Harbor builds docker private warehouse


1, Introduction to harbor

1, Building a private warehouse in harbor

1. Upload dock compose and set permissions

3. Install harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2

4. Configure the Harbo parameter file

5. Start Harbor

6. View Harbor boot images and containers

7. Create project in UI interface

  8. Test warehouse function locally

9. On the client, upload the image

3, Maintenance management Harbor

1. Stop the existing Harbor instance

2. Modify the configuration file Harbor.cfg

3. Run the prepare script to populate the configuration

4. Restart service

4, Create Harbor user

1. Create a new user

2. Operate on the client to delete the previously labeled image

3. Test whether the new user created can be used

4. Remove Harbor service container and all data

1, Introduction to harbor

Mirror based replication strategy; Support LDAP/AD domain and connect to the domain through VPN; Image deletion and garbage collection; Image UI, convenient; Audit, this function is rarely used. Generally, ELK is used to collect and analyze logs in enterprises; RESTful API

1, Building a private warehouse in harbor

1. Upload dock compose and set permissions

[root@harbor ~]# cd /usr/local/bin/
[root@harbor bin]# rz  -e
[root@harbor bin]# ls
[root@harbor bin]# chmod +x docker-compose 

3. Install harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2

[root@harbor bin]# cd /usr/local/
[root@harbor local]# rz -e
[root@harbor local]# tar zxvf harbor-offline-installer-v1.2.2.tgz 

4. Configure the Harbo parameter file

[root@harbor local]# vim /usr/local/harbor/harbor.cfg 

#Modify the fifth line
hostname =

5. Start Harbor

[root@harbor local]# cd /usr/local/harbor/
[root@harbor harbor]# ls
[root@harbor harbor]# sh install.sh 

6. View Harbor boot images and containers

(1) View mirror

docker images

(2) Check whether the service container is open

cd /usr/local/harbor/
docker-compose ps

7. Create project in UI interface

Browser access , the default administrator user name and password is admin/Harbor12345.

  Interface after login:

add item

  8. Test warehouse function locally

At this time, you can use the Docker command to log in and push the image locally through By default, the Register server listens on port 80.

(1) Log in to the local private warehouse

docker login -u admin -p Harbor12345

(2) Download the image for testing

docker pull nginx

(3) Image labeling

docker tag nginx
docker images

(4) Upload image to Harbor

docker push

9. On the client, upload the image

The above operations are performed locally on the Harbor server. If other clients upload images to Harbor, the following error will be reported. The reason for this problem is that HTTPS is used by default for Docker Registry interaction, but HTTP service is used by default for building private images. Therefore, the following errors occur when interacting with private images.

(1) Error phenomenon

docker login -u admin -p Harbor12345

(2) Solution

vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
#Where to modify the content
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --insecure-registry --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
#Restart service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
#Log in again
docker login -u admin -p Harbor12345

(3) Upload image

#Download tomcat image
docker pull tomcat
docker images
docker tag tomcat
#Upload to local warehouse
docker push

3, Maintenance management Harbor

Harbor can use docker compose to manage harbor. Some useful commands are shown below and must be run in the same directory as docker-compose.yml.

Steps to modify the options required for the Harbor.cfg configuration file: to change the Harbor configuration file, first stop the existing Harbor instance and update Harbor.cfg; Then run the prepare script to populate the configuration; Finally, recreate and start the instance of Harbour.

1. Stop the existing Harbor instance

cd /usr/local/harbor/
docker-compose down -v

2. Modify the configuration file Harbor.cfg

cd /usr/local/harbor/
vim harbor.cfg

3. Run the prepare script to populate the configuration

cd /usr/local/harbor/

4. Restart service

cd /usr/local/harbor/
docker-compose up -d

4, Create Harbor user

1. Create a new user



2. Operate on the client to delete the previously labeled image

docker rmi

3. Test whether the new user created can be used

#Logout login
docker logout
#Log in to the private warehouse with the newly created user and password
docker login
Username: zhangsan
Password:                 #Input password
#View image (before downloading)
docker images
#Download Image from private warehouse
docker pull
#View image (after download)
docker images

4. Remove Harbor service container and all data

Remove the Harbor service container while retaining the mirrored data / database

1) Operate on Harbor server

cd /usr/local/harbor/
docker-compose down -v

(2) To redeploy, you need to remove all data of harbor service container, persistent data, such as image. The database is in the / data / directory of the host, and the log is in the / var/log/Harbor / directory of the host.

Keywords: Linux Operation & Maintenance Docker Container

Added by mydownfall on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 17:08:43 +0200