HMM4 μ machine learning


There are two main algorithms of hidden Markov prediction model

Approximate algorithm

Viterbi algorithm



  1. Approximate algorithm
  2. Viterbi algorithm
  3. CODE implementation


An approximate algorithm

At each time t selects the most likely state at that timeTo get a sequence of States

    , as a prediction result

At time t in stateStateYes,



The most probable state at every momentFor


So we can get the state sequence



Simple calculation


There is no guarantee that the predicted state sequence as a whole is the best possible state sequence,

For example:

The state transition probability of a node is 0, but it is approximate


Viterbi algorithm

In fact, it is to use dynamic programming to solve the hidden Markov model prediction problem (dynamic programming) to find the maximum path strength of probability

Principle: the optimal path has the following characteristics: if the optimal path passes through node a a t time t, then part of the path from node a to terminal t must be optimal for all possible paths.
Proof: if not, then there is a better path from a to T, and if you connect it with the part from i1 to a, there will be a better path.

1. If the path with the highest probability passes through a certain point of the fence network, the sub path from the start point to the point must also have the highest probability from the start to the point.  

2. Assuming that there are k states at the i-th moment, there are k shortest paths from the beginning to the i-th moment, and the final shortest path must pass through one of them.  

3. According to the above properties, when calculating the shortest path of the i+1 state, only the shortest path from the start to the current k state values and the shortest path from the current state values to the i+1 state values are needed to be considered. For example, the shortest path when t=3 is calculated is equal to the shortest path of all state nodes x2i when t=2 is calculated plus the shortest path of each node from t=2 to t=3.
Copyright notice: This is the original article of CSDN blogger "lake ice 2019", following CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright agreement. Please attach the original source link and this notice for reprint.
Original link:


Introduce two variablesSum, define all single paths with time t status iThe maximum value of medium probability is:


variableThe recurrence formula of is



Defined in the t state are all pathst-1 node of the path with the highest probability



Algorithm flow:



CODE implementation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Feb 19 09:22:49 2020

@author: chengxf2

import numpy as np

A =[[0.5,0.2,0.3],
    [0.3, 0.5,0.2],
    [0.2, 0.3, 0.5]]

# Observation matrix 'dry','dryish','damp', 'rainy'
B =  [[0.5,0.5],
      [0.4, 0.6],
     [0.7, 0.3]]

PI = [0.2, 0.4, 0.4]
observations = [0,1,1]  ##Red, white, red

class Viterbi:
        A: State transition matrix
        B: Observation matrix
        PI: Initial probability
    def __init__(self,A, B, PI,O):
        self.A = np.array(A,np.float)
        self.B = np.array(B,np.float)
        self.PI = np.array(PI,np.float)
        self.O = np.array(O,
        self.PSI = None ##Probability maximum
        self.DELTA = None ##Path corresponding to probability maximum
    def Perdict(self):
        T = len(self.O)
        BestPath =[]
        self.N, self.M = np.shape(self.B)
        self.DELTA = np.zeros((T, self.N),
        self.PSI = np.zeros((T, self.N), np.float)
        print("\n **********step1 Initialization*****************\n")
        obser = self.O[0]
        self.PSI[0]=np.multiply(self.PI, self.B[:,obser])
        print("\n **********step2 Recurrence*****************\n")
        for t in range(1,T):
            obser =self.O[t]
            for i in range(self.N):
                A = np.multiply(self.PSI[t-1] ,self.A[:,i])
                index =self.DELTA[t,i]=np.argmax(A)
        print("PSI ",self.PSI)   
        DelteI = np.argmax(self.PSI[-1])
        print("\n **********step3 optimal path*****************\n")
        for t in reversed(range(T-1)):
            index  = self.DELTA[t+1,DelteI]
            print("\n time:",t,"=>time",t+1, "\t The best node ",index, "=>",DelteI)
            DelteI = index
        print("\n Best path: ",BestPath)

Vier = Viterbi(A,B,PI, observations)



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Keywords: Programming network

Added by lovelys on Thu, 20 Feb 2020 07:57:52 +0200