Independent and shared intelligent pointer learning of c + +

Unique PTR intelligent pointer


As a kind of intelligent pointer, the key purpose of being designed is to solve the problem of insufficient security of the original pointer

Declaration syntax:

STD:: unique ﹤ PTR < type > variable name {initialization value};

Note: it's better to initialize unique PTR with STD:: make unique

For example:

The first is:

	// Initializes a data type space with the initialized value in parentheses
	std::unique_ptr<int> upa{ std::make_unique<int>(150) };
	std::cout << "upa = " << *upa << std::endl;


Second species:

	//Initialize many data type spaces. The number of initialization spaces is in parentheses. Here you can put 10 int s
	std::unique_ptr<int[]> upb{ std::make_unique<int[]>(10) };
	upb[0] = 10; upb[1] = 20; //You can understand it at a glance.
	std::cout << "upb[0] = " << upb[0] <<  " upb[1] = " << upb[1]<< std::endl;


Important features:

This pointer has the same uniqueness as its name, that is, more than two unique pointers cannot point to the same memory address.

Here's an example of a mistake:

	std::unique_ptr<int> upa{ std::make_unique<int>(20) };  //First unique pointer
	std::unique_ptr<int> upb{ upa };  //When initializing, it points to the first one, directly reports an error, and fails to compile

Common methods:


Introduction: return to unique's native pointer! How to understand? See below:

	std::unique_ptr<int> upa{ std::make_unique<int>(20) };
	int* pa = upa.get();  //Define a native pointer to receive it
	std::cout << "pa=" << *pa << std::endl;



Introduction: freeing the memory space of unique pointer and pointing the pointer to nullptr(c++11 and above)

For example:

	std::unique_ptr<int> upa{ std::make_unique<int>(20) };
	upa.reset();  //Free memory and point to nullptr
	std::cout << upa << std::endl;



Introduce: return the memory address that the original unique pointer points to, but point to null, how to understand?

For example:

	std::unique_ptr<int> upa{ std::make_unique<int>(20) };
	std::cout << "primary upa address=" << upa << std::endl;
	int * a = upa.release();
	std::cout << "a address="<< a << std::endl;
	std::cout << "new upa address=" << upa << std::endl;



Introduction: features that cannot be transferred to another unique in order to solve uniqueness

For example:

	std::unique_ptr<int> upa{ std::make_unique<int>(20) };
	std::unique_ptr<int> upb{};
	std::cout << "primary upa==" << upa << std::endl;
	upb = std::move(upa);
	std::cout << "upb==" << upb << std::endl;
	std::cout << "new upa==" << upa << std::endl;


Note: it is not a class method, but a function in std standard library. Unlike get, it is directly transferred to a unique pointer of Li Gang, while get is transferred to a native pointer!

Sharedx? PTR smart pointer


Unlike unique, it can define many shared pointers pointing to the same address; where is intelligence? Only when the last shared pointer is released can this memory be released! And how many smart pointer calls are recorded at the current address

Declaration syntax:

STD:: sharedx ﹤ PTR < type > variable name {initialization value};

Note: it is better to initialize the shared PTR with STD:: make ﹣ shared

For example:

	//First, it's the same form as unique, just changing unique to shared
	std::shared_ptr<int> spa{ std::make_shared<int>(50) }; 
	//The second method doesn't work. Replace it with the third one
	//std::shared_ptr<int[]> spb{ std::make_shared<int[]>(4) };
	//The third way / / use new to apply for array substitution
	std::shared_ptr<int[]> spc{ new int[4]{1,2,3,4} };

Common methods:


Introduction: return how many shared ﹐ PTR calls the current address has


	std::shared_ptr<int> spa{ std::make_shared<int>(50) }; 
	std::cout << spa.use_count() << std::endl;   //1
	std::shared_ptr<int> spb{ spa };
	std::cout << spa.use_count() << std::endl; //2
	std::shared_ptr<int> spc{ spa };
	std::cout << spa.use_count() << std::endl;  //3




Prototype: bool std::shared_ptr.unique();

Note: if the shared ﹣ PTR is the only shared pointer to the region, return true, otherwise return false


	std::shared_ptr<int> spa{ std::make_shared<int>(50) }; 
	std::cout << spa.unique() << " "; //Only
	std::shared_ptr<int> spb{ spa }; 
	std::cout << spa.unique() << " "; //Not unique
	std::shared_ptr<int> spc{ spa };
	std::cout << spa.unique() << " "; //Not unique



Introduction: set the current shared pointer to nullptr. If it is the last one, the memory will be released


	std::shared_ptr<int> spa{ std::make_shared<int>(50) }; 
	std::shared_ptr<int> spb{ spa };
	std::shared_ptr<int> spc{ spa };
	spa.reset(); std::cout << spb << " "; //Memory not released yet
	spb.reset(); std::cout << spc << " ";//Memory not released yet
	spc.reset(); std::cout << spc << " ";//Free memory


Thanks again for your hard work!! Old fellow iron felt good! I'm potato sailing, thank you!

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Added by wtech on Sun, 16 Feb 2020 06:20:28 +0200