HZNUOJ problem dynamic programming

hznuoj topic

  [C series synthesis 1] game master I  


ydw of ACM team is a game enthusiast. He likes to play all kinds of stand-alone games and is happy to get all kinds of endings. However, due to the limited time (he also has to issue TAT), he can only choose a few endings he likes to pass. Because ydw is a game expert, he can handle all the plot by himself without checking the strategy, However, due to self-reliance, the time to complete each ending is different, and his preference for each ending is also different, that is, he gets different pleasure from each ending. He hopes to pass some endings in his limited time to maximize his pleasure.


There are multiple sets of test data,

The first behavior N (0 < N < = 100) and t (0 < T < = 2000) means ydw there are N games to play, and the total time to play the game is t.

In the next 3*N lines, the first number n (1 < = n < = 10) in each line indicates that there are several endings of the game. In the next line, n numbers represent the pleasure that can be obtained by passing a certain ending ydw, and then n numbers in the next line represent the time required for ydw to pass a certain ending.

Test data ends with 0. (the data ensure that the pleasure degree and time are greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000)


The greatest pleasure that ydw can get.


Problem solving methods learn from [dynamic programming] 01 knapsack problem (easy to understand, super basic explanation)

(11 messages) [dynamic programming] 01 knapsack problem (easy to understand, super basic explanation)_ Yngz_Miao's blog - CSDN blog_ 01 knapsack problem dynamic programminghttps://blog.csdn.net/qq_38410730/article/details/81667885

  Topic analysis

General idea

Break big problems into small ones


Simplify the question: there are m endings. After each ending, you can get h points of pleasure and consume t points of time. There is a total of t time. Ask how much pleasure you can get at most.

happy[i] is defined as the degree of pleasure that can be obtained for each outcome

        time[i] is the time to be consumed for each ending

Definition H(i,j): the current remaining time j, the maximum pleasure that the first i outcomes can bring

When the time required for the i-th ending is greater than the remaining available time

H(i,j) = H(i-1,j)    // I can't play the i-th ending

When the time required for the ith ending is less than or equal to the remaining available time

H(i,j) = H(i-1,j)   // Don't play the i-th ending

Or H(i,j) = H(i - 1,j - t[i]) + h[i]    // Play the i-th ending (the two schemes use the one with more pleasure)

It can be analyzed with the help of charts

(the example data is h (2, 3, 4) t (1, 4, 3)) t is 7

For example, i=1, j=1, t(1)=1, h(1)=2, there is j=t(1), so H(1,1)=max {H(1-1,1), H(1-1,2-t(1))+h(1)} = 2;


After a general understanding of the principle, start solving the problem.

Problem solving structure

1. Define a structure to store the pleasure required for each outcome of each game, as follows:

struct game{
	int happy[100];
	int time[100];
	int type;

2. Define another structure to store the information of each outcome, as follows:

struct res{     //Used to receive data for all types of outcomes
	int happy;
	int time;

3. Define chart

int charm[1010][2010]={{0}};//Define dynamic planning table 

  4. Define a max function

int Max(int x,int y){  //Define a function that returns a larger value 
	return x>y?x:y;

5. Enter the data required by the topic

int N,T;
	int n;
	int H=0;    //Record how much pleasure you can get in total 
	while(scanf("%d %d",&N,&T),(N||T)){  //Enter N games, total T time 
		for(int i=0;i<N;i++){  //Enter n endings for each game 
		for(int j=0;j<g[i].type;j++)  //Enter the pleasure of n outcomes 
		for(int j=0;j<g[i].type;j++)  //Enter the time required for n outcomes 

6. Copy the input value into the res structure to facilitate the planning of all outcomes of each game

int m=1;
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++){        
		     //Copy the data of each outcome to the res structure 
		for(int j=0;j<g[i].type;j++){

7. Start dynamic allocation

//m is the total number of all outcomes
/*Dynamic planning time allocation from r[1].happy~r[m].happy is the degree of pleasure that can be obtained for each outcome 
	                     r[1].time ~r[m]. time Is the time required for each ending */
	//Dynamic planning table size should be (m+1)*(T+1)
	for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) {
		for (int j=1;j<=T;j++) {
			if (j<r[i].time)
				charm[i][j] = charm[i-1][j];
				charm[i][j] = Max(charm[i-1][j], charm[i-1][j-r[i].time] + r[i].happy);

8. Final printing results


All codes:

int charm[1010][2010]={{0}};//Define dynamic planning table 
int Max(int x,int y){  //Define a function that returns a larger value 
	return x>y?x:y;
struct game{
	int happy[100];
	int time[100];
	int type;
struct res{     //Used to receive data for all types of outcomes
	int happy;
	int time;
int main()
	int N,T;
	int n;
	int H=0;    //Record how much pleasure you can get in total 
	while(scanf("%d %d",&N,&T),(N||T)){  //Enter N games, total T time 
		for(int i=0;i<N;i++){  //Enter n endings for each game 
		for(int j=0;j<g[i].type;j++)  //Enter the pleasure of n outcomes 
		for(int j=0;j<g[i].type;j++)  //Enter the time required for n outcomes 
	int m=1;
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++){        
		     //Copy the data of each outcome to the res structure 
		for(int j=0;j<g[i].type;j++){
	/*Dynamic planning time allocation from r[0].happy~r[m].happy is the degree of pleasure that can be obtained for each outcome 
	                     r[0].time ~r[m]. time Is the time required for each ending */
	//Dynamic planning table size should be (m+1)*(T+1)
	for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) {
		for (int j=1;j<=T;j++) {
			if (j<r[i].time)
				charm[i][j] = charm[i-1][j];
				charm[i][j] = Max(charm[i-1][j], charm[i-1][j-r[i].time] + r[i].happy);
	return 0;

Keywords: C C++

Added by markusn00b on Sun, 28 Nov 2021 14:07:47 +0200