How to configure the newly acquired mac computer on the front end

Installation terminal iTerm2

Homebrew package management tool

Install brew

Automatic script (all domestic addresses)

/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Apple uninstall script:

/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install git

If Xcode is installed, it will bring GIT. Xcode is used for Ios development. If not, you can download it with brew
`brew install git
Configure basic information and SSH

$ git config --global "jianhao"                       // Set user name
$ git config --global ""           // Set mailbox

Generate public key
View public key
cat ~/.ssh/

Install node environment

After installing nvm, it is best to delete the installed node and global node modules:

npm ls -g --depth=0 #View the modules that have been installed in the global to delete these global modules and then re install them according to different node versions

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules #Delete global node_modules directory
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/node #Delete node
cd  /usr/local/bin && ls -l | grep "../lib/node_modules/" | awk '{print $9}'| xargs rm #Delete the soft chain registered by the global node module

Install nvm

curl -o- | bash

After installation, please re open the terminal environment. It is recommended to use oh my Zsh instead of the default bash shell on the Mac.

nvm alias default 0.12.7 #Set the default node version to 0.12 seven

Select the appropriate version to install

nvm install 10.15.3          // When you install the specified version of node, you will automatically switch to that version
nvm install node             // Install the latest stable version of node (i.e. current version)

Check whether the installation was successful
node -v

Download vscode

Then the front-end plug-in of vscode

Download Sogou input method

Don't ask why you downloaded this input method. It's hard to use its own catch-up

One record of impression notes can be seen at many ends

Cloud notes remember a lot,

chorme browser front end standard configuration

yyds, and then the browser plug-in Redux tools

  • AdBlock best advertising interception tool
  • Eye Dropper color selection tool
  • Fehelper JSON is automatically formatted and manually formatted, and supports sorting, decoding, downloading
  • Google translation web page
  • Infinity new tab theme customization tool
  • The Great Suspender freezes temporarily unused tabs to free system resources
  • The QR Code Extension converts links into QR codes for easy access
  • Wappalyzer technology for analyzing current web pages
  • Salad search word delimitation translation tool
  • Tampermonkey greasemonkey Customize the website by installing various scripts
  • Toby for Chrome organizes multiple tabs, similar to One Tab
  • Fehelper JSON automatic formatting, simple postman, timestamp conversion

Wechat enterprise wechat WPS Netease cloud

WiFi password in Keychain access

Sometimes you forget the wifi password you have accessed. At this time, you can access and view the password through the key chain. Command + space to open focus search, search key string access and open, select the system, find the wifi account you want to view, double-click to open, check show password to see the wifi password.

Focus on using mc computer shortcuts

Mac and Windows key correspondence

control    ctrl
option   Alt
command    Function key,Apple key


command + shift + 3    //Capture full screen to desktop
command + shift + 4   //Intercept the selected area to the desktop
command + shift + N  //New folder
command + shift + .   //Show / hide files
command + shift + G  //Call up the window and enter the absolute window
command + C //Copy file
command + V //Paste file
command + Option + V   //To cut a file, you need to copy the file first
comand + option + C // Copy the path of the selected file


command + L    //The cursor jumps directly to the address bar
command + T //Open a new tab
command + Numeric key N(number)  //Switch to nth tab
command + '+-'  //Zoom in and out
command + Left and right arrows //Return to previous or next page
Control + Tab  //Go to the next tab
control + shift + tab  //Go to the previous tab

application program

command + H  //Hide non full screen applications
command + W //Close the current application window
command + Q  //Completely exit the current application
command + N //New current application window
command + , //Open currently applied preferences
command + Space //
command + option + esc //Open the forced exit window
command + control + F //Application full screen
command + control + Space  //Opens the emoticon selection page

command + control + Q / / lock screen
option + space / / open the utools you installed

More configurations Detailed configuration

Keywords: Front-end macOS MacBook

Added by Slashscape on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 18:24:10 +0200