- The main function is to convert html to json, and then restore html by json
- style and script tags can be removed
- Convert inline styles to JS objects
- Convert class to array
- Mainly depends on htmlparser2 ; this is a powerful html parsing library with superior performance
Direct code
import { Parser } from "htmlparser2" const numberValueRegexp = /^\d+$/ const zeroValueRegexp = /^0[^0\s].*$/ const scriptRegexp = /^script$/i const styleRegexp = /^style$/i const selfCloseTagRegexp = /^(meta|base|br|img|input|col|frame|link|area|param|embed|keygen|source)$/i const TAG = 'tag' const TEXT = 'text' const COMMENT = 'comment' /** * Remove space before and after */ export const trim = val => { return (val || '').replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '') } /** * title case */ export const capitalize = word => { return (word || '').replace(/( |^)[a-z]/, c => c.toUpperCase()) } /** * Hump nomenclature / small hump nomenclature, initial small */ export const camelCase = key => { return (key || '').split(/[_-]/).map((item, i) => i === 0 ? item : capitalize(item)).join('') } /** * Nomenclature of the great hump, initial capital */ export const pascalCase = key => { return (key || '').split(/[_-]/).map(capitalize).join('') } export const isPlainObject = obj => { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]' } /** * Inline style to Object */ export const style2Object = (style) => { if (!style || typeof style !== 'string') { return {} } const styleObject = {} const styles = style.split(/;/) styles.forEach(item => { const [prop, value] = item.split(/:/) if (prop && value && trim(value)) { const val = trim(value) styleObject[camelCase(trim(prop))] = zeroValueRegexp.test(val) ? 0 : numberValueRegexp.test(val) ? Number(val) : val } }) return styleObject } export const toJSON = (html, options) => { options = Object.assign({ skipStyle: false, skipScript: false, pureClass: false, pureComment: false }, options) const json = [] let levelNodes = [] const parser = new Parser({ onopentag: (name, { style, class: classNames, ...attrs } = {}) => { let node = {} if ((scriptRegexp.test(name) && options.skipScript === true) || (styleRegexp.test(name) && options.skipStyle === true)) { node = false } else { if (options.pureClass === true) { classNames = '' } node = { type: TAG, tagName: name, style: style2Object(style), inlineStyle: style || '', attrs: { ...attrs }, classNames: classNames || '', classList: options.pureClass ? [] : (classNames || '').split(/\s+/).map(trim).filter(Boolean), children: [] } } if (levelNodes[0]) { if (node !== false) { const parent = levelNodes[0] parent.children.push(node) } levelNodes.unshift(node) } else { if (node !== false) { json.push(node) } levelNodes.push(node) } }, ontext(text) { const parent = levelNodes[0] if (parent === false) { return } const node = { type: TEXT, content: text } if (!parent) { json.push(node) } else { if (!parent.children) { parent.children = [] } parent.children.push(node) } }, oncomment(comments) { if (options.pureComment) { return } const parent = levelNodes[0] if (parent === false) { return } const node = { type: COMMENT, content: comments } if (!parent) { json.push(node) } else { if (!parent.children) { parent.children = [] } parent.children.push(node) } }, onclosetag() { levelNodes.shift() }, onend() { levelNodes = null } }) parser.done(html) return json } const setAttrs = (attrs, results) => { Object.keys(attrs || {}).forEach(k => { if (!attrs[k]) { results.push(k) } else { results.push(' ', k, '=', '"', attrs[k], '"') } }) } const toElement = (elementInfo, results) => { switch (elementInfo.type) { case TAG: const tagName = elementInfo.tagName results.push('<', tagName) if (elementInfo.inlineStyle) { results.push(' style="', elementInfo.inlineStyle, '"') } if (elementInfo.classNames) { results.push(' class="', elementInfo.classNames, '"') } setAttrs(elementInfo.attrs, results) if (selfCloseTagRegexp.test(tagName)) { results.push(' />') } else { results.push('>') if (Array.isArray(elementInfo.children)) { elementInfo.children.forEach(item => toElement(item, results)) } results.push('</', tagName, '>') } break; case TEXT: results.push(elementInfo.content) break; case COMMENT: results.push("<!-- ", elementInfo.content, " -->") break; default: // ignore } } export const toHTML = json => { json = json || [] if (isPlainObject(json)) { json = [json] } const results = [] json.forEach(item => toElement(item, results)) return results.join('') }
const source = '<div class="test1" style="color:red">Test 1</div> <div class="test1" style="color:red">Test 2</div>' const htmljson = toJSON(source, { skipScript: true, skipStyle: true, pureClass: true, pureComment: true }) const jsonhtml = toHTML(htmljson) console.log(htmljson) console.log(jsonhtml)
Parameter description
- skipScript filter script label, default false
- skipStyle filter style label, default false
- class attribute is removed from pureClass, and the default is false
- Purecommment remove comments, default false
- Htmlparser2 can be installed through npm i htmlparser2 --save
Original link IT prodigal の blog > implementation of mutual transformation between JSON and HTML