High precision algorithm



1. High precision realization of the n-th power of 2

2. High precision factorial

 3. High precision addition

4. High precision subtraction

5. High precision multiplication

6. High precision factorial and

7. High precision calculation sequence and

1. High precision realization of the n-th power of 2

Corresponding link of Niuke website:

N-th power of 2_ Niuke Tiba_ Niuke.com (nowcoder.com)

Title Description:

Problem solving ideas:

Due to the large range of N, if we use long long numbers for storage, it will definitely overflow the stack. Therefore, we can only use arrays for simulation, that is, high precision.

1. We set the first position and the second position of the array to 1. The number of the first position represents the length and the number of the second position represents the initial value.

1 1

First time * 2:

1 2

Second * 2:

1 4

Multiply 2 for the third time

1 8

Fourth * 2


At this time, we find that the carry occurs when 16 is greater than 10. At this time, we need to take the remainder of 16, and the length is + 1:

2 6 1

Fourth * 2:

2 16 2

Remainder and carry 16:

2 6 3

Repeat the above steps to complete the simulation.  

Corresponding code:

using namespace std;
int main(){
   int n;
   arr[0]=1;//Represents the current length
   arr[1]=1;//Represents the initial value
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        int carry=0;//carry
        for(int j=1;j<=arr[0];j++){
            arr[j]=arr[j]*2+carry;//Add carry
        if(carry){//If there is carry
            arr[++arr[0]]=carry;//Carry is either 0 or 1
    for(int i=arr[0];i>=1;i--){//Inverse output

2. High precision factorial

Corresponding link of Niuke website:

Factoring an integer_ Niuke Tiba_ Niuke (nowcoder.com)

Title Description:


Problem solving ideas:

The idea of this question is basically the same as that of the previous question, except that the number multiplied each time is not 2, but i, and the carry may not be 10, which may be very large. Please see the code for details:

Corresponding code:

using namespace std;
int main(){
    int n;
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
        int carry=0;//carry
        for(int j=1;j<=arr[0];j++){
            arr[j]=arr[j]*i+carry;//Every time * i and add carry
        while(carry){//Until the carry is 0
            arr[++arr[0]]=carry%10;//The carry can be large, more than 10
    for(int i=arr[0];i>=1;i--){//Reverse order output

 3. High precision addition

High precision addition bloggers have written it before, so I won't write it here.

Corresponding link:

(1249 messages) all questions of addition template_ The blog of a teenager in the mountains - CSDN blog

4. High precision subtraction

Corresponding OJ link:

P2142 high precision subtraction - Luogu | new ecology of Computer Science Education (luogu.com.cn)

Title Description:

There is a little difference between subtraction and addition with high precision. If the first number is less than the second number, a negative number will appear. Therefore, we default that the first number is relatively large. If the first number is small, it will be exchanged. According to the subtraction rules of primary school, if it is not enough, borrow forward. Please see the code for details

Corresponding code:

using namespace std;
int main(){
    string s1,s2;
        //The first number is less than the second
    for(int i=0;i<s1.size();i++){
    for(int i=0;i<s2.size();i++){
    for(int i=1;i<=s1.size();i++){
        if(a[i]<b[i]){//Insufficient subtraction forward borrowing

    int len=s1.size();
    while(c[len]==0&&len>1){//Eliminate leading 0
    for(int i=len;i>=1;i--){

5. High precision multiplication

In fact, the sum of high-precision multiplication is the calculation method in simulating our primary school:

Corresponding code:

class Solution {


    string multiply(string num1, string num2) {

        int n1=num1.size();

        int n2=num2.size();

        string res(n1+n2,'0');

        for(int i=n2-1;i>=0;i--){

            for(int j=n1-1;j>=0;j--){

                int tmp=(res[i+j+1]-'0')+(num1[j]-'0')*(num2[i]-'0');

                res[i+j+1]=tmp%10+'0';//Current bit

                res[i+j]+=tmp/10; //The previous bit plus carry, res[i+j] has been initialized to '0', and the int type is automatically converted to char, so '0' is not added here




//Remove leading zeros in the first place

        for(int i=0;i<n1+n2;i++){


                return res.substr(i);


        return "0";





6. High precision factorial and

Corresponding OJ link:

P1009 [NOIP1998 popularization group] sum of factorials - Luogu | new ecology of Computer Science Education (luogu.com.cn)

Problem solving ideas:

The problem-solving ideas are divided into two parts:

1. Factorial calculation

2. Calculation and

See the code for solving the problem

Corresponding code:

using namespace std;
void fact(int n,vector<int>&tmp) {
	int carry = 0;//carry
	for (int j = 1; j <= tmp[0]; j++) {
		tmp[j] = tmp[j] * n + carry;
		carry = tmp[j] / 10;
		tmp[j] %= 10;
	while (carry) {
		tmp[++tmp[0]] = carry % 10;
		carry /= 10;
void add(vector<int>&sum,vector<int>&tmp) {
	if (sum[0] < tmp[0]) {
		sum[0] = tmp[0];
	int carry = 0;//carry
	for (int i = 1; i <= sum[0]; i++) {
		sum[i] = sum[i] + carry + tmp[i];
		carry = sum[i] / 10;
		sum[i] %= 10;
	if (carry) {
		sum[++sum[0]] = carry;
int main() {
	int n;
	cin >> n;

	vector<int>sum(2 * n);
	sum[0] = 1;//Represents the length;
	vector<int>tmp(2 * n);
	tmp[0] = 1;//Representative length
	tmp[1] = 1;//Represents the initial value
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
		add(sum, tmp);

	for (int i = sum[0]; i >= 1; i--) {
		cout << sum[i];
	return 0;

7. High precision calculation sequence and

Corresponding OJ link:

Title details - sum of 7-38 series - enhanced version (20 points) (pintia.cn)

Title Description:

Given A number A (1 ≤ A ≤ 9) and A non negative integer n (0 ≤ n ≤ 100000), find the sum of the sequence S=A+AA+AAA + * + AA * A (n A). For example, when A=1 and N=3, S=1+11+111=123.

Enter the number A and the nonnegative integer N.

Output the value of the sum S of its N-term sequence.

1 3

Old fellow can draw a picture on paper.

Corresponding code:

using namespace std;
int main(){
    int n,A;
        return 0;
    long long  carry=0;//carry
    int high=0;
    int i;
    for( i=0;i<n;i++){
        arr[i]=((n-i)*A+carry)%10;//Take the remaining 10;
         carry=((n-i)*A+carry)/10;//Calculate carry
        high=i;//Record the highest bit
    if(carry){//See if there is carry
        high=i;//Modify the highest bit
    for(int j=high;j>=0;j--){


Keywords: Algorithm

Added by Wetzut on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 23:40:56 +0200