Interface automation - pytest fixture - scope scope


There is little introduction to fixture in the article. Students can search the detailed explanation of fixture or look at the source code

Before that, bloggers used the unittest unit test framework to write interface automation, which is also very useful. However, after learning about the fixture and allure of pytest, there was a real fragrance warning!!

First of all, the fixture source code contains several cores, and I picked out a part of the source code

def fixture(
    fixture_function: Optional[_FixtureFunction] = None,
    scope: "Union[_Scope, Callable[[str, Config], _Scope]]" = "function",
    params: Optional[Iterable[object]] = None,
    autouse: bool = False,
    ids: Optional[
            Iterable[Union[None, str, float, int, bool]],
            Callable[[Any], Optional[object]],
    ] = None,
    name: Optional[str] = None,

1,scope  2,params   3,autouse    4,ids

This article explains the first scope in detail. Because it is too detailed and non concise, it is suitable for Xiaobai to watch

Scope: controls the scope of the fixture

scope contains four functions


Each function will be called. Usage: add @ pytest.fixture() to the fixture function   There is no need to add function in brackets. If it is not transmitted, it is function by default


Each class is called once, and the method under each class is the concept of fusion   Usage: add @ pytest.fixture('class') to the fixture function


Each py file is called once. The methods and classes inside are the concepts of class and function   Usage: add @ pytest.fixture('module ') to the fixture function


Multiple py files are called once, and each py file is the concept of module   Usage: add @ pytest.fixture('session ') to the fixture function

  Explain in detail   

When the function calls the fixture function, it is preceded

1, function

In the following code, you can see that we set a fixture function function, and then each function in pytest can call fixture function

import pytest
def getsql_project():  #Add the @ pytest.fixture() decorator above the fxture we need to set
    project_id = 335
    project_id2 = 332
    print('Verify the execution of the preceding')
    return project_id,project_id2

def test_set_project1(getsql_project):    #When we use the fixture function, we just call it in parentheses.
    print('first id yes',getsql_project[0])

def test_set_project2(getsql_project):
    print('the second id yes', getsql_project[1])

if __name__ == '__main__':

The returned results are as follows

============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 2 items Verify the execution of the preceding
PASSED                          [ 50%]first id It's 335 Verify the execution of the preceding
PASSED                          [100%]the second id It's 332

============================== 2 passed in 0.08s ==============================

Process finished with exit code 0

As you can see, each method calls the fixture function once

  2, class

A class can only be triggered once

import pytest
def getsql_project():  #Add the @ pytest.fixture() decorator above the fxture we need to set
    project_id = 335
    project_id2 = 332
    print('Verify the execution of the preceding')
    return project_id,project_id2

class Test_fixture:

    def test_set_project1(self,getsql_project):    #When we use the fixture function, we just call it in parentheses.
        print('first id yes',getsql_project[0])

    def test_set_project2(self,getsql_project):
        print('the second id yes', getsql_project[1])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Return results

============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 2 items 

============================== 2 passed in 0.09s ==============================

Process finished with exit code 0
 Verify the execution of the preceding
PASSED            [ 50%]first id It's 335
PASSED            [100%]the second id It's 332

It can be seen that the verification of whether the pre execution is performed is only performed once, which means that both of our methods call the fixture function, which is actually performed only once

3, module

A py file can only be executed once

Let's first take a look. We have multiple classes, and each class calls the next fixture function

import pytest
def getsql_project():  #Add the @ pytest.fixture() decorator above the fxture we need to set
    project_id = 335
    project_id2 = 332
    print('Verify the execution of the preceding')
    return project_id,project_id2

class Test_fixture:
    def test_set_project1(self,getsql_project):    #When we use the fixture function, we just call it in parentheses.
        print('First class id1',getsql_project[0])
    def test_set_project2(self,getsql_project):
        print('First class id2', getsql_project[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':

class Test_fixture2:
    def test_set_project3(self,getsql_project):    #When we use the fixture function, we just call it in parentheses.
        print('Second class id1',getsql_project[0])
    def test_set_project4(self,getsql_project):
        print('Second class id2', getsql_project[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':

Return the result (you can see whether the verification is pre executed   It is executed twice, because each class defined by us is executed once, so it is executed twice)

============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 4 items Verify the execution of the preceding
PASSED            [ 25%]First class id1 335
PASSED            [ 50%]First class id2 332 

============================== 4 passed in 0.09s ==============================

Process finished with exit code 0
 Verify the execution of the preceding
PASSED           [ 75%]Second class id1 335
PASSED           [100%]Second class id2 332

Here's the point

At this point, we will replace class with module


Return result (in the whole py file, no matter multiple class calls, it is only run once)

============================= test session starts =============================
collecting ... collected 4 items Verify the execution of the preceding
PASSED            [ 25%]First class id1 335
PASSED            [ 50%]First class id2 332 

============================== 4 passed in 0.08s ==============================

Process finished with exit code 0
PASSED           [ 75%]Second class id1 335
PASSED           [100%]Second class id2 332

4, session

Generally, our fixtures are unloaded under the file in the directory. If two py files call the fixture function under, if the fixture is in session form, multiple pYS can use the data returned by this function, but they will not be called repeatedly.

Create a new file and put our fixture function in it

import pytest
def getsql_project():  #Add the @ pytest.fixture() decorator above the fxture we need to set
    project_id = 335
    project_id2 = 332
    print('Verify the execution of the preceding')
    return project_id,project_id2

Then multiple pYS call getsql at the same time_ project   It is actually called only once Verify the execution of the preceding
PASSED            [ 25%]First class id1 335
PASSED            [ 50%]First class id2 332 

============================== 4 passed in 0.08s ==============================

Process finished with exit code 0
PASSED           [ 75%]Second class id1 335
PASSED           [100%]Second class id2 332

Added by 28rain on Wed, 03 Nov 2021 04:15:54 +0200