Introduction to MongoDB

First: A brief introduction to MonoDB

MongoDB is a database between relational database and non-relational database. It is written in C++ language. Its advantage is that the query format supported by MongoDB is very powerful. It can store complex data types and support indexing.


Two: Download

Official address:
Download version 3.4: plus-ssl-v3.4-latest-signed.msi
III: Installation and Startup Services
1. After installing MongoDB, create database path (data directory), log path (logs directory) and log file (mongo.log file) under bin's peer directory.
2. Create and edit the configuration file: mongo.conf
#Database Path 
#Log Output File Path 
#Error logs adopt additional mode 
#Enable Log Files, Default Enable / d nl / Logs, Diaries
#This option can filter out some useless log information. If you need to debug it, set it to false. 
#The default port number is 27017 

3. Enter the bin directory, use the administrator to enter the command line window, and execute the following commands for installation

mongod.exe --config " xxxx/mongo.conf(Path) " --install

4. Execute the corresponding command

 net start MongoDB #Start MongoDB
 net stop MongoDB  #Close MongoDB
 "...../mongod.exe" --remove #Remove MongoDB

5. Verify that the startup is successful

Access: http://localhost:27017 Query MongoDB Page


Fourth: For client installation:

Nowadays, there are many clients of MongoDB that can download by themselves. My recommendation is nosqlbooster. The download address is


5: Simple use of MongoDB in java

1. Connection format of services


Corresponding NOUN explanations:

mongodb://Fixed prefix
username: Account number, not filled in
password: password, not filled in
Host: Host name or ip address, only the host name is required.
port: port, not filled in, default 27017
/ database: Connect to a database
options: Connection parameters, key/value pairs
1,mongodb://localhost Connects Local Database Port 27017
2,mongodb://root:itcast@localhost connects to the local database port 27017 using the user name root password for itcast
3,mongodb://localhost,localhost:27018,localhost:27019, connecting three master-slave servers, ports 27017, 27018, 27019
2. Adding dependencies

3. Code test connection

   //Test connection
    public void testConnect(){
        //Create Client
        MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
        //Resume Connection Using Connection String
        // MongoClientURI connection = new MongoClientURI ("mongodb://localhost:27017/test"); //remember the name of the database
        //MongoClient client = new MongoClient(connecting);
        MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test");//Getting the database
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("student"); //Get the corresponding table
        Document document = collection.find().first(); //Get the corresponding row
        String json = document.toJson();

Note: When using URI to connect, add the name of the database, if the following error occurs, [Mongo Command Exception: Command failed with error 18:'Authentication'failed.], please check the address of the connection and whether the user belongs to the database, in Mong Command Exception. In oDB, a user corresponds to a library, and the corresponding library should be written at connection time.



Six: MongoDB involves commands

#Database and set correlation
1,show dbs Query all databases
2,use dbbase_name Switch or create a database
3,db.dropDatabase() To delete the database, first switch to the corresponding database
5,db.collectionName.drop()  Delete set
6,db.collectionName.insert({"key": "value"}) Adding data to collections
7,db.collectionName.update( {update criteria},{Updated Contents},option )
8,db.collectionName.remove({Delete condition})Delete documents according to conditions
9,db.collectionName.remove()  Delete all documents
10,db.collectionName.find({query criteria}),No condition is to query all documents
11,db.collectionName.find({query criteria},{The fields to be displayed are 1, 0 and double quotation marks.}),Projection query

#User correlation
1,First switch to the corresponding database: use databaseName 
        user: "username",
        { role:"role",db:"Database name"   }
show users: Query users
db.dropUser(" User name")  delete user
db.updateUser("User name",{roles:[{role:"role",db: "Database role"}]}) Modify user information
db.changeUserPassword("User name","New password")




Keywords: Java MongoDB Database JSON

Added by Humpty on Mon, 16 Sep 2019 18:46:04 +0300