How does Gitee automatically deploy Pages? Still use GitHub Actions!

Gitee Pages

In the first part "An article to teach you code synchronization GitHub and Gitee" In, we use GitHub Actions to solve the problem that GitHub code automatically synchronizes Gitee. However, after our blog warehouse code is synchronized to Gitee, Pages cannot be deployed automatically like GitHub. If we do not use the paid Gitee Pages Pro service, how can we implement Gitee to automatically deploy Pages?

GitHub Actions

The answer is to use GitHub Actions! You might wonder, does gitee also have GitHub Actions service? Gitee will also detect like GitHub YAML file in github/workflows / directory, and then execute it?

Of course, this is impossible. Gitee does not support GitHub, but why do we have to borrow gitee's capabilities? In GitHub Actions, we simulated Login to gitee and click the deployment button of the project. Isn't that also an implementation method?

Search Actions

Next, we'll find some suitable GitHub Actions, which can be found in GitHub's Official market , or awesome actions Warehouse, or directly search GitHub for keywords such as gitee pages actions.

Finally, we decided to use Gitee Pages Action , take a look at the sample code of the home page:

name: Sync

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Sync to Gitee
        uses: wearerequired/git-mirror-action@master
          # Note: configure gitee in settings - > secrets_ RSA_ PRIVATE_ KEY
          SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.GITEE_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          # Note that replace with your GitHub source warehouse address
          # Note replace with your Gitee target warehouse address

      - name: Build Gitee Pages
        uses: yanglbme/gitee-pages-action@main
          # Note replace with your Gitee user name
          gitee-username: yanglbme
          # Note: configure gitee in settings - > secrets_ PASSWORD
          gitee-password: ${{ secrets.GITEE_PASSWORD }}
          # Note: replace it with your Gitee warehouse. The warehouse name is strictly case sensitive. Please fill in it accurately, otherwise an error will occur
          gitee-repo: doocs/leetcode
          # The branch to be deployed is master by default. For other branches, it needs to be specified (the specified branch must exist)
          branch: main

We have previously implemented GitHub code synchronization Gitee. Here, we directly use the automatic deployment actions in the second half, combined with the YAML file code in the previous article. The final modifications are as follows:

name: syncToGitee
      - gh-pages
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Mirror the Github organization repos to Gitee.
        uses: Yikun/hub-mirror-action@master
          src: 'github/mqyqingfeng'
          dst: 'gitee/mqyqingfeng'
          dst_key: ${{ secrets.GITEE_PRIVATE_KEY }}
          dst_token:  ${{ secrets.GITEE_TOKEN }}
          static_list: "learn-typescript"
          force_update: true
          debug: true
      - name: Build Gitee Pages
        uses: yanglbme/gitee-pages-action@main
          # Note replace with your Gitee user name
          gitee-username: mqyqingfeng
          # Note: configure gitee in settings - > secrets_ PASSWORD
          gitee-password: ${{ secrets.GITEE_PASSWORD }}
          # Note: replace it with your Gitee warehouse. The warehouse name is strictly case sensitive. Please fill in it accurately, otherwise an error will occur
          gitee-repo: mqyqingfeng/learn-typescript
          # The branch to be deployed is master by default. For other branches, it needs to be specified (the specified branch must exist)
          branch: gh-pages

Don't forget to add Secrets to the warehouse settings, enter Gitee's login password, and then save it named GITEE_PASSWORD

YAML file syntax error

If Actions fails and this error occurs:

This is because there is a problem with your YAML syntax. It may be that there is no alignment. Can be in This website Check your YAML file, or look at teacher Ruan Yifeng's YAML language tutorial.

Run again

After modifying the code, we can execute sh deploy again SH, and then check the operation on GitHub:

When it runs successfully, we will check the address of Gitee and find that it has been deployed as the latest version.

So far, the synchronization and automatic deployment of GitHub and Gitee code are realized.

Series articles

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Wechat: "mqyqingfeng", add me to Yu Yu's only reader group.

If there is any mistake or lack of preciseness, please be sure to correct it. Thank you very much. If you like it or have some inspiration, welcome star, which is also an encouragement to the author.

Keywords: Javascript Front-end gitee vuepress github-actions

Added by ChrisF79 on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 14:57:50 +0200