I. Throttle function
1. Use scenarios
DOM.onclick() event, we bind a click event to a DOM node, trigger the execution of the event function when clicking on the element, but when we click on the element frequently, it will continue to trigger the click event. If the event function triggered by the click event is DOM element, it will cause high performance consumption and may cause page jamming.
So at this point we should limit the trigger frequency of the event and reduce the page overhead.
2. principle
Events are triggered continuously, but the event function is only executed once within a specified period.
3. Code Implementation
function throttle(fn, wait = 500) { let lastTime = 0 // Initialize the event of the last call return function () { let args = [].slice.call(arguments) // Converting class arrays to arrays let nowTime = new Date().getTime() // Get the current time if(nowTime - lastTime > wait) { fn.apply(this, args) lastTime = nowTime // Reassign the last call time } } } // Use let btn = document.getElementById('btn') let fn = function () { console.log(1) } btn.onclick = throttle(fn, 1000)
After adding a click event to the button, even if the button is clicked continuously, the event handler will only be executed once every 1000ms.
2. Anti-jitter Function
1. Use scenarios
For example, when we enter the content we want to search in the input box of Baidu search, we will have you enter the content of the input box and search after a short time after we stop typing. If you pause less than the specified time after typing, you will recalculate the time.
2. principle
The so-called anti-jitter means that the function can only execute once in N seconds after triggering an event. If the event is triggered again in n seconds, the execution time of the function will be recalculated.
3. Code Implementation
function debounce(fn, delay) { let timer = null return function () { let _self = this let args = [].slice.call(arguments) clearTimout(timer) timer = setTimout(function () { fn.apply(_self, args) }, delay) } } // Use let inp = document.getElementById('inp') function handler() { console.log(this.value) } inp.oninput = debounce(handler, 500)
After using the throttle function, we will input the value in the input box after pausing the input for 500 ms. If the pause time is less than 500 ms, we will not output, and the execution time of the function will be recalculated.
3. Time-sharing function
For example, when we render a large data into a list, we require that all data must be rendered, not lazy loading, so when we add a large number of DOM nodes to the page in a short time, it will obviously cause browser jamming.
let arr = [] for(let a = 0; a < 1000; a++) { arr.push(a) } function render(data) { for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { let div = document.createElement('div') div.innerHTML = arr[i] document.body.appenChild(div) } } render(arr)
So we create a function that adds nodes in a time-sharing manner, such as adding 1000 nodes in 1s instead of adding 20 nodes every 200 ms.
let timeChunk = function (data, fn, count = 20, delay = 200) { let obj,timer let start = function () { for(let i = 0; i < Math.min(count, data.length); i++) { let obj = data.shift() fn(obj) } } return function () { timer = setInterval(function () { if(data.length === 0) { return clearInterval(timer) } start() }, delay) } }
Using time-sharing functions
let arr = [] for (let a = 0; a < 1000; a++) { arr.push(a) } function render(data) { let div = document.createElement('div') div.innerText = data document.body.appendChild(div) } let renderlist = timeChunk(arr, render, 20, 200) renderlist()
This creates 20 nodes every 200 ms after calling the time-sharing function.
In front-end development, because of the differences of browsers, some sniffing work is unavoidable, such as the implementation of a common add event function in all browsers. Common Writing:
let addEvent = function (element, type, handler) { if(window.addEventListener) { return element.addEventLisenter(type, handler, false) } else if (window.attachEvent) { return element.attachEvent('on'+type, handler) } }
But every time we execute a function, we have to make branch judgment. Then when we decide which browser to execute the function, we only need to make the first judgment, and then use it without judgment, because we execute the function in the same browser.
So we can use the lazy loading function, there are always some branch judgments in the body of the function, but after the first entry into the branch condition, the function will be rewritten inside the function. After the rewriting, the function we expect will be the function. When we re-enter the function next time, we do not need to make branch judgments.
let addEvent = function (element, type, handler) { if(window.addEventListener) { addEvemt = function(element, type, handler) { element.addEventLisenter(type, handler, false) } } else if (window.attachEvent) { addEvent = function(element, type, handler) { element.attachEvent('on'+type, handler) } } addEvent(element, type, handler) }
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