Introduction to powermt command

Introduction to powermt command

PowerPath integrates multi-path I/O, automatic load balancing, and path failover to make storage management easier. This paper summarizes the use methods and precautions of common PowerPath commands, and provides a reference for host system administrators to configure, view, delete, save and restore HbAS / paths / ports / disk devices / storage systems.

powermt syntax

[root@ora27 ~]# powermt -h

  powermt <command> 
  powermt check [hba=<hba#>|all] [dev=<path>|<device>|all] [class=<class>|all]
  powermt check_registration
  powermt config 
  powermt disable hba=<hba#>
  powermt display [dev=<device>|all] [class=<class>|all] [every=<#seconds>]
  powermt display alua dev=<device>|all [class=<class>|all] [every=<#seconds>]
  powermt display hba_mode [class=<class>|all]
  powermt display latency [dev=<device>|all] [class=<class>|all]
          [every=<#seconds>] [wide|width=<#col>]
  powermt display nonvirtual dev=<device>|all 
          [every=<#seconds>] [class=<class>|all] [wide|width=<#col>]
  powermt display options
  powermt display bus [class=<class>|all] [every=<#seconds>] 
  powermt display perf dev=<device>|all [continuous] [verbose] [xml] [nowait]
  powermt display perf bus [continuous] [verbose] [xml] [nowait]
  powermt display port_mode [class=<class>|all]
  powermt display ports [dev=<device>|all] [class=<class>|all]
          [every=<#seconds>] [wide|width=<#col>]
  powermt display unmanaged
  powermt enable hba=<hba#>
  powermt help [<command>] 
  powermt load [file=<filename>]
  powermt manage dev=<path>|<device> | class=<class> 
  powermt release
  powermt remove hba=<hba#>|all | dev=<path>|<device>|all [class=<class>|all]
  powermt restore [hba=<hba#>|all] dev=<path>|<device>|all [class=<class>|all]
  powermt save [file=<filename>] 
  powermt set all_paths_dead_retry_timeout={default|<#seconds>} [class=<class>|all] 
  powermt set autostandby={on|off|reinitialize} 
  powermt set autostandby iopflimit=<value>
  powermt set autostandby agingperiod={<#days>|<#hours>h|<#hours>H} 
  powermt set auto_host_registration={on|off}
  powermt set mode={active|standby} [hba=<hba#>|all] 
          [dev=<path>|<device>|all] [class=<class>|all] [force]
  powermt set path_latency_monitor={on|off} 
  powermt set path_latency_threshold=<#seconds>|<#milliseconds>ms 
  powermt set path_retry_timeout={default|<#seconds>} [class=<class>|all] 
  powermt set perfmon={on [interval=<#seconds>] | off}
  powermt set periodic_autorestore={on|off} [class=<class>|all] 
  powermt set policy={ad|co|lb|li|re|rr|so|si} 
          [dev=<device>|all] [class=<class>|all]
  powermt set port_disable={on|off} dev=<device> 
  powermt set reactive_autorestore={on|off} [class=<class>|all] 
  powermt set streamio_threshold=<threshold_count> 
          [dev=<device>|all] [class=<class>|all]
  powermt set port_mode={active|standby} dev=<path> [force]
  powermt unmanage dev=<path>|<device> | class=<class> 
  powermt update lun_names 
  powermt version 
[root@ora27 ~]# 

More information

power check

Function: check PowerPath configuration

Platforms: all PowerPath platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt check


Note: check the paths and, if necessary, remove the paths marked dead from the PowerPath configuration.

If the path is marked dead or the serial number in the path configuration information does not match the serial number of the local device, the following prompts the user to delete the path:

Warning: storage_system I/O path path_name is dead.

Do you want to remove it (y/n/a/q)?

y: Delete dead path and continue to check the remaining paths;

n: Do not delete dead path, but continue to check the remaining paths;

a: Delete dead path and all subsequent paths marked dead;

q: Do not delete dead path and exit the command. The deleted path remains deleted.


class=symm|clariion|ess|hitachi|hpxp|hphsx|invista|all: restrict the command to check the specified storage type. The default is all;

force: suppress the confirmation prompt and delete all paths marked dead;

hba=hba#|all: restrict checking the specified HbA. The default is all;

dev=path|device|all: restrict checking the specified path, or all paths of the specified device. The default is all.

reconfig: reconfigure mismatched paths. This command is only valid for Windows and Solaris.

powermt check_registration

Function: check license information

Platforms: all PowerPath platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt check_registration

Note: check the PowerPath license information on the host: valid, expired, invalid, or no license.

powermt config

Function: configure paths for logical devices

Platforms: UNIX and Linux platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt config

Note: configure all detected Symmetrix and Clariion logical disk devices as PowerPath disk devices and add them to the PowerPath configuration, as well as the supported third-party storage system logical devices.

This command simultaneously configures all detected paths to PowerPath disk devices and adds these paths to the PowerPath configuration.

When the previously configured path becomes dead path, the command will not delete it.

powermt disable hba

Function: disable HBA ports

Platforms: fibre channel for AIX and Solaris, iSCSI and fibre channel for HP-UX, iSCSI and fibre channel for Linux

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt disable hba=hba

Note: disable all paths for the specified HBA configuration. Stop all I/O on the port and turn off all disk devices configured on the port.

The user needs to execute this command when replacing an HbA and stopping I/O on it. After disabling the HBA port, all paths configured through the HBA port are labeled Dead in the output of the command powermt display dev=device.

Note the following restrictions:

·The disabled HBA will no longer exist after the host is restarted;

·This command returns a failure if the PowerPath load balancing and failover policies are bf or nr.

To view whether the HBA status is disabled or active, use the command powermt display hba_mode .


hba=hba: use the HBA ID on the host to disable the specified HbA port, for example: 1280.

powermt display

Features: monitoring HbAS and disk devices

Platforms: all PowerPath platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems


powermt display [paths|ports]



powermt display [ports] [dev=device|all]



paths: each line displays one path information

[root@irora27 ~]# powermt display paths
Symmetrix logical device count=26
----- Host Bus Adapters --------- ------ Storage System -----    - I/O Paths -
###  HW Path                         ID           Interface     Total    Dead
   4 lpfc                         000498700534     FA  2e:00         26       0
   4 lpfc                         000498700534     FA  1e:00         26       0
   5 lpfc                         000498700534     FA  2g:00         26       0
   5 lpfc                         000498700534     FA  1g:00         26       0

[root@irora27 ~]# 

Line displays a piece of port information

[root@irora27 ~]# powermt display ports

Storage class = Symmetrix
----------- Storage System ---------------     -- I/O Paths --   --- Stats ---
    ID              Interface         Wt_Q      Total    Dead    Q-IOs  Errors
    000498700534     FA  2g:00           256         26       0        0       0 
    000498700534     FA  1g:00           256         26       0        0       0 
    000498700534     FA  2e:00           256         26       0        0       0 
    000498700534     FA  1e:00           256         26       0        0       0 
[root@irora27 ~]# 

dev=device|all: displays the specified disk device information, and all displays all disk devices.

class=symm|clariion|ess|hitachi|hpxp|hphsx|invista|all: lists the specified storage system information, and all displays all storage systems. The default is all.

[root@ora27 ~]# powermt display dev=all |head -n42
Pseudo name=emcpowera
Symmetrix ID=000498700534
Logical device ID=036D
Device WWN=60000970000498700534533030333644
state=alive; policy=SymmOpt; queued-IOs=0
--------------- Host ---------------   - Stor -  -- I/O Path --   -- Stats ---
###  HW Path               I/O Paths    Interf.  Mode     State   Q-IOs Errors
   5 lpfc                   sdck       FA  2g:00 active   alive      0      0
   5 lpfc                   sdbo       FA  1g:00 active   alive      0      0
   4 lpfc                   sdas       FA  2e:00 active   alive      0      0
   4 lpfc                   sdw        FA  1e:00 active   alive      0      0

Pseudo name=emcpowerb
Symmetrix ID=000498700534
Logical device ID=02F1
Device WWN=60000970000498700534533030324631
state=alive; policy=SymmOpt; queued-IOs=0
--------------- Host ---------------   - Stor -  -- I/O Path --   -- Stats ---
###  HW Path               I/O Paths    Interf.  Mode     State   Q-IOs Errors
   5 lpfc                   sdcj       FA  2g:00 active   alive      0      0
   5 lpfc                   sdbn       FA  1g:00 active   alive      0      0
   4 lpfc                   sdar       FA  2e:00 active   alive      0      0
   4 lpfc                   sdv        FA  1e:00 active   alive      0      0

Pseudo name=emcpowerc
Symmetrix ID=000498700534
Logical device ID=02ED
Device WWN=60000970000498700534533030324544
state=alive; policy=SymmOpt; queued-IOs=0
--------------- Host ---------------   - Stor -  -- I/O Path --   -- Stats ---
###  HW Path               I/O Paths    Interf.  Mode     State   Q-IOs Errors
   5 lpfc                   sdci       FA  2g:00 active   alive      0      0
   5 lpfc                   sdbm       FA  1g:00 active   alive      0      0
   4 lpfc                   sdaq       FA  2e:00 active   alive      0      0
   4 lpfc                   sdu        FA  1e:00 active   alive      0      0

[root@ora27 ~]#

powermt display hba_mode

Function: monitor HBA mode

Platforms: UNIX and Linux platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt display hba_mode

Note: displays information about all HbAS configured on the host. Lists the active or disabled status of the HBA.

[root@irora27 ~]# powermt display hba_mode
Symmetrix logical device count=26
----- Host Bus Adapters ---------  ------ I/O Paths -----  Stats
###  HW Path                       Summary   Total   Dead  Q-IOs Mode
   4 lpfc                          optimal      52      0       0  Enabled
   5 lpfc                          optimal      52      0       0  Enabled
[root@irora27 ~]# 

powermt display port_mode

Function: display storage system port mode

Platform: UNIX and Linux platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt display port_mode dev=device

Note: displays all port mode information configured on the host. Lists the active or disabled status of the HBA.


dev=device: Specifies the port of the disk device to be viewed. The disk device name must be a native device name.

[root@irora27 ~]# powermt display port_mode

Storage class = Symmetrix
----------- Storage System ---------------     -- I/O Paths --   --- Stats ---
    ID              Interface         Wt_Q      Total    Dead    Q-IOs  Mode
    000498700534     FA  2g:00           256         26       0        0  Enabled 
    000498700534     FA  1g:00           256         26       0        0  Enabled 
    000498700534     FA  2e:00           256         26       0        0  Enabled 
    000498700534     FA  1e:00           256         26       0        0  Enabled 
[root@irora27 ~]# 

powermt enable hba

Function: activate HBA port

Platforms: fibre channel for AIX and Solaris, iSCSI and fibre channel for HP-UX, iSCSI and fibre channel for Linux

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt enable hba=hba

Note: activate the previously disabled HBA port. Run this command to restore I/O to the specified HBA port and its disk devices. If PowerPath load balancing and failover mode is bf or nr, the command returns a failure.


hba=hba activates the specified hba port.

powermt load

Function: load user configuration

Platforms: all PowerPath platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt load



Note: read and apply the following contents from the saved configuration file to the current configuration: PowerPath disk device policy and priority; Write threshold setting and write queue depth; Periodically and automatically restore settings and path mode.

If the configuration is saved in the default file name by the powermt save command, the configuration will be loaded automatically at system startup (except AIX, the default configuration is always loaded at startup); If the default file name is not used, the configuration will not be loaded automatically at startup. The user needs to use the powermt load command to load the configuration manually.


class=symm|clariion|ess|hitachi|hpxp|hphsx|invista|all: limit the command to the specified storage system. The default is all.

file=pathname: the full pathname to save the configuration file.

powermt manage

Function: put disk devices or storage systems into PowerPath management

Platforms: UNIX and Linux platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt manage {dev=device|


Note by default, all storage systems are managed by PowerPath. You can use powermt unmanage to make the storage system unmanaged by PowerPath. When the storage system is managed by PowerPath, all its logical disk devices are managed by PowerPath by default. After using the powermt unmanage command, you can use this command to restore PowerPath's management of disk devices.


dev=device: Specifies the pathname of the logical disk device to be managed by PowerPath.

class=symm|clariion|hitachi|hpxp|hphsx|invista|ess: Specifies the name of the storage system to be managed by PowerPath.

powermt release

Function: release pseudo disk device name for reuse

Platform: Linux platform

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt release

Note: run this command when the Linux host and PowerPath can discover all devices after adding and removing LUN configurations several times, but PowerPath has run out of pseudo device names for disk devices.

powermt remove

Feature: remove paths from PowerPath administration

Platforms: all PowerPath platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt remove


[force] hba=hba#|all | dev=path|device|all

Note: removes the specified path from the PowerPath configuration path list. This command does not delete the disk devices involved in the path. As long as the logical device is visible in the system, the logical device can be configured with the powermt config command.

On all platforms, if the native path is open, this command cannot delete it. For example, a file system is loaded on the path disk device, or an application has opened the path disk device. This command deletes all specified paths that are not open.

If a PowerPath disk device is turned on, this command does not delete the disk device and its last path.

Permanently remove a path from the PowerPath configuration:

\1. Run powermt check or powermt remove;

\2. Physically delete the path;

\3. Delete operating system objects related to paths and / or disk devices;

\4. Run powermt save.


class=symm|clariion|ess|hitachi|hpxp|hphsx|invista|all: limit the command to the specified storage system. The default is all.

force: do not pop up the confirmation dialog and delete all specified paths, including the last path of the logical device.

hba=hba#|all: removes the path of the specified HbA. The default is all.

dev=path|device|all: remove the specified path or the path connecting the specified disk device. The default is all.

powermt restore

Function: restore path

Platforms: all PowerPath platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt restore


[hba=hba#|all] [dev=path|device|all]

Note: this command tests and restores the specified path, issues test I/O, and reacts to the test results as follows:

·If the live path passes the test, this command does not do anything;

·If the dead path passes the test, this command identifies it as alive; PowerPath can use this path at this time; In addition, other paths on the same HBA and / or storage system ports will also be tested.

·If the live path test fails, this command identifies it as dead and prints an alarm. In addition, other paths sharing HbAS and ports may also be marked dead and tested.

·If the dead path test fails, this command will print an alarm.

In addition, the command attempts to resurrect the dead volume:


class=symm|clariion|ess|hitachi|hpxp|hphsx|invista|all: limit the command to the specified storage system. The default is all.

hba=hba#|all: restore the path of the specified HbA. The default is all.

dev=path|device|all: recover the specified path or the path connecting the specified disk device. The default is all.

powermt save

Function: save user configuration

Platforms: all PowerPath platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt save [file=pathname]

Note: by default, this command saves powermt PowerPath configuration in the custom file. You can specify a different file name. For a logical device, the command records its serial number, policy, priority, write threshold and queue, and pseudo device name. For a path, the command records its pattern. For a storage system, this command records its periodic auto restore settings.

After the configuration is saved, it can be loaded with the powermt load command.


file=pathname: the path name of the file where the configuration is saved.

If the configuration is saved in the default file name, the previous configuration files will be overwritten.

Run this command to update the PowerPath configuration whenever the user makes changes to the host hardware.

powermt set mode

Function: set path mode

Platforms: all PowerPath platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt set mode = active standby


[hba=hba#|all] [dev=path|device|all]

Note: set the path to the active or standby state.


Mode = active standby: determines whether the path can transmit I/O or be reserved.

class=symm|clariion|ess|hitachi|hpxp|hphsx|invista|all: limit the command to the specified storage system. The default is all.

hba=hba#|all: set the path of the specified HbA. The default is all.

dev=path|device|all: sets the mode of the specified path or the path connecting the specified disk device. The default is all.

powermt set policy

Function: set load balancing and failover policies

Platforms: all PowerPath platforms

Storage systems: all storage systems

Format: powermt set policy=li|lb|rr|re



powermt set policy=si [dev=device|all]

powermt set policy=so|nr [dev=device|all]

powermt set policy=bf|co [dev=device|all]

powermt set policy=ad|nr


policy=ad|bf|co|lb|li|nr|re|rr|si|so : ad(adaptive), bf(basic failover), co(CLARIION optimization), lb(least blocks), li(least I/O), nr(no redirect), re(request), rr(round robin), si(streamIO), so(Symmetrix optimization)

class=symm|clariion|ess|hitachi|hpxp|hphsx|invista|all: limit the command to the specified storage system. The default is all.

dev=device|all: limit the command to the specified disk device. The default is all.

reference resources

PowerPath 5.2 and 5.3 CLI Reference Guide

Keywords: Linux Storage

Added by magie on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 04:32:04 +0200