Introduction to webrtc Chapter 4 data channel

Introduction to webrtc Chapter 4 data channel

1, Introduction

In the process of realizing end-to-end connection in webrtc, in addition to transmitting media stream, it can also transmit text, files, pictures and other data. It is also practical in IM scenarios, and does not need third-party message services, such as websocket, transparent message and so on.

The creation of data channel depends on the connection of RTCPeerConnection. The connection process can be viewed in Chapter 3. After the connection is established at both ends, data can be sent.

2, Practice

1. Data object RTCDataChannel

Through RTCPeerConnection connection, you can create an RTCDataChannel object. When creating, you need to pass in the channel name

Method nameparameterexplaintype
pc.createDataChannel()Channel nameThis method creates a channel to send any datamethod
pc.ondatachannel()It is rtcdatachannelevevent event, and the returned parameter is receiver data channel event Channel is the channelevent
RTCDataChannelTwo way channel between two RTCPeerConnection connectionsobject
RTCDataChannel.send()Data sent by dataThe data sending method and data parameters can be string,byte,ArrayBuffer,Blob, etcmethod
RTCDataChannel.close()Close channelmethod
RTCDataChannel.onmessage()The callback function after the channel receives data, event Data is the received dataevent
2. Data sending process

The most basic reference scenario of data channel is text sending. Use the send method of RTCDataChannel to create a data sending channel. After the sender and receiver establish a connection, they can send data

1. Create local connection, remote connection, sendchannel and revicechannel

2. Send, create connection, initiate proposal negotiation and session. Refer to Chapter 3 here

3. Create a locally connected data channel

that.sendChannel = that.localConnection.createDataChannel('webrtc-datachannel')

4. Set the ondatachannel event of the remote connection. The channel in the event parameter is the remote data channel

receiveChannelCallBack: function (event) {
                let that = this;
                that.receiveChannel =  
                that.receiveChannel.onmessage = that.onReceiveMessageCallBack;
                that.receiveChannel.onopen = that.onReceiveChannelStateChange;
                console.log("Receive channel callback", that.receiveChannel)

that.remoteConnection.ondatachannel = that.receiveChannelCallBack;

5. Set the sending and receiving callback methods locally and remotely, and receive the event of the callback method Data is the data in the obtained pipeline

onReceiveMessageCallBack: function (event) {
    console.log("Data received:" +
    this.receiveData =
3. Examples
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>RTCPeerConnection Connection test</title>
<div class="app">
        <h3> send out </h3>
        <div style="margin-left: 70px;margin-top: -39px;margin-bottom: 10px;">Status:{[sendChannelState]}

            <textarea style="width: 400px;height:100px;" placeholder="Please enter the text to send...." v-model="sendData"></textarea>
        <h3> receive</h3>
        <div style=" margin-left: 70px;margin-top: -39px;margin-bottom: 10px;">Status:{[receiveChannelState]}</div>
            <textarea style="width: 400px;height:100px;">{[receiveData]}</textarea>
    <input type="button" title="call" value="call" v-on:click="call"/>
    <input type="button" title="send out" value="send out" v-on:click="send"/>
    <input type="button" title="Hang up" value="Hang up" v-on:click="stop"/>

<script src="/static/js/Vue.2.5.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;
    let vm = new Vue({
        el: ".app",
        delimiters: ['{[', ']}'],
        data: {
            // Local connection
            localConnection: null,
            // Remote video stream
            remoteConnection: null,
            // Local channel
            sendChannel: null,
            sendChannelState: "",

            // Remote channel
            receiveChannel: null,
            receiveChannelState: "",
            // Remote received data
            receiveData: "",
            //  Send data locally
            sendData: "",
            // ICE service address
            configuration: {
                "iceServers": [
                        "urls": "stun:",
                        "username": "admin",
                        "credential": "admin"
        methods: {
            stop: function () {
                let that = this
                that.localConnection = null
                that.remoteConnection = null
                console.log("Close session")
            send: async function () {
                let that = this;
                if (that.sendData == "") {
                if (that.sendChannel == null) {
                console.log("send data:", that.sendData)
            call: async function () {
                let that = this;
                console.log("Start call")

                //  Listen and return icecandidate information
                that.localConnection = new RTCPeerConnection()
                that.localConnection.addEventListener("icecandidate", that.onIceCandidateA)
                // Instantiate transmission channel
                that.sendChannel = that.localConnection.createDataChannel('webrtc-datachannel')
                that.sendChannel.onopen = that.onSendChannelStateChange
                that.sendChannel.onclose = that.onSendChannelStateChange

                that.remoteConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(that.configuration)
                that.remoteConnection.addEventListener("icecandidate", that.onIceCandidateB)

                // Remote data arrival listening event
                that.remoteConnection.ondatachannel = that.receiveChannelCallBack;
                // Monitor ICE status changes
                that.localConnection.addEventListener("iceconnectionstatechange", that.onIceStateChangeA)
                that.remoteConnection.addEventListener("iceconnectionstatechange", that.onIceStateChangeB)

                // Create call offer
                try {
                    console.log("localConnection establish offer Session start")
                    const offer = await that.localConnection.createOffer()
                    await that.onCreateOfferSuccess(offer)
                } catch (e) {
                    console.log("Create session description SD Failed:", e.toString())

            receiveChannelCallBack: function (event) {
                let that = this;
                that.receiveChannel =
                that.receiveChannel.onmessage = that.onReceiveMessageCallBack;
                that.receiveChannel.onopen = that.onReceiveChannelStateChange;
                console.log("Receive channel callback", that.receiveChannel)

            onReceiveChannelStateChange: function () {
                this.receiveChannelState = this.receiveChannel.readyState
                console.log("Accept channel status:" + this.receiveChannel.readyState)
            onReceiveMessageCallBack: function (event) {
                console.log("Data received:" +
                this.receiveData =

            onSendChannelStateChange: function () {
                this.sendChannelState = this.sendChannel.readyState
                console.log("send channel state change", this.sendChannel.readyState)
            // Proposal offer created successfully
            onCreateOfferSuccess: async function (event) {
                let that = this
                // Set connection description
                console.log("localConnection establish offer Return to SDP information", event.sdp)
                console.log("set up localConnection Local description start...")
                try {
                    await that.localConnection.setLocalDescription(event)
                    console.log("set up localConnection Local description succeeded")
                } catch (e) {
                    console.log("set up localConnection Local description error:", e.toString())

                console.log("set up remoteConnection Remote description start")
                try {
                    await that.remoteConnection.setRemoteDescription(event)
                    console.log("set up remoteConnection The remote description is successful")

                } catch (e) {
                    console.log("set up remoteConnection Remote description error:", e.toString())

                // Start answering
                console.log("remoteConnection Create reply answer start")
                try {
                    const answer = await that.remoteConnection.createAnswer()
                    console.log("remoteConnection Successfully created reply")
                    await that.onCreateAnswerSuccess(answer)
                } catch (e) {
                    console.log("remoteConnection Create reply error:", e.toString())


            // answer response created successfully
            onCreateAnswerSuccess: async function (answer) {
                let that = this
                console.log("remoteConnection Create reply answer Data:", answer)
                console.log("localConnection And remoteConnection Exchange response answer information start")

                try {
                    await that.remoteConnection.setLocalDescription(answer)
                    console.log("set up remoteConnection Get local answer Answer remote description succeeded")

                } catch (e) {
                    console.log("set up remoteConnection Get local answer Response description error:", e.toString())

                try {
                    await that.localConnection.setRemoteDescription(answer)
                    console.log("set up localConnection Far end answer Response description successful")

                } catch (e) {
                    console.log("set up localConnection Far end answer Response description error:", e.toString())

            // Callback method for monitoring ICE state change events
            onIceStateChangeA: function (event) {
                console.log("monitor localConnection ICE state", this.localConnection.iceConnectionState)
            // Callback method for monitoring ICE state change events
            onIceStateChangeB: async function (event) {
                console.log("monitor remoteConnection ICE state", this.remoteConnection.iceConnectionState)

            onIceCandidateA: async function (event) {
                let that = this

                try {
                    if (event.candidate) {
                        // If the candidate data is exchanged directly, it does not need to be transmitted through the signaling server
                        await that.remoteConnection.addIceCandidate(event.candidate)
                        console.log("remoteConnection IceCandidate----------")
                } catch (e) {
                    that.onAddIceCandidateError(that.remoteConnection, e)
                console.log("onIceCandidateA data:" + event.candidate)
            onIceCandidateB: async function (event) {
                let that = this
                try {
                    if (event.candidate) {
                        await that.localConnection.addIceCandidate(event.candidate)
                        console.log("localConnection IceCandidate----------")
                } catch (e) {
                    that.onAddIceCandidateError(that.localConnection, e)
                console.log("onIceCandidateB data:" + event.candidate)
            onAddIceCandidateSuccess: function (pc) {
                console.log("add to" + this.getPcName(pc) + "      IceCandidate success")

            onAddIceCandidateError: function (pc, err) {
                console.log("add to" + this.getPcName(pc) + "       IceCandidate fail" + err.toString())
            getPcName: function (pc) {
                return (pc === this.localConnection) ? "localConnection" : "remoteConnection"

In the above example, simple functions of sending and receiving are realized.

3, Summary

This chapter introduces the basic knowledge and use of WebRtc data channel. This chapter carries out the function of data transmission on the basis of channel connection. The data channel supports secondary data, text messages, text and other data, which is very practical for WebRtc, which focuses on audio and video transmission, so it does not need to be realized with the help of third-party services.

The function of data channel is similar to that realized by Websocket. Both of them have onmessage and send methods. But there are differences between the two

1.Websocket needs background services for data transfer, which is troublesome but highly creative. Based on tcp protocol transmission, the data is more secure and more concerned about data security and reliability

2.RTC realizes point-to-point data transmission faster, and uses ICE server to penetrate nat, which is relative to data reliability. In some scenarios, there may be an additional layer of TURN server forwarding. WebRtc pays more attention to the real-time performance of data, because the loss of data such as video or audio is relatively tolerant and error. Data loss can be compensated by algorithm.

3. Constructing a Websocket requires a url to connect with the server and create a unique SocketSessionId. The connection of DataChannel depends on an RTCPeerConnection object. After the RTCPeerConnection is established, it can contain one or more rtcdatachannels.

4.Websocket allows full duplex communication between browsers and web services. Based on TCP protocol

5. PeerConnection of webrtc allows full duplex communication between two browsers based on SCTP protocol

The point-to-point data transmission is faster. Using ICE server to penetrate nat is relative to data reliability. In some scenarios, there may be an additional layer of TURN server forwarding. WebRtc pays more attention to the real-time performance of data, because the loss of data such as video or audio is relatively tolerant and error. Data loss can be compensated by algorithm.

3. Constructing a Websocket requires a url to connect with the server and create a unique SocketSessionId. The connection of DataChannel depends on an RTCPeerConnection object. After the RTCPeerConnection is established, it can contain one or more rtcdatachannels.

4.Websocket allows full duplex communication between browsers and web services. Based on TCP protocol

5. PeerConnection of webrtc allows full duplex communication between two browsers based on SCTP protocol

Keywords: Go webrtc TCP/IP

Added by johng on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 18:05:33 +0200