Installing TiDB on a stand-alone computer using TiUP cluster

TiUP is a cluster operation and maintenance tool introduced by TiDB version 4.0. TiUP cluster is a cluster management component written by Golang provided by TiUP. Through TiUP cluster component, you can carry out daily operation and maintenance work, including deployment, startup, shutdown, destruction, elastic capacity expansion, upgrading TiDB cluster, and managing TiDB cluster parameters.

Smallest TiDB cluster topology:

examplenumberIPto configure
TiKV310.186.65.41Avoid port and directory conflicts
TiDB110.186.65.41Default port, global directory configuration
PD110.186.65.41Default port, global directory configuration
TiFlash110.186.65.41Default port, global directory configuration
Monitor110.186.65.41Default port, global directory configuration

1. Add data disk EXT4 file system

For production environment deployment, it is recommended to use NVME type SSD disk of EXT4 type file system to store TiKV data files. This configuration scheme is the best implementation scheme, and its reliability, security and stability have been confirmed in a large number of online scenarios.

Log in to the target machine with root user, format the data disk of the deployment target machine into ext4 file system, and add nodelalloc and noatimemount parameters when mounting. Nodelalloc is a required parameter, otherwise the detection cannot pass during TiUP installation; noatime is an optional recommended parameter.

be careful:

If your data disk has been formatted as ext4 and mounted, you can uninstall it by executing the umount /dev/vdb command first, starting from the step of editing the / etc/fstab file, and then add the mounting parameters to mount it again.

1.1 viewing data disk

fdisk -l

Disk /dev/vdb: 107.4 GB, 107374182400 bytes, 209715200 sectors

1.2 creating partitions

parted -s -a optimal /dev/vdb mklabel gpt -- mkpart primary ext4 1 -1

1.3 format file system

mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb

1.4 use the lsblk command to view the device number and UUID of the partition:

[root@tidb01 ~]# lsblk -f
NAME   FSTYPE  LABEL   UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
sr0    iso9660 CONTEXT 2021-04-30-09-59-46-00               
└─vda1 xfs             de86ba8a-914b-4104-9fd8-f9de800452ea /
vdb    ext4            957bb4c8-68f7-40df-ab37-1de7a4b5ee5e 

1.5 edit the / etc/fstab file and add the nodelalloc mount parameter

vi /etc/fstab

UUID=957bb4c8-68f7-40df-ab37-1de7a4b5ee5e /data ext4 defaults,nodelalloc,noatime 0 2

1.6 create data directory and mount disk

mkdir -p /data && mount -a

1.7 check whether the file system is mounted successfully

Execute the following command. If the file system is ext4 and the mount parameter contains nodelalloc, it indicates that it has taken effect.

[root@tidb01 ~]# mount -t ext4
/dev/vdb on /data type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodelalloc,data=ordered)

2. Installation steps

2.1 download and install TiUP:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

2.2 install cluster components of TiUP:

tiup cluster

You need to open a new terminal or reload source / root / bash_ Profile file to execute the tiup command

2.3 if the machine has installed TiUP cluster, the software version needs to be updated:

tiup update --self && tiup update cluster

2.4 increase the number of connections of s SHD service

Due to the simulation of multi machine deployment, it is necessary to increase the connection limit of s SHD service through root user:

  1. Modify / etc/ssh/sshd_config set MaxSessions to 20.
  2. Restart sshd service:
systemctl restart sshd.service

2.5 create and start a cluster

According to the following configuration template, edit the configuration file and name it TOPO Yaml, where:

  • User: "tidb": means that the internal management of the cluster is done through the tidb system user (which will be created automatically after deployment). By default, port 22 is used to log in to the target machine through ssh
  • deploy_dir/data_dir: installation directory and data directory of cluster components respectively
  • replication. Enable placement rules: set this PD parameter to ensure the normal operation of TiFlash
  • Host: set as the IP address of the deployment host
[root@tidb01 .tiup]# pwd

[root@tidb01 .tiup]# cat topo.yaml

# # Global variables are applied to all deployments and used as the default value of
# # the deployments if a specific deployment value is missing.
 user: "tidb"
 ssh_port: 22
 deploy_dir: "/data/tidb-deploy"
 data_dir: "/data/tidb-data"

# # Monitored variables are applied to all the machines.
 node_exporter_port: 9100
 blackbox_exporter_port: 9115

   log.slow-threshold: 300
 tikv: false
   readpool.coprocessor.use-unified-pool: true
   replication.enable-placement-rules: true
   replication.location-labels: ["host"]
   logger.level: "info"

 - host:

 - host:

 - host:
   port: 20160
   status_port: 20180
     server.labels: { host: "logic-host-1" }

 - host:
   port: 20161
   status_port: 20181
     server.labels: { host: "logic-host-2" }

 - host:
   port: 20162
   status_port: 20182
     server.labels: { host: "logic-host-3" }

 - host:

 - host:

 - host:

2.6 execute the cluster installation command:

tiup cluster deploy <cluster-name> <tidb-version> ./topo.yaml --user root -p
  • Parameter indicates setting the cluster name
  • Parameter indicates setting the cluster version. You can view the currently deployed TiDB version through the tiup list tidb command
tiup cluster deploy barlow 4.0.12 ./topo.yaml --user root -p

Follow the guidance and enter "y" and root password to complete the deployment:

Do you want to continue? [y/N]:  y
Input SSH password:

Successful installation will prompt the following words:

Cluster `barlow` deployed successfully, you can start it with command: `tiup cluster start barlow`

2.7 start the cluster:

tiup cluster start barlow

tiup cluster start <cluster-name>

2.8 access cluster:

  • Install MySQL client. If MySQL client is installed, you can skip this step:
yum install -y mysql
  • To access TiDB database, the password is blank:
mysql -uroot -p -h10.186.65.41 -P4000
  • Access to Grafana monitoring of TiDB:

Access the cluster Grafana monitoring page through http: / / {Grafana IP}: 3000. The default user name and password are admin.

  • To access TiDB's Dashboard:

Access the cluster TiDB Dashboard monitoring page through http: / / {PD IP}: 2379 / dashboard. The default user name is root and the password is empty.

  • Execute the following command to confirm the list of currently deployed clusters:
tiup cluster list
[root@tidb01 .tiup]# tiup cluster list
Starting component `cluster`: /root/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.4.2/tiup-cluster list
Name    User  Version  Path                                         PrivateKey
----    ----  -------  ----                                         ----------
barlow  tidb  v4.0.12  /root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/barlow  /root/.tiup/storage/cluster/clusters/barlow/ssh/id_rsa
  • Execute the following command to view the topology and status of the cluster:
tiup cluster display <cluster-name>
[root@tidb01 .tiup]# tiup cluster display barlow
Starting component `cluster`: /root/.tiup/components/cluster/v1.4.2/tiup-cluster display barlow
Cluster type:       tidb
Cluster name:       barlow
Cluster version:    v4.0.12
SSH type:           builtin
Dashboard URL:
ID                  Role        Host          Ports                            OS/Arch       Status   Data Dir                         Deploy Dir
--                  ----        ----          -----                            -------       ------   --------                         ----------   grafana  3000                             linux/x86_64  Up       -                                /data/tidb-deploy/grafana-3000   pd  2379/2380                        linux/x86_64  Up|L|UI  /data/tidb-data/pd-2379          /data/tidb-deploy/pd-2379   prometheus  9090                             linux/x86_64  Up       /data/tidb-data/prometheus-9090  /data/tidb-deploy/prometheus-9090   tidb  4000/10080                       linux/x86_64  Up       -                                /data/tidb-deploy/tidb-4000   tiflash  9000/8123/3930/20170/20292/8234  linux/x86_64  Up       /data/tidb-data/tiflash-9000     /data/tidb-deploy/tiflash-9000  tikv  20160/20180                      linux/x86_64  Up       /data/tidb-data/tikv-20160       /data/tidb-deploy/tikv-20160  tikv  20161/20181                      linux/x86_64  Up       /data/tidb-data/tikv-20161       /data/tidb-deploy/tikv-20161  tikv  20162/20182                      linux/x86_64  Up       /data/tidb-data/tikv-20162       /data/tidb-deploy/tikv-20162
Total nodes: 8

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Keywords: Database tidb

Added by badzv on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 21:51:38 +0200