sprite.from(texture);

    sprite.x = x || 0;
    sprite.y = y || 0;
    width && (sprite.width = width);
    height && (sprite.height = height);

    return sprite;

After that, when you click other materials and need to update the character dress, you can directly replace the texture of the corresponding part

class Person {
  changeHair(dressInfo) {
    this.hair.texture = app.loader.resources[dressInfo.name].texture;

Set character position

After experiencing the game, it is clear that when adding characters, the characters appear in the center of the screen, and the position needs additional settings, otherwise they will appear in the upper left corner

In addition, it is also necessary to set the center of the character as the base point of the element, so that the character scaling and other operations take the center as the origin, which is in line with the visual habit

let addedNum = 0; // Who is the current character added
const offsetList = [0, 20, 40];

class Person{
    // ... omit other code such as creating a container
 setCenterPosition(container) {
    const { screen } = this.app;

    // The characters are placed in the center, and there is a certain deviation
    container.x = screen.width / 2 + offsetList[addedNum++ % 3];
    container.y = screen.height / 2;

    // Set the base point of the people container as the center point
    container.pivot.x = container.width / 2;
    container.pivot.y = container.height / 2;

As you can see in the above code, we will make a horizontal deviation while placing the characters in the center, so as to ensure that when adding multiple characters, they will not overlap each other, so as to avoid difficult operation


Enabling logic

The enabled logic code will be in the EditableObject class, and the characters and props will inherit this class and be enabled

The logic of empowerment is the most complex because it performs many functions

1. Character activation state

2. Drag

3. Zoom

4. Spin

Let's explain them one by one

1 character activation status

When you add a character or select a character, you can find that changing the character will have a dotted box and two operation buttons

When it is active, it means that the character can operate

And only one character on the field will be activated. When one character is activated, the others will be deactivated

So now, we need to create three sprites (delete btn, control btn, dotted box)

Then add these three sprites to the character container?

No no no

These three sprites are not part of the character in theory, so they should not be coupled

We will create a new container and add the character container and the three sprites

class Person extends EditableObject{
       // ... omit others

class EditableObject {
      // ....
      // There are dashed boxes and two buttons in editing status
      this.dashLine = new Dashline(obj).create();
      this.delBtn = new DelBtn(this.app, obj).create();
      this.controlBtn = new ControlBtn(this.app, obj).create();

      // Create a new container
      const container = new PIXI.Container();
      container.addChild(this.dashLine, this.obj, this.delBtn, this.controlBtn);

      this.editableObject = container; // Save new container
      // ....

The code for creating DelBtn and ControlBtn is also relatively simple. Give a DelBtn example

const name = "deleteIcon";

class DeleteIcon {
  constructor(app, obj) {
    this.app = app;
    this.obj = obj;
  create() {
    // Priority is taken from the preload cache
    const texture = this.app.loader.resources[name].texture;
    const sprite = PIXI.Sprite.from(texture);
    sprite.width = 21;
    sprite.height = 21;
    sprite.anchor.set(0.5); // Set center point

    this.obj.y = 0;
    const { x, y } = this.obj;

    sprite.x = x;
    sprite.y = y;

    this.icon = sprite;

    // Given a name, it is convenient to find the sprite directly from the parent container
    sprite.name = "delBtn"; 
    return this.icon;

Base point and location of the new container

Although we have created a new container to contain buttons and characters, it is only for the sake of clear code structure. In fact, the effect of the new container is the same as that of the character container

Therefore, we need to transfer all position data [base point] [coordinates x, y] of the character container to the new container

And the base point and position of the original character container need to be reset to 0, otherwise the character container will have a large offset relative to the new container

class EditableObject {
   makeSpriteEditable = () => {

    // ....
    // Save the position data of the character container first
    const obj = this.obj;
    const originX = obj.x;
    const originY = obj.y;
    const originPX = obj.pivot.x;
    const originPY = obj.pivot.y;

    // Transfer person container location data to new container
    container.x = originX;
    container.y = originY;
    container.pivot.x = originPX;
    container.pivot.y = originPY;

    // After the transfer, the person position information needs to be reset. Because obj is added to the new container, obj is relative to the container to prevent position offset from the new container
    // The center point is the center of the character obj. If it is set to 0, it will become the middle of the upper left corner
    obj.x = 0;
    obj.y = 0;
    obj.pivot.x = 0;
    obj.pivot.y = 0;

    // ....

2 drag

The implementation of drag is relatively general, which is similar to our usual implementation of DOM element drag

We won't put all the codes here. You can go to the warehouse and put pixi related codes here

unction makeObjectDraggable(obj) {
  obj.interactive = true; // So that it can be monitored for events

  // Event press trigger
  const onDragStart = (e) => {};
  // Event lift trigger
  const onDragEnd = () => {};
  // Event movement trigger
  const onDragMove = (e) => {};

  // Binding event
  obj.on("pointerdown", onDragStart);
  obj.on("pointerup", onDragEnd);
  obj.on("pointerupoutside", onDragEnd);
  obj.on("pointermove", onDragMove);

  return obj;
class EditableObject {
  makeSpriteEditable = () => {
    // .....

3. Zoom and rotate

The trigger of the two events is to click the button in the upper right corner, and the effect is as follows

Therefore, the button needs to be bound with events (press, lift and move)

class EditableObject {
  makeSpriteEditable = () => {
    // .....
  initCtrlEvent() {
    // Make the action buttons interactive
    this.controlBtn.interactive = true;

    // Cursor selected event
    this.controlBtn.on("pointerdown", this.onCtrlDown);

    // Cursor off event
    this.controlBtn.on("pointerup", this.onCtrlUp);

    // Cursor drag event
    this.controlBtn.on("pointermove", this.onCtrlMove);

  onCtrlUp = () => { ... }
  onCtrlDown = (e) => { ... }
  onCtrlMove = (e) => { ... }


The main thing is to get a scaling rate and multiply it by the width and height of the container to get the final scaling result

The zoom rate is obtained by comparing the distance between two points before and after dragging

When creating a new character, a copy of the original two point distance defaultDistance will be saved, and then all dragging will be compared with this distance to obtain the zoom rate

The middle point is the X and y of the container. Because the container sets the base point as the center point, its X and y are the center point

How to calculate the distance between two points?

It's the Pythagorean theorem, but a Vec2 library is used to simplify the calculation here

class EditableObject {

  onCtrlMove = (e) => { 
     const a = new Vec2(editableObject?.x || 0, editableObject?.y || 0);
     const b = new Vec2(e.data.global.x, e.data.global.y);

     // Get the distance between two points
     const distance = a.distance(b) 

In addition, when we click the button for the first time, we save a copy of the original state of the original character without scaling

class EditableObject {

  defaultDistance = 0

  onCtrlDown = (e) => {

    const editableObject = this.editableObject;

    // A copy of the default value is saved only when you click it for the first time
    if (!this.defaultDistance) {
      const a = new Vec2(editableObject?.x || 0, editableObject?.y || 0);
      const b = new Vec2(e.data.global.x, e.data.global.y);

      // Get the distance between two points
      const distance = a.distance(b)

      this.defaultDistance = distance;

Then it is used to compare with the distance after moving

class EditableObject {
  onCtrlMove = (e) => {
     const a = new Vec2(editableObject?.x || 0, editableObject?.y || 0);
     const b = new Vec2(e.data.global.x, e.data.global.y);

     // Get the distance between two points
     const distance = a.distance(b)

     const vScale = distance/ this.defaultDistance

     // Multiply the zoom rate by the original width and height of the character
     this.editableObject.width = vScale * editObjOriginData.width;
     this.editableObject.height = vScale * editObjOriginData.height;

As you can see above, we use the zoom rate to multiply the initial width and height of the character. Of course, the initial width and height are saved when a new character is created

class EditableObject {

  // Save all data of the character's initial state for later calculation      
  originDataMap = {} 

  makeSpriteEditable = () => {
    // .....
  saveObjectOriginData = ()=>{

    this.originDataMap.editableObject = {
      width: this.editableObject.width,
      height: this.editableObject.height,
      x: this.editableObject?.x,
      y: this.editableObject?.y,


Rotation is to set the angle, but the unit of rotation set by pixi is radians, so we can only calculate radians here

How to calculate radians?

Math. Atan2 (y, x) is used here. If you pass in a coordinate, you will get the radian corresponding to this coordinate, which is as follows

Specific information can be understood


Can we get radians by putting the coordinates of the current movement into Math.atan2

Yes, but the radian is relative to the whole container (0,0)

But what we want is the radian relative to the center of our character container

So we need to convert and calculate the coordinates relative to the center of the character

The coordinates of the person center point and the moving point are the same, relative to the upper left corner of the root container, and if we make the person center point the origin of the coordinate axis (0,0)

As long as we subtract the coordinates of the center point of the character container from the coordinates of the current moving point, we can get the coordinates of the current moving point relative to the center of the character

class EditableObject {
  onCtrlMove = (e) => {
     // .....
     // Get the radian of the current moving point relative to the center of the character 
     const rodian = Math.atan2(
        e.data.global.y - (editableObject?.y || 0),
        e.data.global.x - (editableObject?.x || 0)
     // .....

But if we want to rotate the character, we must get the offset radian. Since it is offset, there must be a reference, that is, the original radian

The original radian is the same as the previous scaling. We can calculate the radian state at the beginning of the new character creation

Similar logic

Save the character's original radian when onCtrlDown is triggered for the first time

In onCtrlMove, the radian is subtracted, and then set to the character

class EditableObject {
  onCtrlMove = (e) => {
     // ....
     const rodian = Math.atan2(
        e.data.global.y - (editableObject?.y || 0),
        e.data.global.x - (editableObject?.x || 0)
     const vRotain = angle-  this.defaultRotain
     this.editableObject.rotation = vRotain
     // ....


event listeners

As mentioned earlier, the App entry class is used to manage the generation, removal and activation of characters and props, and the specific details will be handed over to the characters and props class

How do they communicate? Event monitoring is implemented through the eventemitter3 library

When you create a character in the App, you will listen to the Select and Delete events of the character

class App{
    const person = new Person(this.app, personInfo);
    this.MaterialPool[person.key] =person;
    person.on('Selected', this.onSelect);
    person.on('Delete', this.onDelete);
  onSelect =()=>{}
  onDelete =()=>{}

In Person, these events will be triggered

class Person extends EditableObject {
    createRole() {
        // Empower characters
class EditableObject extends EventEmitter {
  initDeleteIconEvent() {
      // Make the delete button interactive
      this.delBtn.interactive = true;
      this.delBtn.on('pointerdown', () => {
        this.emit('Delete', this);
        this.editableObject = null;
  makeSpriteEditable = () =>{
    this.delBtn.interactive = true;
    // When the container clicks, it means that the character needs to start the select event to activate
    this.editableObject.on('pointerup', ()=>{

What's the use of monitoring these two events?

The Select event is to inactivate all other characters (hide the edit box) when selecting a character

The Delete event is to remove from the App

Select event

Because when selecting a character, we need to inactivate other characters, so we use a pool to manage all characters and props in the App

When generated, one is added to the pool and removed from the pool

This pool is an object map, which stores the unique id of the object as the key and the character container as the value

class App {
    MaterialPool = {}
        const person = new Person(this.app, personInfo);
        this.MaterialPool[person.key] = person
        const prop = new Person(this.app, propInfo);
        this.MaterialPool[prop.key] =prop

Therefore, when Select is triggered, it traverses the pool and deactivates all but the non current elements

class App {
  onSelect = (selectItem) => {
    for (const item of Object.entries(this.MaterialPool)) {
      const [, obj] = item;

      if (obj.key !== selectItem.key) {
       obj.makeObjectUnEditable(); // Non selective element deactivation
      } else {
       obj.recoverEditable(); // Activate selected element

The inactivation process is to find [delete btn] [control btn] [dotted box] and hide them

The activation is to display the sprite.visible property set

class Person extends EditableObject { ... }

class EditableObject extends EventEmitter {
  getAllControlSprite = () => {
    const getSprite = this.editableObject?.getChildByName.bind(
    const delBtn = getSprite?.('delBtn');
    const ctrlBtn = getSprite?.('ctrlBtn');
    const dashline = getSprite?.('dashline');

    return { delBtn, ctrlBtn, dashline};
  makeObjectUnEditable() {
    const { delBtn, ctrlBtn, dashline } = this.getAllControlSprite();
    delBtn.visible = false;
    ctrlBtn.visible = false;
    dashline.visible = false;
  recoverEditable = () => {
    const { delBtn, ctrlBtn, dashline } = this.getAllControlSprite();
    delBtn.visible = true;
    ctrlBtn.visible = true;
    dashline.visible = true;

Delete event

Deleting is relatively simple, just removing it from the app view

class App {
  onDelete = (item) => {
      delete this.MaterialPool[item.key];

Code warehouse

Refer to the complete code for more details


Added by spiffy577 on Thu, 11 Nov 2021 09:17:15 +0200