Introduction to LINQ query technology

LINQ introduction

What problems can LINQ solve

In the development of NET platform, object-oriented programming language and data access method are separated for a long time. Data access is queried through SQL. This way of embedding SQL statements is very prone to errors.

SQL and XML have their own query language, while objects do not have their own query language.

For another example, it is very difficult to find qualified elements from the list < T > set or array.

What is LINQ

LINQ (Language Integrated Query)

LINQ mainly includes the following three parts:

  • LINQ to Objects is mainly responsible for object query;
  • LINQ to XML is mainly responsible for XML query;
  • LINQ to ADO.NET is mainly responsible for database query;
    • (1)LINQ to SQL;
    • (2)LINQ to DataSet;
    • (3)LINQ to Entities;

LINQ namespace

  • SyStem.Linq; This namespace is automatically introduced by the system.

Comparison between using and not using LINQ queries

  • Do not use LINQ

    #region example 1: do not use LINQ query
    int[] nums = { 1, 8, 2, 321, 82, 93, 288, 29 };
    List<int> list = new List<int>();
    foreach (int item in nums)
        if (item %2 !=0)
    foreach (int  item in list)
    • Using LINQ queries

      #region example 2: querying an array using LINQ Technology
      int[] nums = { 1, 8, 2, 321, 82, 93, 288, 29 };
      var list = from num in nums 
          where num % 2 != 0 
          orderby num descending
          select num;
      foreach (int item in list)

      LINQ query is simple, intuitive and clear.

    LINQ query method

    1. Get data: extension method (select)

      • Select() is a generic extension method. In the select method, there is a Lambda expression, and the return result is an Iterator
      • When the Select() method is used, it is required to pass a delegate instance (the delegate instance is a method)

      Select() method application

      #region example 3: Select() method application
      int[] nums = { 1, 8, 2, 321, 82, 93, 288, 29 };
      var list = nums.Select(item => item * item);
      foreach (int item in list)
    2. Filter data: Where() method

      • The Where() method is a generic extension method
      • When the Where() method is used, it is required to pass a delegate real column, but the instance is a judgment condition, so the returned type must be bool type

      Where() method application

      #region example 4: Where() method application
      int[] nums = { 1, 8, 2, 321, 82, 93, 288, 29 };
      var list = nums.Where(item => item % 2 == 0).Select(i => i * i);
      foreach (int  item in list)
    3. Sorting data: OrderBy() method

      • OrderBy() is an extension method
      • The parameters in OrderBy() require a sorted field to be passed, which is sorted in ascending order by default
      • If you want to arrange in descending order, you can use the OrderByDescending method

      Application of OrderBy() method

      #region example 5: application of OrderBy() method
      int[] nums = { 1, 8, 2, 321, 82, 93, 288, 29 };
      var list = nums
          .Where(item => item % 2 == 0)
          .Select(i => i * i)
          .OrderByDescending(item => item);
      foreach (var item in list)

      String array sort:

      #region example 6: string sorting
      string[] nums = { "Zhang San", "Li Si", "Wang wuqi", "Chen Liu", "Qian Qi", "Zhao Ba" };
      var list = nums
          .Where(item => item.Length == 2)
          .Select(item => item)
          .OrderBy(item => item.Substring(0, 1));
      foreach (var item in list)
    4. Grouping data: GroupBy() method

      • OrderBy() is an extension method
      • The parameters in OrderBy() require a grouped field to be passed from

      GroupBy() method application

      #region Example 7: GroupBy() method application
      string[] nums = { "Zhang San", "Li Si", "Wang wuqi", "Chen Liu", "Qian Qi", "Zhao Ba" };
      var list = nums
            .Where(item => item.Length == 2)
            .Select(item => item)
            .GroupBy(item => item.Substring(0, 1));
      foreach (var groupitem in list)
          Console.WriteLine("Group fields:{0}", groupitem.Key);
          foreach (var item in groupitem) // Inner loop traversal grouping item
      # endregion

Keywords: C# SQL

Added by KeeganWolf on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 11:45:50 +0200