Introduction to MyBatis Foundation

1. Development process of mybatis

Mybatis official website:

  1. Introducing MyBatis dependency
  2. Create core profile
  3. Create entity
  4. Create Mapper mapping file
  5. Initialize SessionFactory
  6. Using SqlSession object to manipulate data

1.1 introduction of MyBatis dependency (Maven)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


        <!-- -->
        <!-- -->

1.2 create core profile

Create mybatis config. In the / src/resources / folder XML and configure it

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration
        PUBLIC "-// Config 3.0//EN"
        <!-- goods_id -> goodsId Hump naming conversion-->
        <setting name="mapUnderscoreToCamelCase" value="true"/>
    <!-- By switching default The database can be switched flexibly-->
    <environments default="dev">
        <environment id="dev"> //Environment configuration
            <transactionManager type="JDBC"></transactionManager>//What transactions are used to manage the database
            <dataSource type="POOLED">
                <property name="driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
                <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/babytun?useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8"/>
                <property name="username" value="root"/>
                <property name="password" value="wwe61846"/>

        <environment id="prd">
            <!-- use JDBC Database transactions commit/rollback -->
            <transactionManager type="JDBC"></transactionManager>
            <!-- The database is managed by connection pool -->
            <dataSource type="POOLED">
                <property name="driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
                <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://;characterEncoding=UTF-8"/>
                <property name="username" value="root"/>
                <property name="password" value="wwe61846"/>

When < environment id = "dev" > is changed to < environment id = "prd" > the environment with ID "prd" will be used and the database will be replaced.

1.5 initialize SessionFactory


  • Create the core object of MyBatis
  • Used to initialize MyBatis and create SqlSession object
  • Ensure that SqlSessionFactory is globally unique in the application


  • It is the core object of MyBatis operation database
  • Use JDBC to interact with the database
  • CRUD corresponding method is provided
public void testSqlSessionFactory() throws IOException {
  // Use Reader to load mybatis config. Under classpath XML core configuration file
  Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader("mybatis-config.xml");
  // Initialize SqlSessionFactory object and resolve mybatis config XML file
  SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader);
  System.out.println("SessionFactory Loading succeeded");
  SqlSession sqlSession = null;
  try {
    // Create a SqlSession object. SqlSession is an extended class of JDBC, which is used to interact with the database
    sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession();	
    // Create a database connection (for testing). Normally, it is created by MyBatis. If you use MyBatis normally, you don't need other Java SQL package.
    Connection conn = sqlSession.getConnection();
  }catch(Exception e){
    // If type = "POOLED", it means that the connection pool is used, and close means that the connection is recycled to the connection pool
    // If type = "UNPOOLED", it represents direct connection, and close will call connection Close() method

Initialize tool class MybatisUtils

At / SRC / main / Java / com pfeiking. mybatis. Create MyBatisUtils class under utils

package com.pfeiking.mybatis.utils;

import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactoryBuilder;


public class MyBatisUtils {
    // static is a class, not an object, and globally unique
    private static SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = null;

    // The static block is used to initialize static objects
    static {
        Reader reader = null;
        try {
            reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader("mybatis-config.xml");
            sqlSessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);

    public static SqlSession openSession(){
        return sqlSessionFactory.openSession();

    public static void closeSession(SqlSession sqlSession){
        if (sqlSession != null){
public void testMyBatisUtils() throws Exception {
  SqlSession sqlSession = null;
  try {
    sqlSession = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
    Connection conn = sqlSession.getConnection();
  }catch (Exception e){
    throw e;
  }finally {

2 data query

MyBatis query steps

  1. Create Entity
  2. Create Mapper
  3. Write SQL Tags
  4. Enable hump naming mapping
  5. newly added
  6. SqlSession executes a select statement

2.1 create entity

package com.pfeiking.mybatis.entity;

public class Goods {
    private Integer goodsId;
    private String title;
    private String subTitle;
    private Float originalCost;
    private Float currentPrice;
    private Float discount;
    private Integer isFreeDelivery;
    private Integer categoryId;

    public Integer getGoodsId() {
        return goodsId;

    public void setGoodsId(Integer goodsId) {
        this.goodsId = goodsId;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

    public String getSubTitle() {
        return subTitle;

    public void setSubTitle(String subTitle) {
        this.subTitle = subTitle;

    public Float getOriginalCost() {
        return originalCost;

    public void setOriginalCost(Float originalCost) {
        this.originalCost = originalCost;

    public Float getCurrentPrice() {
        return currentPrice;

    public void setCurrentPrice(Float currentPrice) {
        this.currentPrice = currentPrice;

    public Float getDiscount() {
        return discount;

    public void setDiscount(Float discount) { = discount;

    public Integer getIsFreeDelivery() {
        return isFreeDelivery;

    public void setIsFreeDelivery(Integer isFreeDelivery) {
        this.isFreeDelivery = isFreeDelivery;

    public Integer getCategoryId() {
        return categoryId;

    public void setCategoryId(Integer categoryId) {
        this.categoryId = categoryId;

2.2 create Mapper and write < Select > sql Tags

Map the fields and entities in the database one by one through Mapper. You need to create mappers / under / src/main/resources / XML.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
        PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"

<mapper namespace="goods">
    <!-- establish select label; id It's down there sql Alias of; resultType Object to put data back -->
    <select id="selectAll" resultType="com.pfeiking.mybatis.entity.Goods">
        select * from t_goods order by goods_id desc limit 10
public void testSelectAll() throws Exception {
  SqlSession session = null;
    session = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
    List<Goods> list = session.selectList("goods.selectAll");
    for (Goods good: list){
  }catch(Exception e){
    throw e;

2.3 start hump naming mapping

For the goodId in the entity and the good in the database_ For ID correspondence, it needs to be in mybatis config Add a setting item to XML

  <!-- goods_id -> goodsId Hump naming conversion-->
  <setting name="mapUnderscoreToCamelCase" value="true"/>

2.4 SQL transfer parameters

Query < Select >

Pass a single parameter in goods Add select statement to XML

<select id="selectById" parameterType="Integer" resultType="com.pfeiking.mybatis.entity.Goods">
  select * from t_goods where goods_id = #{value}
public void testSelectById() throws Exception {
  SqlSession session = null;
    session = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
    Goods goods = session.selectOne("goods.selectById", 1602);
  }catch(Exception e){
    throw e;

Pass multiple parameters

<select id="selectByPriceRange" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="com.pfeiking.mybatis.entity.Goods">
  select * from t_goods
  current_price between #{min} and #{max}
  order by current_price
  limit 0, #{limt}
public void testSelectByPriceRange() throws Exception {
  SqlSession session = null;
    session = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
    Map param = new LinkedHashMap();
    param.put("min", 100);
    param.put("max", 500);
    param.put("limt", 10);
    List<Goods> list = session.selectList("goods.selectByPriceRange", param);
    for (Goods good: list){
      System.out.println(good.getTitle()+" "+good.getCurrentPrice());
  }catch(Exception e){
    throw e;

Get multi table Association query results

  • Using LinkedHashMap to save multi table union results
  • MyBatis wraps each record as a LinkedHashMap object
  • key is the field name and value is the value corresponding to the field name. The field type is automatically determined according to the table structure
  • Advantages: easy to expand and use
  • Disadvantages: too flexible for compile time checking
<select id="selectGoodsMap" resultType="java.util.LinkedHashMap">
    select g.*, c.category_name ,'1' as test from t_goods g, t_category c
    where g.category_id = c.category_id
public void testSelectGoodsmap() throws Exception {
    SqlSession session = null;
        session = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
        List<Map> list = session.selectList("goods.selectGoodsMap");
        for (Map map: list){
    }catch(Exception e){
        throw e;

2.5 ResultMap result mapping

  • You can map query results to Java objects of complex types
  • It is suitable for Java objects to save multi table association results
  • Support advanced features such as object association query

Create com pfeiking. mybatis. DTO, DTO data transmission object, which expands the original object for data storage and expansion.

package com.pfeiking.mybatis.dto;

import com.pfeiking.mybatis.entity.Goods;

public class GoodsDTO {
    private Goods goods = new Goods();
    private String categoryName;
    private String test;

    public Goods getGoods() {
        return goods;

    public void setGoods(Goods goods) {
        this.goods = goods;

    public String getCategoryName() {
        return categoryName;

    public void setCategoryName(String categoryName) {
        this.categoryName = categoryName;

    public String getTest() {
        return test;

    public void setTest(String test) {
        this.test = test;
<resultMap id="rmGoods" type="com.pfeiking.mybatis.dto.GoodsDTO">
  <!-- Set primary key field and attribute mapping-->
  <id property="goods.goodsId" column="goods_id"></id>
  <!-- Set non primary key field attribute mapping-->
  <result property="goods.title" column="title"></result>
  <result property="goods.originalCost" column="origin_cost"></result>
  <result property="goods.currentPrice" column="current_price"></result>
  <result property="" column="discount"></result>
  <result property="goods.isFreeDelivery" column="is_free_delivery"></result>
  <result property="goods.categoryId" column="category_id"></result>
  <!-- GoodsDTO Properties in-->
  <result property="categoryName" column="category_name"></result>
  <result property="test" column="test"></result>
<select id="selectGoodsDTO" resultMap="rmGoods">
  select g.*, c.category_name ,'1' as test from t_goods g, t_category c
  where g.category_id = c.category_id
public void testSelectGoodsDTO() throws Exception {
  SqlSession session = null;
    session = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
    List<GoodsDTO> list = session.selectList("goods.selectGoodsDTO");
    for (GoodsDTO g: list){
  }catch(Exception e){
    throw e;

3 data writing

Write operations include the following three types

  • Insert - < Insert >
  • Update - < update >
  • Delete - < delete >

3.1 database transactions

3.2 NEW

<insert id="insert" parameterType="com.pfeiking.mybatis.entity.Goods">
  insert into t_goods(title, sub_title, original_cost, current_price, discount, is_free_delivery, category_id)
  values (#{title}, #{subTitle}, #{originalCost}, #{currentPrice}, #{discount}, #{isFreeDelivery}, #{categoryId})

public void testInsert() throws Exception {
  SqlSession session = null;
    session = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
    Goods goods = new Goods();
    goods.setTitle("Test goods");
    goods.setSubTitle("Test subtitle");
    // The return value is the total number of records successfully inserted this time
    int num = session.insert("goods.insert", goods);
    session.commit();//Commit transaction data
  }catch(Exception e){
    throw e;

3.3 selectKey and useGeneratedKey

3.2.1 differences

  • selectKey obtains the primary key value of the newly added data and adds it to < Insert >. It is necessary to explicitly write an SQL statement to obtain the latest primary key

  • The useGeneratedKey property will automatically generate the corresponding SQL statement according to the driver

<insert id="insert" parameterType="com.pfeiking.mybatis.entity.Goods">
  insert into t_goods(title, sub_title, original_cost, current_price, discount, is_free_delivery, category_id)
  values (#{title}, #{subTitle}, #{originalCost}, #{currentPrice}, #{discount}, #{isFreeDelivery}, #{categoryId})
  <selectKey resultType="Integer" keyProperty="goodsId" order="AFTER">
    select last_insert_id()

<insert id="insert"
  insert into t_goods(title, sub_title, original_cost, current_price, discount, is_free_delivery, category_id)
  values (#{title}, #{subTitle}, #{originalCost}, #{currentPrice}, #{discount}, #{isFreeDelivery}, #{categoryId})
public void testInsert() throws Exception {
  SqlSession session = null;
    session = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
    Goods goods = new Goods();
    goods.setTitle("Test goods");
    goods.setSubTitle("Test subtitle");
    // The return value is the total number of records successfully inserted this time
    int num = session.insert("goods.insert", goods);
    session.commit();//Commit transaction data
  }catch(Exception e){
    throw e;

3.3.2 application scenarios

  • selectKey is used for shrinking relational databases
  • useGenerateKeys only supports databases of type "self incrementing primary key"

3.4 update

<update id="update" parameterType="com.pfeiking.mybatis.entity.Goods">
  update t_goods
  title = #{title},
  sub_title = #{subTitle},
  original_cost = #{originalCost},
  current_price = #{currentPrice},
  discount = #{discount},
  is_free_delivery = #{isFreeDelivery},
  category_id = #{categoryId}
  goods_id = #{goodsId}
public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
  SqlSession session = null;
    session = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
    Goods goods = session.selectOne("goods.selectById", 739);
    goods.setTitle("Update test item");
    int num = session.update("goods.update", goods);
  }catch(Exception e){
    throw e;

3.5 deletion

<delete id="delete" parameterType="Integer">
  delete from t_goods where goods_id = #{value}
public void testDelete() throws Exception {
  SqlSession session = null;
    session = MyBatisUtils.openSession();
    int num = session.delete("goods.delete", 739);
  }catch(Exception e){
    throw e;

3.6 SQL injection

Definition: an attacker uses SQL vulnerabilities to bypass system constraints and obtain data beyond his authority

Two value transfer methods of MyBatis:

  • **${} * * text replacement, SQL text replacement without any processing
  • **#{} * * precompiled value. Using precompiled value can prevent SQL injection, put parameters into SQL as strings, and the placeholder of SQL is also strings


select * from t_goods
where title = '' or 1 = 1 or title='xxxxxxxx'


select * from t_goods
where title = "''or 1 = 1 or title='xxxxxxxx'"

When inserting sql clauses, use * * ${} * *.

Keywords: Java MySQL JDBC Mybatis

Added by nemonoman on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 00:24:37 +0200