Introduction to algorithm - array, linked list, selection and sorting


How memory works

Arrays and linked lists


Linked list


Overall comparison

Time complexity

Implementation of linked list in python


Select sort


How memory works

When you go to the supermarket, you should see a storage cabinet at the door. When you go to the supermarket, you store your things in the storage cabinet. If you have a lot of things, you may need to open two cabinets to put your things. Then you just need to go to the supermarket with the small ticket of the storage cabinet. After visiting the supermarket, you take out your things with the small ticket. In fact, the working principle of computer memory is roughly like this,. The computer is a collection of lockers at the entrance of the supermarket. Each individual locker has a corresponding ticket and their address.

When we need to store data in memory, we request to the computer, and the computer allocates us a piece of space for storage.

Arrays and linked lists


An Array is an ordered sequence of elements. All its elements are connected (close together) in memory.

Linked list

Linked list is a non continuous and non sequential storage structure on the physical storage unit. The logical order of data elements is realized through the pointer link order in the linked list, that is, the elements in the linked list can be stored anywhere in the memory. The linked list stores the address of each element, that is, the next element. Therefore, when inserting elements, it has more advantages than the array, because it only needs to store the elements in memory and then store their address in the previous element. It does not need to abdicate the following elements in turn like the array.


Overall comparison

arrayLinked list
Memory occupationContinuous memory space requiredNo contiguous memory space is required
Variable sizeIt is fixed and allocated as much as possible. It cannot be expanded dynamically, which may waste memoryThe size of the linked list can change dynamically
Insert (middle)Slow, you need to move all elements after the inserted element backFaster, just put it in memory and put its address in the previous element
deleteSlow, all elements after deleting elements need to be moved forwardFaster, you only need to modify the address pointed to by the previous element
queryFaster and can be accessed directly through subscriptSlow, only by traversing the query
Access formRandom access or sequential accessSequential access only
ExpansibilityNon dynamically extensibleCan be extended dynamically
Storage data typeMust be consistentCan be inconsistent

Time complexity

Linked listO(n)O(1)O(1)

It should be noted that if the array is randomly queried by subscript, its time complexity is O(1), but if it is accessed in sequence, its time complexity is O(n) as the linked list. However, if it is an ordered array and accessed in sequence, its time complexity is O(logn) according to binary search. The above insertion and deletion are only one operation, The query time is not included. The reason why the time complexity of the array insertion and deletion operation is O(n) is that when the array inserts and deletes an element, the positions of other elements must move accordingly. The time complexity of inserting in the head and tail is O(n), while the linked list only needs to insert elements and add addresses to the previous element. All the time complexity is O(1), Generally speaking, we should not remember the conclusion too much, and we need to analyze the actual situation flexibly.

In real life, arrays are used more often because they support random access. You can directly jump to the element you want by subscript. All of them have faster reading speed. In life, random access is required in many cases.

Implementation of linked list in python

The following will briefly demonstrate the implementation of one-way linked list. Bidirectional linked list, the implementation of circular linked list, you can go to see this article

Linked list of Python data structure - Zhihu

It mainly realizes the functions of one-way list and deletion of knowledge

# @Time:2022/1/2813:21
# @Author: Zhongyi
# @File: linked list py
# @ps:tutu qqnum:2117472285
# #Define node
class Node(object):
    #Node of one-way linked list
    def __init__(self,item):
        self.item=item#item stores data elements is the identification of the next node
class SingleLinkList(object):
    #Unidirectional linked list
    def __init__(self):

    def is_empty(self):
        #Determine whether the linked list is empty
        return self.head == None
    def length(self):
        #Linked list length
        #The initial pointer points to the head
        #The pointer to None indicates that the tail is reached
        while cur != None:
            #Pointer down
        return count

    def items(self):
        #Traversal linked list
        #Get head pointer
        #Loop traversal
        while cur is not None:
            #Return to generator
            yield cur.item
    def add(self,item):
        #Add elements to the head of the linked list
        #The new node pointer points to the original header node
        #Modify the header node pointer to a new node
    def append(self,item):
        #Add element to tail
        #First judge whether it is an empty linked list
        if self.is_empty():
            #Empty linked list, with head pointing to the new node
            #It is not an empty linked list. Find the tail and point the tail next node to the new node
            while != None:
    def insert(self, index, item):
        # Insert element at specified location
        # The specified position is inserted in the header before the first element
        if index <= 0:
        # If the specified position exceeds the tail, insert it at the tail
        elif index > (self.length() - 1):
            # Create element node
            node = Node(item)
            cur = self.head
            # Cycle to where you want to insert
            for i in range(index - 1):
                cur =
   = node

    def remove(self, item):
        #Delete element
        cur = self.head
        pre = None
        while cur != None:
            # The specified element was found
            if cur.item == item:
                # If the first one is the deleted node
                if not pre:
                    # Point the header pointer to the next node of the header node
                    self.head =
                    # Point the next of the node before the deletion location to the next node after the deletion location
                return True
                # Continue to move the node backward according to the linked list
                pre = cur
                cur =

    def find(self, item):
        #Find whether the element exists
        return item in self.items()


if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Add element
    for i in range(5):
    for i in link_list.items():
        print(i, end='\t')
    #Insert element in header
    print('After inserting the header element:',end='')
    for i in link_list.items():
        print(i, end='\t')
    #Add element to tail
    print('After adding elements to the tail:',end='')
    for i in link_list.items():
    #Middle insert element
    print('After inserting an element in the middle:',end='')
    for i in link_list.items():
        print(i, end='\t')
    #Delete element
    print('After deleting an element:',end='')
    for i in link_list.items():
        print(i, end='\t')
    #Find element
    print('Find 4 this element:',end='')

Operation results:

Select sort

If the counselor asks you to do performance analysis and make you rank the performance points of the whole major from high to low, what should you do?

full nameGPA
Zhang San2.1
Li Si3.2
Old five4.2
Wang Mazi0.8

One way is to traverse the list and find the person with the highest grade point, then add it to a new list, and then repeat this operation to get a sequential list, which is selective sorting. The time complexity is O(n^2)

Another method is to use the method of selective sorting. The time complexity is O (nlogn), which is faster than selective sorting. Here we only explain the selection sort, and then we will talk about quick sort.

This is a descending order. The idea of descending order is the same

# @Time:2022/1/301:02
# @Author: Zhongyi
# @File: select sort py
# @ps:tutu qqnum:2117472285
#Find the largest element and return its subscript
def find_Max_num(arr):
    for i in range(1,len(arr)):
        if arr[i]>Max_num:
    return Max_num_index
def sort_num(arr):
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        newArr.append(arr.pop(Max_num_index))#Find one, pop it up once and cycle again
    return newArr
if __name__ == '__main__':

Operation results:

[4.2, 3.5, 3.1, 0.2]


  • Computer memory is like a pile of lockers
  • To store multiple elements, you can use arrays or linked lists
  • The element addresses of the array are linked together
  • The element addresses of the linked list are separated, and each element contains the address of the next element
  • There are two ways to access arrays, random access and sequential access. Random access is very fast
  • Linked list has only one access mode, sequential access, and the access speed is slow
  • The insertion and deletion speed of linked list is very fast, and the array is slow
  • In the same array, the types of all elements must be the same, and the linked list can be inconsistent

Keywords: Python Algorithm data structure linked list array

Added by beboni on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 12:27:39 +0200