Holiday learning HTML

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1, What is HTML?

2, HTML tags

1. Label introduction in < head > < / head >

2. Label introduction in < body > < / body >

3. Semantic label

         4. List label

5. Hyperlink label

6. Multimedia Tags

7. Table label

8. Form label

9. Frame label



In the summer vacation of 2021, I plan to teach myself the knowledge of web front-end to strengthen my skills. Through consulting relevant materials, I learned that HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the most basic and core skills that need to be mastered in front-end development. Therefore, in order to achieve my goals, I learned these three skills by myself. However, considering that I am a beginner, I still have many deficiencies in understanding the specific content. Therefore, this article is intended to summarize what I learned during the holiday, Deficiencies or mistakes will be corrected in the future.


Tip: the following is the main content of this article. The following cases can be used for reference

1, What is HTML?

HTML refers to Hypertext markup language (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the most commonly used language in our web pages. If front-end development is compared to building a house, html is the brick and tile needed by the house. All websites are built on HTML, so it will be the first step in our front-end learning.

The process of learning html is also the process of constantly understanding HTML tags. Tags are the basic unit of HTML, which are divided into paired tags and single tags. We can simply think of labels as the process of selecting different bricks and tiles in the process of building a house. Choosing different tags in different parts of the web page will produce different effects. Choosing the right label can make us get twice the result with half the effort.

<Tag name property name 1="",Property name 2=""></Tag name>

2, HTML tags

When we use pycharm to create an html file, we will automatically generate some code, which is the most basic part of the html file. The whole body is mainly composed of < head > < / head > header tag and < body > < / body > tag.

This article lists the functions of some commonly used labels. For details, you can refer to relevant documents.

<!DOCTYPE html>                //Indicates the file type
<html lang="en">                             
    <meta charset="UTF-8">     //Indicates the character type, generally UTF-8


1. Introduction to common tags in < head > < / head >

1,<head lang="en">
    lang by language The main language of the property declaration on the page, en In English, zh-cn Express Chinese
2,<title></title>Page title label
3,<meta charset="">Set character
   <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="Time, jump to your website">Refresh and jump to the target URL
   <meta name="keywords" content="">Keywords (easy for crawlers to crawl)
   <meta name="description" content="">Description, description of the page
4,<link rel="relationship" type="type" href="address"/>Defines the connection between two documents
    Load here css
   </style>set up p Content styles in labels
    Write here javascript code
   </script>Pop up prompt

2. Label introduction in < body > < / body >

1,<p></p>Labels: paragraph labels,One line apart from the up and down text.
    align Property controls content orientation left,center,right
    title attribute
2,<b></b>Labels: bold definitions,Physical marking
3,<strong></strong>Label: bold definition, logical marking (emphasis)
4,<i></i>Labels: italic
5,<em></em>Label: italic, accent
6,<br/>Labels: wrapping
7,<hr/>Labels: horizontal line labels
    width Attributes: width
    align Attributes: positional alignment
    color Attributes: color
    size Attributes: size
8,<u></u>Labels: underlined labels
9,<del></del>Labels: delete line labels
    Understand that it is no longer used:<font></font>Labels: font labels
10,<h1></h1>Labels: Title labels (h1-h6)
11,<bdo></bdo>Labels: overwriting the original text direction
    dir Attributes: text orientation
12,<sub></sub>Labels: Subscripts
13,<sup></sup>Labels: superscript
14,<details></details>label:Detailed information expansion
15,<summary></summary>Labels: and details Use together to change the detail name
16,<dialog></dialog>Labels: dialog window labels
    open attribute open=True
17,<figure></figure>Labels: packaging combinations
18,<pre></pre>Labels: raw format output
19,<mark></mark>Labels: tag text
20,<small></small>Labels: small font labels

3. Semantic label

1,<span></span>Row label
2,<div></div>Block label
3,<header></header>Web page header
4,<footer></footer>Bottom of page
5,<nav></nav>Webpage navigation
7,<section></section>Define a block
8,<article></article>Define article block
9,<address></address>Define an address

4. List label

1,<ul></ul>Define unordered lists (and<li>Tags (used together)
2,<ol></ol>Defined sequence table (and<li>Tags (used together)
    start = ""Attribute start sequence number
    type = "" Sequence number attribute
    reverse = "reverse"Reverse sequence of serial number
3,<li></li>List properties
4,<dl></dl>Define a definition list
5,<dt></dt>Define a list item
6,<dd></dd>Defines the description of the item in the list

5. Hyperlink label

1,href Property jump URL, must add protocol
2,target Property to set the opening method
    _blank New window
    _self current window
    Anchor application
3,id attribute
    When href="#ID "jump to this < a id =" ">
    ./current directory
    ../Upper level directory
    Hyperlinks can pass parameters

6. Multimedia Tags

Multimedia Tags
1,<progress></progress>Progress bar label
    min,max Min max
    value Current value
2,<meter></meter>Define metrics in scope
    min,max Min max
    value Current value
    low,high,optimum Demarcation
3,<img/>Define image
    src Image path
    width,height Width and height
    alt Replace the text message when the picture fails to load
    title Put the tips on the picture
    ismap Property to display picture coordinates
    usemap Attributes, image mapping and<map></map>Tagged name Property.
4,<map></map>Labels: defining client image mappings
5,<area />Define image mapping area
    shape Define area shape
    coodrs Defines the coordinate value of the area
    href Click area to jump to position
    target Open mode
6,<audio></audio>audio frequency
    loop Loop Playback
    preload Advance loading
    poster title
    loop Loop Playback
    preload Advance loading
8,<embed />Load multimedia
9,<source />Define media resources

7. Table label

    boder frame
    align position
    widen, height Width and height
    cellspacing Border distance
    cellpadding Distance between text and border
    bordercolor Border color
    background Background map
2,<caption></caption>Title Line
3,<tr></tr>that 's ok
    rowspan enjambment
    colspan Cross column
    height high  widen wide(Cell td)
    valign Up and down alignment
    align Left right alignment
    bgcolor Background color
5,<th></th>Center bold

8. Form label

1,<form></form>Create form label
 Input type, button type, click type
    action Attribute: user input content transfer location
    method Properties:   post All information related to users is not displayed, and there is a lot of information,  get Display information, less information
    type Represents how the input field is displayed:
        text text     password password     submit click
        radio Single choice(name The same value can be controlled value Value to ensure single selection, checked Property is selected by default to ensure that the whole can be selected and used<label>Encapsulate)
        checked Multiple choice(name Post addition[]Represent a group)
        file file
        reset The reset button returns to the original state
        hidden Hide transmission

        New form type
        date date
        time time
        week week
        month month
        datetime-local Full date
        url domain name
        nunmber Digital range min max
        range Scope Verification
        search search form 
        email Mailbox form
        color Color selection
        tel Phone form
    name Form item name
    value Form item defaults
    readonly read-only
    disabled Disable
    autofocus Get cursor automatically
    placeholder Default display
    required The user must assign a value
    multiple Select multiple files at the same time (file)
        Multiple selections must be in name Back plus[]
    pattern[regular] Specify the characters entered
        as[a-z]Can only be a reach z One of, case sensitive
    step Set skip interval, which is mostly used in numerical form
    novalidate Cancel form validation, in form In label
    formaction  Used to modify the submission page of the current form in the submit button url
    formmethod  Used to modify the submission method of the current form in the submit button get post
    formenctype  It is used to modify the submitted data code type of the current form in the submit button (generally not used, used when uploading files)
    formnovalidate  Used to cancel the validation of the current form in the submit button
    tableindex  tab Key toggle index properties(Subsequent write access order)
    1) label Add one to the label for Properties, in input Riga id Property, and the two properties are associated.
    2) Write directly together
4,<textarea></textarea>Multiline text data
    rows Number of rows
    clos Number of columns
5,<select></select>Drop down list
    Name to get information name=""
    When option have value Value acquisition value Value, otherwise get content
6,<option></option>Drop down options
    selected Property is selected by default
    need label Attribute definition group name
8,<fieldset></fieldset>Form classification
    use<legend></legend>Named group name
9,<datalist></datalist>Define optional data list
    definition id,stay input In label list relation

9. Frame label

1,<iframe></iframe>Open a space in the page to link sub pages
    src    Child link address
    widen   broadband
    height  height
2,<frameset></frameset>representative body Label the frame page and define how many rows or columns the frame page will be divided into
    cols Defines the number of columns in the frame page and the size of the columns by column
    rows Define the number of frame page rows and the size of rows by row
3,<frame/>definition frameset The content of each frame page in the label
    src Define content address
    name Define a name for each frame page
 Note:<frameset>You need a few pieces<franm/>


Keywords: html5 html

Added by cainmi on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 14:29:52 +0200