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Since the video is encoded into I,B,P and other frames, as shown in the following figureSuppose there are I, B and P frames, what about transmission and display??If transmitted in display order:The transmission sequence is I - > b > PAfter decoding the B frame, since the B frame cannot be displayed separately, you can only wait for the subsequent P frameIf it is not transmitted in sequence and transmitted in decoding sequence:The transmission sequence is I - > p - > BNo matter which way to transmit and display, once you have the B frame, you need to tell the other party when to display the frameSo there are PTS and DTS, namely Presentation Time Stamp and Decode Time StampPTS tells the other party when to display the frame, while DTS tells the other party when to decode the frameIf there is no B frame, PTS and DTS are the same:PTS and DTS are inconsistent only when there are B frames:Reference article:Classification: Miscellaneous studies<div id="blog_post_info">
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- 1. Re: some things in the past six months
- @SAP dream heart Yes, in a small company of Xiamen soft 2, ha ha
- --linyilong
- 2. Re: some things in the past six months
- What company are you? Are you in Xiamen, too?
- --SAP dream heart
- 3. Re: build rtmp server with docker (1)
- RUN ./ Config -- add module = ". / nginx RTMP module" this path is not correct after being changed many times
- --boonya
- 4. Re: using docker to build rtmp server (1)
- Has the Dockerfile been executed? Is there a docker image
- --boonya
- 5. Re:docker uses Chinese image
- Thank you. I'm looking for it. Collected.
- --microman
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