Installing fastdfs under nginx

1. Install gcc environment

yum install gcc-c++

2. Install two libraries
The first libevent Library

yum -y install libevent

The second libfastcommon Library
libfastcommon download address:

Copy the downloaded libfastcommon to the / usr/local / directory, and then execute the following commands in sequence:

cd /usr/local
tar -zxvf V1.0.43.tar.gz
cd libfastcommon-1.0.43/
./ install

3. Download an installation package
Next, let's download Tracker. Note that since Tracker and Storage are the same installation package, you can download it once
Download address
After the download is successful, copy the downloaded files to the / usr/local directory, and then execute the following commands to install:

cd /usr/local
tar -zxvf V6.06.tar.gz
cd fastdfs-6.06/
./ install

After successful installation, execute the following command to copy the configuration file under the conf directory in the installation directory to the / etc/fdfs Directory:

cd conf/
cp ./* /etc/fdfs/

4. Configuration
Next, enter the / etc/fdfs / directory for configuration:

Open tracker Conf file:
vi tracker.conf
port and base_ Change the path to your own
5. Start

Next, execute the following command to start the Tracker:

/usr/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf start

2.2 Storage installation
Enter the / etc/fdfs directory and configure Storage:

vi storage.conf

Modify base_path ,store_path0 ,tracker_server
After configuration, execute the following command to start Storage:

/usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf start

2.3 Nginx installation

1. Installation package


2. Decompression

tar zxvf nginx-1.17.0.tar.gz

3. Enter the directory

cd nginx-1.17.0

4. Install two environments

yum -y install pcre-devel
yum -y install openssl openssl-devel

5. Then start compiling and installing:



make install

6. After installation, the default installation position is:


7. Enter the sbin directory of this directory and execute nginx to start nginx:


8. If the Nginx configuration is modified, you can reload the Nginx configuration file through the following command:

./nginx -s reload

2.4 fastdfs nginx module installation
1. First download fastdfs nginx module,
Download address:
2. After downloading, copy the downloaded file to / usr/local directory. Then enter the / usr/local directory and execute the following commands respectively

cd /usr/local
tar -zxvf V1.22.tar.gz

3. Then add / usr / local / fastdfs nginx module-1.22/src/mod_ fastdfs. Copy the conf file to / etc/fdfs / directory and modify the contents of the file:

vi /etc/fdfs/mod_fastdfs.conf

4. Next, go back to the unzipped directory of the nginx installation file downloaded in the first step, execute the following command to reconfigure the compilation and installation:

./configure --add-module=/usr/local/fastdfs-nginx-module-1.22/src
make install

5. Modify the configuration file

vi /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
    server {
        listen       80;
        server_name  localhost;

        #charset koi8-r;

        #access_log  logs/host.access.log  main;
        #Just configure this
         location ~/group([0-9]){
    	Other contents.....			

Configure nginx request forwarding here.
After the configuration is completed, start nginx and see the following log, indicating that nginx is started successfully:

ngx_http_fastdfs_set pid=xxx

Keywords: Linux CentOS Nginx Spring Boot

Added by HuggieBear on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 23:37:44 +0200